No. I did not hide and let my teammates die

I have seen it several times. Here is an example from a post that was recent and popular and got quite a bit of likes. So that is why I made the post.

bad post OP

if you knew the enemy has a bunch of wiping ults and you didn’t try to hide you were throwing the fight. hiding mercys even saturated plat rank. just because you and people you knew were mostly just doing double rezes doesn’t mean tempo rezes were the default or that it was the smartest way to use it (it wasn’t). Yes, 2-3 people rezes were useful mid fight but if you had any game sense about tracking incoming enemy ultimates you would know hiding was the safest playstyle. ESPECIALLY in diamond games and above where the enemy would send flankers to try to run you down at the start of a fight. There are plenty of life saving support ults in the game we don’t need mass respawn ultimates in overwatch anymore.

I mean, you can ignore the mountain of evidence i’ve already linked into this thread all you want. That doesn’t stop it from already existing.

You’re right. Every was hyperbole. Speaking in absolutes is obviously a bad habit to get into as nothing is. However getting hung up over hyperbole rather than examining the actual claim being made says more about your intellectual honesty towards this conversation than clear cut hyperbole does mine.

I’m sorry but you’ve just repeated yourself. In that sentence it indicates the cause of pro’s not running mercy was because winston labs showed it to be ineffective. If this isn’t what you meant, then apologizes but that is how you worded it, twice now.

It doesn’t need to. The mass amount of evidence at the time already proves it. The video comes right out and says they think it’s a problem which is one of the reasons for the rework to begin with.

Did you not even watch the video? It was literally made the day they announced the changes during that time to stop that type of gameplay. It was how they announced they were going to fix that style of gameplay that was core to her design, as specified in the video.

Yeah, other hero’s have easier trophies so those players get those trophies a lot easier than they get a trophy on a hero they don’t actually play at all. To nobodies surprise.

also i’m curious you’re so adamant on this being a thing like, do you actually have statistics about the amount of players that had this trophy/achievement? Preferably across all platforms, as well as the player base during that time period and not relevant to today’s total player base.

I suppose when you strawman a specific scenario, anything is possible. Meanwhile Mercy is fully capable of getting res during the team fight, then going to hide mid team fight while her team dies.

she also has the new found ability of chain beams for 15 seconds, which pushes the potential healing average up. The thing is, most mercy mains on this forum all agree valkery is terrible and don’t bother to use it to heal, or damage boost during optimal times, and would rather pop valk to fly back to spawn and regroup with their team. There’s a lot more context behind those numbers, i promise. If anything you should look at the increase from gm pre rework healing to gm post rework healing instead of across all elo.

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Oh sorry. I just saw this. What makes me hesistant is Valkyries old duration is longer than it is now by a good 5 seconds, and I know that intially people used it’s healing more often until it’s optimal use case was finalized. In addition, I know that cast time was added pretty shortly after the rework debuted but I am certain that number does have some zero cast time in it.

I didn’t say it did. None of the videos I saw made a statisical claim and I’m not going to watch every video when there are so many. So show me the video that you claim makes the statistical argument that it was the most popular strategy.

I addressed the hyperbole because there isn’t much else to the statement that hasn’t already been addressed numerous other times.

Yes. I do. I have to find them. It was only the PSN that I have. I have tried a couple of times. It was a thread I made back them that listed all of them.

It isn’t possible to discern intent from someone taking cover mid teamfight, and most of the complaints about hide and rez was “go die on the point.” If you disagree with that then you have a very different defintion of hide and rez.

Yeah I think this conversation is over now. You’re just being willfully ignorant at this point.


Why is it unreasonable to you that I don’t watch everyone, when you yourself said there were a lot of them? None of the ones I saw made a statisical argument, not a one.

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Dishonest tactics?
Kinda ironic coming from one that starts a post claiming he has facts and refusing to show them.

Even more ironic when this happens:

Asking for evidence that counters your argument in a thread, where you claimed you have evidence.

Here’s your evidence:


Making a statememt about a different verison of Mercy, getting a reply about that verison of Mercy, and then quoting that person out of context to make them seem like they were contradicting themselves is dishonest.

No problem. Figured you’d see it eventually.

These are both true. However, You have to also consider that by default she also had two rez’s instead of one with a third one she could use on ult. My numbers were based off the average rez’s she does now. Back then with two rez’s it stands to reason she would do even more.

Which would also impact her healing numbers in the same negative way. We also still have to consider that she did attempt and fail rez’s that would also effect her healing.

But not enough time to make up for valk’s healing output being balanced out by rez’s.

Even with that being said we also have to consider that everytime a hero is reworked or a new one comes out EVERYONE is trying it out. Not just those who played her. Which would also impact the numbers at that time since the sampling would be higher and have more variance due to less experienced players using her.

What that means? I am honestly not certain but we should still be aware of it.

Yes. That is where I am at. I am moreso leaning towards it being explained by factors outside of hiding, but I no longer think it was just valk or hiding which makes it significantly less compelling than I thought. It is hard to figure this out tbqh.

Oh yes im sorry, I should have probably face tanked all the damage from enemy ults instead of letting them finish.

Grav, Blade, Barrage, death blossom all last from 3 to 6 seconds. And you also need to take into account the immunity frames on your teamates that lasted for another 2.5 seconds.

Oh you’re totally right. You must have access to statistics that Blizzard doesn’t themselves which explains why your statement contradicts that of the developers.

Also this point is moot because whether you or your imaginary majority did it or not doesn’t matter. What matters is that the mechanics of the kit encouraged it.

Get over it already. We don’t need a new forum post about the same thing every six minutes.


The devs made no statistical argument about it. The they talked about why it was going from a game design standpoint not a statisical standpoint in that video. The only thing close to a statistical argument they made about it was a vague statement made on the forums that the game was balanced and that the things that weren’t balanced were not what everyone thought, but how that didn’t mean they were completely happy about its state.

It matters to plenty of people. And I made this post because I keep seeing people making it seem like the players who don’t currently find her fun just want to hide again.

This thread is not about the balance of the tactic, nor does it make the claim that it was a fringe tactic.

So that tells us that Mass rez wasn’t a problem, the invul you got with it was a problem.

They have every reason to post their feedback to devs on the devs offical feedback forum. The assumption that they just want to hide is baseless. The evidence I have seen mostly points to tempo rezzing being more popular at the time, and of the people who did hide and rez, many did not like doing it. And despite all the people insisting that’s wrong no evidence has been produced that points to it being Hiding as the majority used. It is firmly established that it was popular, plenty of evidence of that, but that is not the same thing as the majority.

So any given Mercy you see on the forums who don’t find her fun now is unlikely to be in the camp that specifically wants hiding back.

It isn’t another thread asking for mass rez back, so it isn’t the same.

can we literally start banning mercy threads?




The truth is, a lot of players used mass rez as a crutch to get carried and climb rank. It’s why there are so many playres still crying over a mechanic that is long dead and gone. They want Mercy to go back to must-pick status because a lot are/were incapable of playing Comp Mode and consistently maintaining their rank without mass rez.

It was terrible for the health of Comp Mode and will never return. Matter of fact, even the single “do-over” button on CD in it’s current form should not even exist, much less the return of the mass “do over” button.

Even if Mercy had no other ability but to shoot her pistol…if her Ult was reverted back to Mass Rez she would still be a must pick. It’s stupid.

A Hero’s abilities/toolkit should not feel more useful than mechanical skill. Mass Rez was the all-time epitome example of this. Good riddance.


Mercy was not a must pick during mass rez, that did not happen until the rework. And many did not like hide and rez. Just because you don’t like Mass Rez doesn’t mean people who do like it want her to be a must pick.

Anyway, its balance is besides the point. Its not the point of the thread.