None of my mythics are there?

Where was this communicated? Normally they would post this in breaking news but there’s been zero communication as far as I can tell.

Also not listed under known issues.

Figured it was some crazy bug when first I didnt have the Moira mythic skin and then checked that all the others were gone too.

Same, I booted up and my Mercy was back to default. Went to check and the mythic was just not in the list. Went to check the Mythic store, that’s gone too. Decided to check my others, and sure enough, ALL my Mythics are gone, I actually had them all. Very frustrating. I think they screwed up something when adding the Porsche colab.

same problem here, both ana and genjis mythics r missing

not a huge deal cause I didnt pay money for them(earned em), but still

Same problem here, i had my mythic mercy skin and now is gone, please fix


and on Twitter


My Zues skin for my junker queen is gone also, hoping they fix this quickly

Someone should remind them they introduced the breaking news feature for communicating issues exactly like this. Not everyone follows the forums or uses Twitter. They’re just letting their player base work themselves up into an even sweatier and frothier frenzy than usual for no reason.

See post below for evidence, lol

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Yeah my I logged in and my Moira, Hanzo, mercy and a few other mythic skins are gone and I busted my butt for those. The devs better fix this or they’re losing player I’m pissed rn.

Same, none of my Mythic skins are available and the whole Mythic Shop is gone

No for real though, I played a match with the bummy default skin for Moira and was embarrassed. Any idea when this is fixed?

same i bought almost all the mythic skins and there gone like that

I just finished the battle pass and no Mercy Mythic, shame. I hope it’s just a bug.

Thank you for the link!!

Just want to chime in and say that my mythic moira skin is gone (only one i have) on my ps5. I hope this gets fixed soon.

I am also missing my mythic skins. :frowning:

ya mine are all gone to

i miss my mercy mythic what happened im so confused, the mythic shop is gone too im so upset i grind all night and day for that mythic

yep all my mythics are gone too, hope they fix this quick

I have the same issue my Mythics are gone!