No young ashe skin

I was waiting for red evening dress for Ashe, but I quess this is better
maybe gets to wear evening dress

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I wouldnā€™t object to her having that either, bet she looks even better in red.

Her dynamite isā€¦ they realy had no better idea what to make her thrown i guessā€¦
Welp, at least i was ready before for not being interested in ashe skin.

I guess you could see this skin as an alternative timeline where Ashe didnā€™t run off to form Deadlock and instead embraced the high life

She has lots money to spend I quess :wink:
Reaper throwing guns, and Ashe throwing money

Ashe should attempt to hire Reaper to her gang :blush:

Yes Bob is so handsome :blush: I love him he is perfect! Itā€™s justā€¦Ashe is throwing me off so much? The only thing I can think of, was that when she was younger, like 16-19, she was forced to dress this way when going out if when with her parents or as a rule for being someone with high status. I can see her not liking it but forced to do so.

Otherwise? Telling me she dressed herself like this freely? Without rules saying she has too? I wouldnā€™t believe it. At all. It definitely looks like an Anniversary skin. Not sure if we ever will get her long haired form now with the sweater vest since Butler Bob is taken :confused:

Always great to see you too Jelly :hugs:

I think the skin is cute! Really! But for a lore event? I am confused and want answers now haha

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I just saw picture of bobā€¦
Thats the only good looking part of this skin for me. When we will be able to swich weapons in skinsā€¦

Reaper with gold guns would make her gang too rich and it would be too boring for her or something? Because i think that was reason why she start gang in the first place, because she was bored?

Hey, this might be the reason why Reaper works for Talon, free weapons

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Would you reject working for people who give you unlimited guns?

Did Ashe steal Anaā€™s purse (and fashion sense, apparently)? Look at the icons on Asheā€™s dynamite and Anaā€™s gun.
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Probably made from the same high class company. Like Gucci for example. It might be this universeā€™s equivalent.

I dunno. I kinda like it. I like the Pink on Ash and the Blue on BOB.

I thought it was initials, like Ana Amari :stuck_out_tongue:

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Haha, maybe Ana secretly made her own brand? :joy:

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Itā€™s not completely horrible but a serious let down compared to the expected skin and honestly, they could do so much more with Ashe.


I see what you did there, Blizzard

I can hear her ult nowā€¦

ā€œRobert! Be a good chap and perform an actionā€¦ā€


I donā€™t think she hates the high life.

More so that she hates her parents for ignoring her for her entire childhood.


Sheā€™s already young in her default skin :confused:

Ungod sheā€™s about forty in her default skin. Iā€™m not calling that exactly ā€œoldā€ however it leaves room for a younger skin particularly a skin of her past.

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