No Mercy mains are not entitled

I mean we get called most of the time “having big egos”, always saying “we want healing”. I think we’ve been indirectly nerfed and nerfed so much that we don’t really care anymore. Idk about you, but after moria, brigette, the deflect nerf, and such when the little buff for genji where his kit reloads after his ult was added I was happy. I would think that after 13 nerfs you guys would be happy about a buff, even if it wasn’t what you guys “really wanted”. Nonetheless it was a buff.

How is it a buff, when that was what her healing was to begin with? It’s technically a revert, with botched reasoning…

She gets more healing dealing Valk and the ult can be used more than often. Do I agree that she could possibly have more healing during Valk? Yes, but it’s a buff from what you guys have been having to deal with which is 50 hps with Valk and without.

Okay, it’s incorrect and stupid.

It’s hilarious that people who have basic spelling errors call me stupid. I’m a mathematician. If you can prove calculus I might admit you are smarter than me.
I can prove it, can you?

I’m not nettled. I’m excited that someone like you has the audacity to try and insult my intelligence after making the most basic of errors.

Na, I’m done, you’ve stopped attacking your intellectual superior by calling me stupid. Thanks for the laughs and I’ll see you later.

Protip: When someone is obviously smarter than you are you should probably not insult their intelligence. It just makes you look even stupider.

See ya!

If you take those numbers seriously I feel sorry for you.
Learn basic statistics please.

I don’t understand how “fun” translates to OP when we say it.
Most people whining about Mercy mains use that to explain their hate for them, and I have yet to see a mercy main ask for her to be OP again.

If we wanted OP, we’d ask for the early stages of 2.0.
The fact that many want either a rework or a revert is because how boring 2.0 is for the vast mayority of those that play or played her.

So PLEASE before repeating the same overused stereotype that started who knows where and why, actually read what we’re saying.

Yes, this was a buff and a revert.
Yes, we’re still angry they reworked her when we didn’t ask to, then blamed us for her being OP, and when nerfed to the ground and asked to be happy to have been through that and to stop whining.

Fun means fun, not OP. Don’t try to invent a new meaning to it.
Yes, I will play other heroes until then. I play this game to have fun, and she currently isn’t to me.

And I also have the right to voice what I think. “Shut up and be happy”
I am grateful we got something back. She still has the same core isues, which results in bitterness.


Do you need a hug? I feel like you need a hug. Got real condescending just now.

I think both of yall need a hug. It’s just a game jeezus. No one here’s getting paid to play it lol.

Thank you for understanding, you expressed it perfectly.

We don’t want Mercy to be OP. Literally NO ONE has asked for that, EVER. Actually, majority of the posts about Mercy are asking for new abilities and even laying it out in Blizzard’s face what they could do to make her better without making her OP.

We just want her to be fun.

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DPS player here. I like the fact that Roadhog has been buffed. I think making him more effective against the likes of Doomfist (who I play a lot of by the way) is a really good move. And I personally think this is a step in the right direction for the overall health of the game.

Are these changes perfect? Time will tell. Some of the changed heroes may need more changes, I’ll be the first to admit that. Is this the last time these characters will be touched? Certainly not, and we shouldn’t be screaming bloody murder that the developers are trying to make incremental changes so as not to upset the balance of the game.

Are you joking? It’s a literal slap in the face to Mercy players. “Yeah, here you go, now stop crying”

We don’t want Mercy to be op, we don’t want Mercy to be the forever healer, we just want her to be fun.

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Everyone was saying they’d be willing to compromise and asked for a middle ground buff.

We got one.

Now people are going crazy because it wasn’t exactly what they asked for.

What that tells me is that people here are so full of themselves that they can’t actually compromise. It’s their way or the highway.

And then they wonder why the devs feel reluctant to constantly give their opinions nowadays.

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Playing an OPAF hero that works on all maps and in all team comps.

I just base the above on their own ideas on how to “fix” Mercy.

By middle ground buff I think they meant 55hps. Not 50hps except for 15s of 60hps.

It’s more of a quarter ground, but it’s better than nothing ig. Still not gonna make me play her though, but getting nothing would be worse.

Coming from a support player:
This is what makes people look at support mains as entitled and holier-than-thou.
Also, Torb, Sym, Bastion, Reaper, Hog, and Rein (He’s meta but frustrating and glitched to play) say hi. It’s not all about us.

Just because Hog is coming back, doesn’t mean that there’s no place for a DPS or two on a team. I don’t get this.