Not playing until 6v6 comes back

Your 60 years old grandchild: grandpa wakey wakey, 6v6 is back
You: :ghost:


I off tanked as well, but I just adapted… it’s different, but not bad different, at least in my meaningless opinion.

Its been one year. Could not be so bad if you decide to quit now. Anyway, from all the people who “quit” I am very sure 80% are there again for the next battle pass.

Hardly anyone joined you. Overwatch popularity had plummeted and people see the game as a joke


“Goodbye forever.”


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You’d be surprised.

The WoW team took a long while before finally admitting failure in 2019 and we actually got Classic WoW + a really good expansion in Dragonflight.

So I have hope the OW team will get on the right page sooner rather than later.


bye :clown_face: embrace that you are just bad

Yeah This! 5v5 was supposed to

1)Reduce Q times
2)Make the game easier to balance
3)Make the Tank role more fun

Which of these have they accomplished? Now if i made a list of issues it created it would be 10 times longer.


I’ll see you in 2036

were you paid by blizzard or something? this game is not enjoyable


Lmao good luck with that, i guess you’ll never gonna play then :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I am for sure, every change they make further ruins the game and makes it unfun and inaccessible to average players full stop. Not up for debate. Everything is just going to get worse from here on out, don’t worry though anyone who says they enjoy the game or 5v5 is actually just a troll anyways, we know no ones enjoying this game anymore and that it is all a lie or in their head.


I made this decision months ago after trying to stomach this crapfest that has been OW2 numerous times. Used to get on nearly daily from launch in 2016 until October of last year. I won’t be back on until 6v6 is reimplemented.


I’m not playing until I get my computer fixed.

Good. Another 6v6 camper who couldn’t adapt out of this game.

This ^

@Rschlits Guess that’s a goodbye my friend.

this game sucks I don’t miss it honestly, just let it die it’s one more L for blizzard

they will milk this while it last and someday when it’s dead enough, they will 100% release Overwatch Classic 6v6 and milk it some more, they are greedy pigs you can count on it


Don’t hold ur breath

It’s not an airport, you don’t have to announce your departure.