Not playing until 6v6 comes back

One of there reasons I’d just want OW1 to be brought back out. OW2’s biggest crime wasn’t being bad. It was erasing OW1, and effectively taking away the better game we had.

It’s like that with a lot of products though. like even with just Blizzard, WoW expansions wouldn’t be that bad if it weren’t for the previous expansion they overwrote. One of the major gripes I have with things becoming live services. I’d rather see more games just take Pokemon’s cycle.


I’ve got you covered, man.

Check those out. They’re fantastic.


Man I wish I was getting paid by Blizzard to enjoy the game.

Here I am having fun for free, I’m such an idiot.

Same, I just laid off OW for a while, I do occasionally play a game or two with friends, but that rarely happens and I never play solo anymore, not until 6v6 comes back (or at least doomfist becomes DPS again)


Tanking is never fun because the “fun” in Overwatch comes at their expense of other roles abusing them. DPS was 10 min queue time in OW1 because how broken the role was, now supports are busted so the queue time is there instead. Tank is still instantly put into a game.

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Yeah same boat my friend this 5v5 is crap bring back 6v6 also buff up Reinhardt like serious nerf Orisa…


I was a ball main now the game is unplyso yea i get it. 5v5 sucks


ok, so… whoever likes has done its protest crusade and stops here? should we open other topics in which we claim to have 6v6 back exactly as it was while denying that it also had problems, and certainly not better than 5v5? I think it would make sense to talk about “at least give us back that way of having fun even though you considered that you couldn’t balance it” (like an arcade mode).

I honestly think the unpopularity of 5v5 is due to the fact that it debuted alongside all of ow2’s other annoyances (bugs, ferocious monetization, zero collecting pleasure, disorganized matchmaking, zero pve promised, etc.). and this is often demonstrated by the morbid desire to have 6v6 back without answering the question “and how do you solve the problems it had?”, even denying that the long queue times and irreducible tank synergies existed. :neutral_face:

So did you not play Overwatch during its peak? Because if you did you would know that the game was indeed better than 5v5. It was only a great game during its first year and stayed good only up until Brig. It was tolerable during late 2018-late 2019 but every year after was subquality. Role queue immediately killed quality matchmaking then declined further every year as more players left than were being replaced. 5v5 didn’t save anything. OW1 was left abandoned in a terrible state during its final year on purpose, likely to trick people like yourself into thinking OW2 is good because you seem to have already forgotten a time when OW was actually good and fun.

To answer your question, you solve the problems by cutting out the actual root issues with the game instead of inventing workarounds that create more problems (like 5v5 did). Specifically issues stemming from bad balance and problematic hero designs, and then reverting the game back to open queue so matches stop being teammate diff every single time. Tank synergies wouldn’t be such an issue as they were if barriers were actually balanced from the very beginning, or if off tanks weren’t needed in order to peel defensively against busted Anas and other bullcrap. The “solution” of limiting teams to one tank was completely idiotic. As if a kid came up with it.


I keep mentioning these 6v6 custom modes and I will continue to do so for anyone that thinks 6v6 can’t work in OW2. It absolutely can. I was no fan of double shield, I accepted 5v5 and thought it had merit as a solution, but playing these custom modes has reminded me how much fun 6v6 can be.


I didn’t mean to come to the same conclusion as you, but I just don’t find myself enjoying 5v5 at ALL. I played OW since beta, this has been the single longest break I have EVER taken from the game.


I would do the same thing but I’m too addicted to this hot mess of a game balance wise. For me it’s about the aesthetic, art, the heroes and of course the special fan art

I probably should have done that when they implemented role queue