Nostalgic forum moments?

Not necessarily a Mercy main specific raid, but one individual by the alias of “Aria rose” gathered some of her discord buddies to relentlessly spam vague (and unhelpful) threads on the forums, because she was dissatisfied by the state of Mercy and openly thought “she should be able to heal just as much per sec as Ana”

Apparently she streamed/recorded the “raid” but she removed it not too long after, along with her other previous OW content that she had uploaded, if i’m not mistaken


This entire thread and the people from it.

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This girl named Aria came in all normal-like. She had a YouTube following and was fine at first. I even got her to mention me in one of her videos as “M”. It turns out, her little bit of popularity got to her head. It sucked because even though we were cool, I couldn’t stand behind her ideals anymore or associate with her because disagreeing with her meant her not being friends with you anymore.

I don’t want to call other people names but if I was her, I would refer to myself as a complete psychopath with both a god and a victim complex. The raid was garbage. She organized some followers to try to do something but it failed and now her name is synonymous with everything people hate about Mercy mains, she was a living stereotype and hopefully she’s grown up since then.

  1. and Mercy kingpins of the old forums. It was hilarious to see them obliterate any post going against the hivemind, mercy/ main or not. No matter how valid it was, all that mattered was if it went with their general views.

  2. The fall of some greats. One rein main everyone kept salivating over came back and left in the worst way possible, a true hero to villain tale. It was hilarious.

  3. The “celebrities” and our different “cafes”. Most moved to discord and a lot of people stopped coming to the forums. I miss the friends I made in there, I hope they’re doing fine, irl.

  4. Me calling out Widow for the longest. I mained, Tracer, Widow, and Mercy (some at different times) and I saw all be OP. I stopped playing Mercy and when they made them OP, it wasn’t fun and abusing Widow/Tracer got boring.

  5. The new forums and everyone chasing that trust 3. Some people got it early which didn’t help the problem people had with “forum celebrities” as they held more freedom and power so they obviously would be looked up to.

I honestly don’t know why I’m still here, I’ve been here since the beginning and through the peak of both the game and the forums. I come here and play the game less and less, taken multiple breaks, maybe It’s time to move on.


On the old forums when Jeff came out and personally banned a player on the forums and in the game for talking bad things about the devs when console players couldn’t play on the first day of Summer Games 2017

Last I checked, that crowd was asking for 60 though, which would have been over the breaking point.

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The exciting idea’s people came up with to replace scatter arrow.

The D.Va’s feet guy saga.

RichC’s fame turned infamy.

Jeff scolding a few cheaters and incredibly toxic people.

People trying to deny Genji didn’t have a busted deflect hit box.

Watching the Mercy raid on the side lines.

Pretty sure this forum is just the definition of nostalgia… Seeing most of you guys still here is just awesome.

Seriously though, the 7pm talks about orisas “ugly dog” were fun times…

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Both Dorognrr and Malware have explained it well enough, so I won’t do the same.

My perspective was a little different however, considering I actually spectated most of the event through her YouTube channel which, I regret to say it, I was subscribed to at the time.

I unsubscribed because she was a hypocrite with a messiah complex, and from what I’ve seen of her since it doesn’t seem like she’s gotten much better.

…You’re back?! :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed: :astonished:

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Not yet! I’ve got exams going on right now (doing LOTS of study…), just decided to check up on the forums :slight_smile:

I don’t think I’ll ever get back into the game “competitively” ever again though, It’s just not worth the time, stress, and horrible players. I might hang out here a bit soon though :slight_smile:

Not gonna lie, I miss chatting to you guys!

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The moment I was voted forum member of the year… A truly proud moment…tear in his eyes

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I won’t lie, I spent a while wondering where you’d gone. I’m glad to see you’re ok, though! :+1: :blush:

I haven’t played Ranked since last year, so I definitely get you there. Whenever you come back here to the Forums for good, I’m sure a lot of us will still be around to welcome you. :v: :yum:


Aww! Thank you so much! That really means a lot :slight_smile:
You’re such a positive person, and just want to say keep it up!

I believe in karma, so keep loving others and you will get love back :heart:

So sorry though I have go to sleep to study tomorrow… :frowning:
I should be back at around november 22nd when my final exam ends :smiley:


Good luck with exams. Covid 19 has tripled my working hours :joy: :sob:

Like wise :v:


Naww I’m flattered :v: :heart_eyes:
I’m not the most angelic person on the Forums by a long shot, but I try to be nice. Most of the time.

Good luck with your study and exams! Clearly you’ve got a good work ethic, so I’m sure you’ll do great. :+1: :blush: See you in November!

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They also buffed her ult to heal 60hps

Yea I guess the found a good middle ground and who guessed it woulda worked

What happened to RichC?
I was away from the forum a while and when I came back, he was just gone? Never saw him again.

ToRbBbBbbBbBBbbBB :rofl:

im not sure if “nostalgic” but i remember back to the megathread (dumpthread) for mercy, it was basically a giant trash bin

and how the devs had like a 1000 different people talking about it saying how much they hated it and jeff just posts a “we think mercy is fine”

it god to bad that his post got flagged so much that it auto closed lol

God that whole situation was just a mess

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