Nostalgic forum moments?

I always love it when he does that, wish he could do it again sometime

It’s a long tale.

Of which I’m not sure how much I can fully disclose.

But to give you the short version he started spamming threads calling out the devs (over tank balance for the most part), some comments sarcastically praising them and how he disliked the attention he got from a dev commenting on his tank mains unite thread.

People tried calming/telling him to stop, he got banned. Came back on an alt, kept posting and that got banned too.

Again, this is the short version.

When Bastion threads were actually both alive and had people talking them.

Rocktopus, he was pretty cool


My favorite moment is getting my message deleted for nothing.

Always remember… Always.

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Honestly – not many. They’ve done a real poor job with these forums, I can remember better LoL forum moments from years past than anything that happened on these forums (past or present). Part of it is the lack of devs and horrible moderation.

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Probably the community first reaction to the Winter Wonderland 2016.

It was so cute and bubbly…until the “Tracer is gay” complains showed up.

Tbf, I did walk around singing “Last Christmas I gave you my heart. But the very next day, Blizzard made you gay” as a joke among my friends but at the end of the day, the comic is so cute I just let it happen XD

Thanks for making me spit out my drink

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not a good type of nostalgic but nostalgic nonetheless:

The mercy raid that happened august of last year i believe?

Thank you for the warning i swallowed my drink before going to that post xD

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I remember a post from ages ago where someone was complaining that the hole in the middle of the point on Oasis University was OP and the comments below were the most entertaining and funny thing I’ve ever seen on the forums

Watching the forums catch on fire after the release of Brig and Moth Mercy

fire, just pure chaos.

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January 2018 when Moth Mercy got nerfed and all the Mercy one tricks had massive meltdowns. It was glorious.

It was amazing how this all went down. What a clusterflak it was.