I think there is a line that she says when in Oasis that goes “not my idea of the high life” which makes me think she doesn’t like anything rich? Not sure but I thought that is what I heard.
Hey, maybe I am wrong?
Also, this is in the past I think so I am assuming she was forced to wear this type of thing being a high class status profile. It would make sense lore wise.
Now starting to wonder if this skin is before she went to the make the Deadlock gang, it may be the skin that made her realise she hates the rich posh life.
Yes exactly! So I am confused a bit. I mean, from what I perceive Ashe to be, is that she doesn’t like the high life and went to do what she does because she was “good at it”. If she is young here, I am just wondering where this fits with the lore since we have yet to see her wear this. We know she wears the sweater vest, tie and pants, in fact all throughout her life she did, so this skin was a shocker to me. While she is rich and yes, and that this is not some crazy unfathomable thing to think of for her to wear, at one point in her life, it’s just how it doesn’t line up with her mannerisms, the way she thinks and feels and her overall story is what gets me. I wish I knew why she worse this.
Was it because she likes it or was it a forced thing to do in her society? Then again, she isn’t wearing a dress. She almost to me, looks like a general from the army back in the olden days? The hat, the pants, the boots. Is it just me? I get a “red coat” vibe from her aha. It looks fancy, but also tough? It’s an interesting choice of outfit.
However, I do know that Michael said during Blizzcon last year that Ashe “would watch her parents in action” when thy would deal business, hence why she knew to how use business mannerisms to make a deal with the gangs to not all kill each other, so I wonder if she did go with them at times to certain events. Like they held parties for extravagant hosts and such. She has to be under 18 because when you are 18, you can leave and move out freely in the US as you are considered an “adult” by law but when she left to make the gang, her age is unclear, but from what we know, Jesse joined Blackwatch at 17, so if he at most, was 17 when he joined, she would be 19.
So, if say, she was younger when she ran away (as seen after she went to jail as her parents bailed her out) she can’t be no less than 17 (because Jesse then would join the gang at 15 and any younger would be odd) then how how old is she really in this skin?
It’s nice looking but…an odd choice yes? Considering most did not see this coming and thought her long haired version with her sweater vest would be the skin aha
Bob is perfect though! He looks great! Ashe? The outfit is nice but I don’t understand how it fits in the lore yet, which is what I want to know lol It seems off for her character.
Someone get Michael Chu on this please
Edit: I sent Michael a tweet. Hopefully he answers the mystery behind her skin!
I don’t see this skin as conflicting against her lore. In fact, it compliments the lore.
Raised in aristocracy, the business chops she’d take to the Deadlock Gang were first learned from her family business. Socializing is, of course, a large part of business, and it makes perfect sense she attended these events to further her knowledge of wheelin’ and dealin’. And, of course, she has to dress appropriately.
I think this is the case too! It makes the most sense. I am just wondering when she did and such. I don’t think she liked it of course, but, she probably had to wear it.
I am just wondering when it happened. We know Jesse joined Blackwatch at 17 (from what Mr. Chu said last) so he couldn’t have joined Deadlock any younger than 15 possibly? So if Ashe is two years older than him, 17 at the least is when she would run away and 19 would be the oldest, if going by ages is right.
I guess I am hoping for some kind of confirmation by Chu to be sure though, even though I am almost certain you are right ahah I find her character interesting.
I know nothing about her lore or backstory, but it seems very evident (contrived) that this skin is of her before running away and living the Thug Life .
Speculation: She lived the high life, and was frustrated. Tradition also played a part where her parents controlled many aspects of her life. A watchful butler, and fancy clothes are status symbols to fit in with high society. All handed to her without earning it.
B.O.B. seems to be the only friend she has. B.O.B.'s duty to the family was to protect her. He wants to see her happy, so he continued to protect her and help her in any way he can.
Crime seemed like a place she can live life on her own terms with her best friend watching her back.
Her clothes fit very well according to traditional attire for someone ready to ride a horse or go hunting. I don’t think this is meant to be a “young” version of Ashe, but a just before. Unfortunately. Youth with her status, meant dressing like an adult. Childish things are cast away to show maturity.
If we ever get a “young” Ashe, it would probably be something along the lines of her traditional clothes being dirty after a day of hanging out with the wrong crowd. Frilly dress-like clothes, and plenty of flowers. Possibly a wooden toy rifle or small hunting rifle (Viper), Derringer (Coach gun), a girly doll stuffed with explosives (Dynamite).
Voice would be younger sounding and B.O.B. would be unchanged. B.O.B. would probably have a toy or childish keepsake in his back pocket for Ashe to play with.
Oh yes! That is true! Ahh thank you it was bothering me as to why i could not pinpoint what exactly it was she is wearing as it wasn’t completely like “elegant” if you will. Like like say, what Widow’s Lunar New Year Chinese garb outfit looks like. I said she looked like a “Red Coat” my gosh xD I also agree with your theory! Yes, you are forced to mature at a young age. I can see that indeed.
I’m a simple woman. I would just like her long hair and sweater vest from her origin story
this actually disappointed me so much, I thought for sure they would do the sweater long hair young version from the origins…instead we get that. My fault for having my hopes up for a god tier skin. Only want the mccree skin. At least my coin balance will stay over 20k.