No young ashe skin

(What a plot twist)


Yeah, I was crossing my fingers for Young Ashe, and nope. I don’t really like this skin, either, so it’s a double let down


Welp I still really like this skin. Maybe one of my favorites from this event.


Same, i feel so sad, Young Ashe was my last hope for a good skin.


Most of them range from okay to pretty good IMO. Nothing really jaw-dropping tho. The Ashe, Junk, and Zarya skins are all serious meh


I like it a little, not the hair but eh it suits the post look but all pink? 50/50 on this one, need to see B.O.B first

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I am just…confused as to how this fits into her lore? Her whole life she hated the high life of society, and refused it. She also started the Deadlock gang young so when did she ever dress like this? I thought we were going to get her sweater vest so this is a shocker lol

I love Butler Bob! He looks great! :smiley: But Ashe’s collides with her lore. I am guessing she was forced to dress like this? Again though, in her origin story, she was very young when she ran away to make the gang and this looks like something she would never wear.


Here’s b.o.b for you


Your right she does, I doubt she would pretend to for a mission either, seems Blizzard stopped caring for the back stories of characters. What was wrong with having Ashe in her outfit when she had Butler B.O.B?
With him being a butler for this outfit it seems a lower chance to get him in that actual lore outfit now.


Yes indeed. I mean, I would have loved her sweater vest one as it stays true to her origin story. This is cute and all, but this looks like something that wouldn’t be for her lore specifically…Anniversary event yes, but for Archives? Ahh, I am confused as to how this fits? Is this canon? That is the real question here.

Butler Bob is the same one from her origin, but not Ashe. That’s just so weird to me :sweat_smile: I don’t want to really complain but…lore wise I am so confused? She specifically said she hates the high life but is dressed like it?

Plus, in a very old fashioned way might I add? Like, does anyone else think it looks like back in olden days?


Looks like the fancy-ways my great grandmother would of dressed as, Ashe needs to re-check her fashion mags


She looks amazing IMO. I especially love her hair and the dynamite purse.

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Yes Butler bob looks great. But I totally agree with you on Ashe.

Sadly the skins were only ok this event😭

Good to see you nova❤️


Not exactly what I was hoping for, but I do like her hair and the exploding clutch.

Now this is the sure southern style I like to see.

Kinda silly, not gonna lie

Bob’s cool as always

I will admit the dynamite is a nice choice, however it seems only worth it for the highlight, otherwise who will go up to it and stare going, OHH LOOK, FANCY PURSE

Or maybe your grandmother is just more swag than we are. Ever think about that?


So that is where I am going wrong in life


Me too, this and Soldiers skin are the only ones worthy of my attention
love the fur, color fits well, and B.O.B looks good aswell

Pink ashe skins are always my favorite, glad to have Butler B.O.B. to go with it :heart_eyes:

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