No young ashe skin

No problem. Though there is some elegance there for sure, but again, tailors weren’t really sure how to translate men’s attire to a female, so the “womanly” touch was toned down.

You lost me with the Widowmaker Lunar New Year skin, looking like a “Red Coat”. Widow’s Lunar skin is extremely sexy, and elegant, for sure.

Her origin story private school uniform is a very nice place to start with a “young” Ashe. Long hair for sure.

Yes! Her hat and such with the purse is elegance haha It looks like a mix between equestrian and elegant? That is interesting to also note on tailors. I am sure they made dresses though back in the day and current for OW?

Oh no no, the “Red Coat” part was for Ashe’s new skin haha No, Widow’s Lunar New Year skin is elegant and beautiful! I am sorry, I fused two different sentences together xD I was reiterating how I thought Ashe’s looked like a “Red Coat” lol If any outfit of Widow’s looks like the “war days” it’s her Huntress/Comtesse skin c: Like Napoleon era?

Yes! Many people actually like this and I too would hope they implement some time in the future haha

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It’s tricky to bring in clothes from the 1700’s in the 2100’s future-scape. They seem to clash, but if done right can be meshed. Like you say, she looks like a “Red Coat”, but a modernized version. The use of angles and lines let you know this is a modern take.

Back then, clothes were either made for women or men, there were no unisex clothes, mostly because men and women were separated in the workings of life.

I love OW’s future style. Many heroes dressed in modern clothes. Ashe seems to take it way back to the past with her style, like McCree, Hanzo, Rein, even Symmetra.

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Bunch of perverts upset you didn’t get a school girl outfit

She wears pants and looks professional. She isn’t some smol “kawaii” asian girl from an anime with a skirt too short for school.

What in the helheim are you talking about. Why would she get a young skin? People were asking for butler bob and go it. Now you’re complaining that Ashe isn’t young?

I swear they should just stop doing these events.

Why wouldn’t she get a “young skin”? Everyone does? “Young” can mean anything from their past and an age that is younger than their current. McCree received a young skin? He was 17 when he joined Blackwatch so to be in the Deadlock gang, he must have been 17 or below since he was busted and then brought to Blackwatch. Jack, Reaper, Ana, and a lot of others received “younger skins” as well. Also, people are entitled to their opinions yes?

I like the skin, I was just confused as to how it fit her lore, until I thought of it and listened to others and it makes more sense for it. Also, people expected logically for her to get her sweater vest one because it is lore related like the event and to match McCree. This came out of the blue so it shocked most people. This is a “younger skin” for it, it’s just something most didn’t expect is all.

I like it though. Would still also hopefully want them to implement the sweater vest one.

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not everyone… Most of the roster doesn’t and only a handful do. There’s no point in her getting one right now. Now real argument based on fact. And no, at this point no one is entitled to an opinion in this case or really on the forum at this point.

If she got a young skin you people would cry for something else and honestly they should just do away with these events and have marks like you get pissy on the forum about it.

You guys are just uh, crabs in a bucket. nothing is ever good enough really.

Nobody is upset but you are. I think you are the one that has a problem since you come in acting like your opinion is higher than everyone else’s when it’s not. I saw the post you made on Ashe. “I love Ashe man” You like her a lot and that’s why you are triggered by opinions differing yours.

Relax and take a breather. We all like Ashe. Hence why we like skins for her. We are allowed to like things and not like things. Some more respectful than others of course.

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She looks pretty young to me in this skin

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She is :slight_smile: Anything from her past is a “young skin”

This is before she joined the Deadlock Gang of course.

Yeah, it’s not a very good skin. But hey, that B.O.B though, that makes this skin pretty high on my list. At least it’s a decent event skin for Ashe, unlike her winter skin or whatever it was called.

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This definitely looks like a southern civil war uniform. Maybe it’s like a cross between debutante ball and dress uniform? Go to Wikipedia and look up “ Uniforms of the Confederate States Armed Forces”. This is the one it reminds me of: 4th from left top row

I don’t love it, too girly, wanted something more casual, like sweater vest. Cute though. I like the bob. If they wanted to go more socialite debutante, they should have had corsets and lace and a bigger hat.

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