There have been complaints about Bastion’s uselessness ever since the game was released. I think you have had enough time to listen to feedback, it will be 4 years in May.
Blizzard has proven once again they’re completely disconnected from their player base.
I wouldn’t say “completely” considering the quality of life changes we’ve had over the past few months, whilst they should definitely look into changing Bastion it couldn’t just be a buff or a nerf since he’s useless in high tiers but great in lower, it’d have to be a complete rework!
.0000025% of players are bastion mains, so they are listening to their base lmao
I mean as long as they dont buff him im okay, maybe just rework his abilities a bit…
Open queue would “prove” the opposite.
Yes it’s quite sad that they aren’t even considering changing the hero who’s been at rock bottom for so long, heck even in double shield he had a historic 0.000% pickrate…
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Given the comments I see on both teams on the few occasions anyone selects Bastion, you could argue that they’re in tune with their playerbase when it comes to leaving Bastion as he is.
If only bastion was viable, there would be more. I hope you dont use the same logic on everything
Wait, are bastion mains real? Thought they were a myth
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Bastion be like…
Bbllleeepp boop bblleeeeep rrrreeeeee
He needs to be reworked into a tank there’s no other way to fix him since his character design is flawed as he’ll always be OP in low tiers and just a nuisance and nothing more in high tiers
Bastion WAS good in low tier, here in plat, and in medium-high gold, he is kinda meh and a cheesy pick. Idk about silver and bronze tho
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I’m almost at plat and have been doing decent as him although I haven’t played him much and it’s only been on defence, I remember him being good in silver tho
The fact that they’re looking into toning down cc, which is highly sought after suggests otherwise.
People have been complaining about the amount of CC in this game for a long time, too. Mid/late 2017, I believe? I guess some things come with time, and some don’t.
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Why would they work on a hero that almost no one in all elos enjoys playing against?
Unless they completely got rid of his dumb turret form and made him start acting like a normal hero, they won’t do jack.
This is sad but true.
There was once a bug back in 2018 where you had a delayed tank shot a lot of the time (hard to explain). But it was a serious bug and very much negatively affected Bastion’s gameplay. But it took them MONTHS for them to notice 1 report about it and to fix it because hardly anyone plays Bastion.
It’s very frustrating to be a Bastion main indeed.
edit: here’s a video of Kolorblind explaining the bug if you want to see it.
They can’t really change him without him loosing ‘stationary shredding powerhouse’ play style. As someone who greatly misses Sym 2.0, I’d rather heroes maintain uniqueness, even if that means they’re not 100% viable at all tiers. I think Bastion should be left alone.
I think there’s a dude named “bastionmain” on twitch. He seems pretty chill tbh