None of my mythics are there?

Same here, all my Mythic skins are lost. I played a round with Junker Queen and noticed the skin was missing. My friend Mercy still has her skin. After that round, all skins disappeared.

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These types of bugs happen all the time with the hero gallery. Im sick of it. Orisas " Who said chivarly is dead" and 'I was only trying to help" was deleted out of the game in season 6-7. So was bastions Medal victory pose. They said it was a ā€œbugā€ and fixed it after like 2 months.

i just made a bug report abt that same thing anyone know why and whats goin on cuz if they gone i need my money worth back


Tagging in to say this is happening to me too. I just got the Mercy mythic, then noticed it was absent during my endgame screen. Extremely confused!

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Yup, all mythic skins are gone from my inventory (on PS5)

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+1 same issue, mythic Kiriko skin went poof

Whole mythic shop is gone too

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Same here all of them are gone

The mythic shop is gone now from the game

+1 - I was hoping to see if Mercy had an updated voice line yet LOL.

I am having the same issue, I just got mercyā€™s mythic and once I got on and picked her she was wear the default skin! This is so irritating, these bugs are getting out of hand really.

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Iā€™m having the same issue, it happened mid-match though. Was in a comp match one round using mythic moira, next round it bugged out and put me into default skin, and now theyā€™re all gone.

Same. Not only do I not have my current mythic skins, but I also canā€™t access the mythic shop at all. I just finished the BP yesterday and was gonna look through and see what I wanted to get from the shop but I canā€™t bc the shop isnā€™t even there.

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same issue: mythics from Mercy, Kiriko, Moira, Junker Queen, etcā€¦ all gone after the patch.
And as Oddmaude, I cannot access to the Mythic shop neitherā€¦

Any help to give them back would be more than appreciatedā€¦ with the efforts used to gain themā€¦ itā€™s disapointing.

Having the same issue. All my mythic skins that I own are gone and the mythic shop is gone
Miss my moira mythic, worked my tush off to unlock her

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Same thing happened to me when I logged in on pc & xbox. Mystic shop & all of my mystics from Seasons 1-7 battlepasses are gone. Hopefully they fix this soon.

They have removed all mythics due to an issue causing disconnects or something. Mythic Skins Temporarily Disabled


Same here this new update took away our skins that we earned i want my mythic tokens back plus the compensation for the moira one since they are taking away stuff

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same and now the shop isnt even thereā€¦

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Mythics are removed do to a bug, they will return so do sit tight, also for proof check the blizz tracker