You just go off of their performance in that “Flex Role”.
Also 90% of the time it’s going to be Damage anyways, especially for ranks where SR matters.
I don’t what know what to tell you if you don’t see how that makes no sense in SR role queue. All 3 of their roles will be on different SR regardless. One game they can play their lowest SR role the whole match, and the next their highest.
Because it’s a Role.
And not strictly a hero Role, but a “Team Composition Role”.
Kind of like how a CentralMidfielder in soccer is more flexible than a Goalie.
So “How well you perform in that Role” is what’s important. Not explicitly hero selection.
Also it drastically simplifies their coding needed.
Since they only need to rewrite their matchmaker for 14 of 30 heroes.
Then what, there is no DPS SR?
You just use the existing matchmaker code for that Role.
Which is already coded and ready to go.
Where as Healer is dead simple to code.
And then all that leaves otherwise is coding Tanking.
you can’t carry in overwatch. Not unless one person is at a significantly higher skill level than others.
If you want to carry, feel free to carry a tank thrower instead of a dps one.
Like i said. They’ll throw either way.
Plus, one very mediocre of an excuse to not have role que, while so many positives can come out of it, just isn’t enough.
Will this be forced on QP? Wow what happened to QP doesn’t matter, play whatever?
I HIGHLY doubt it would be implemented in QP. They have not said anything one way or the other, but that would just be stupid. The implication is more that it would influence OWL as well.
QP should be 2-2-2, comp should be 2-2-2 and they can implement “no limits QP” or w/e in arcade for those who wish to pick whatever and do whatever.
Structure in 2-2-2 would show new players why the various team components are important along with an environment to learn them without the whole team death matching.