Literally added more variety to Mercy's game play - stop complaining

Mercy complainers keep saying Mercy isn’t fun anymore, but Blizzard literally added variety to Mercy’s game play and removed nothing.

What’s different from Mercy’s normal game play?

  1. Added the bunny hop/super jump tech.
  2. Added an “E” ability.

Literally nothing was removed. If you don’t find Mercy’s game play fun now, then you must have never found it fun or got bored with the character regardless of the rework.

“Her ultimate isn’t fun.”

Oh really? Having an AoE healing or damage boost or unlimited bullets and ability to fly for 15 seconds isn’t fun? You know what’s REALLY not fun? Ana’s ultimate. You literally press 1 button and let another teammate get all the fun out of your ultimate.

Face it Mercy complainers - Mercy is the exact same character as before, just without the hide and rez that frustrated all of your teammates because you let them die intentionally. If letting your team die intentionally is what made Mercy fun for you, then you probably shouldn’t have been playing a healer in the first place.


Which they didn’t even intend to add in the first place. It was a bug when they were working on 2.0.

That slows your movement speed, stops all your actions, and has a cast time of almost 2 seconds. How is that fun?

The difference is that nano is impactful and Valkyrie is not.


I don’t know what the other Mercy players are saying about Mercy.

But for me, the reason I don’t find her fun is because there’s not much else than bunny hop and it’s various extensions. I’ve mastered everything there is to know about Mercys movement, I’ve spent hundreds of hours in custom games just trying to understand the mechanic. And about 1000 hours in game playing Mercy figuringing out how I can use it, and that was fun.

I found enjoyment from learning things, understanding the game a little bit more. But once you do that with Mercy there isn’t really much else. Healing management is just a given, positioning is something you get used to subconsciously, using res (lmao).

I play other heroes too, I have 500 hours on Pharah and have peaked 4025 with her but STILL I feel that EVERY SINGLE TIME I play her I learn more and more, and I just don’t see it stopping.

For Mercy, once you master the main aspects of her kit you can just get away with playing like that. The parts where you could learn more is that very split second where you missed 1 point of damage boost, it’s insignificant.

Don’t get me wrong, I like to play Mercy, there’s just nothing left for me to learn (that can be significant enough to make actual differences).


Intended or not it STILL is a new feature that provides new tech to a mercy’s gameplay.

and swings the fight into your favor when done right. I love how people always try to downplay E Rez as some terrible ability.

The difference is that Mercy’s do not know what IMPACTFUL means.

Mercy’s ult enables push’s by increasing the enemies TTK and decreasing your teams TTK. This is HUGE and impactful.

The problem is I see a lot of mercy’s try to use it as a “oh crap” button to save their team when this ultimate is not designed for it. It is a OFFENSE ult.


It’s still a feature, and it increases Mercy’s survivability, but what help is that when the rest of your kit is terrible?

I don’t know what game you’re playing, but res rarely swings the battle in your favor. It’s incredibly difficult to get a midfight res off because:

  • If you stop to res, your team will die because you can’t heal
  • You’ll die because you have to stand still for 2 seconds

The only time res is actually useful is to res a pick, when the whole team isn’t on top of you. Res does not belong on E, it’s so watered down that it’s actually funny.

In my opinion it’s not an offensive or defensive ult. Damage boost makes a difference in the kill very rarely, while healing in Valkyrie just makes it so you can watch your team die a little slower than in base kit.

Mercy is trash right now.


Which could have been added to old Mercy. Why would I care about an E ability when she doesn’t have an ultimate?


I don’t understand why blizzard needs to insist on this being a succesful rework. If it was people wouldn’t complain. #GiveUsMercy3.0


(I had a better intro in mind, but I don’t think it’s worth saying it, so I’ll just go straight into this) Quick comment on the last part of OP’s post, there were more than enough suggestions to fix the hide and rez issue (several old post from Mercy players in the old forums). Plus, teammates would tell Mercy players to hide and save rez, so I think we should acknowledge that this behavior was not promoted only by Mercy players. In the end, yes Mercy players were the ones that did it, but not always to their liking. There have been more than enough games where I got flammed for not hiding before rez or only using it for 2-3 people.

Going to focus on your second to last paragraph for a second. If I wanted AoE healing, I’d go Lucio or Moira (cause orb and spray has a pretty wide range) or Brig. AoE damage boost, Orisa’s ult is really awesome for that! Unlimated bullets on the pacifist hero is pretty lame (if I wanted to shoot, I’d play one of the other 26 heroes in the game). Flying is kind of fun, but also removes the enjoyment of team-focused mobility for some players (this is more of a debated topic, so I’ll just end it by saying that some Mercy players don’t like it, but you are right that others do enjoy it). Final point of the “really not fun” part, Ana’s ult might be personally less engaging, but it has an incredibly higher impact than Valk does.

As for the comments about Valk being impactful, it can be. But you can’t deny that it is significantly less than any other support ult (Moira and Mercy are pretty close to each other, which says something). This said, we could take parts of this ultimate and make it a bit better. I do hope that we can reevaluate it, but between the more…passionate Mercy fans and the passionate anti-Mercy…I don’t see this happening until like spring next year.

P.S. Mercy did lose something, her healing was reduced to 50 hps. Plus with current rez, we still have the issue of “not healing your teammates and letting them die to rez” but instead of letting maybe one or two players who are almost dead and saving them+potentially others, we have rezzing one person while the rest of the team is getting attacked and even dying.


This statement makes your entire post irrelevant.

It just didn’t happen this way. A true mercy main never said ill just let them all die so I can get a big rez. It was never heard of for 14 months until the streamers you follow claimed it was a problem and you agreed because you cannot formulate your own opinion. If we hide and rezzed we wouldn’t have higher healing by a massive margin and BTW the rework nearly tripled mercys rez count per game.

Flying and damage boost isn’t fun nor impactful. Dodging enemy fire while being top kill priority and if you somehow stayed alive to give your team the ultimate second chance to win the fight was.

And whether or not non mercy mains like or hated rez, they weren’t complaining when you gave your team that second chance. They were praising you. I don’t think I have ever been praised for a “good valk”


Yes it did. I was in plenty of games where the Mercy would hide and start spamming, “attack the objective” over and over.

Then when the team would die they’d fly in for a rez. It was absolutely awful and one of the worst things I’ve ever experienced in the game.

I still have fun playing Mercy and if I had to guess, the majority of people who play her are fine with her as well. Just seems like a very vocal group of people concentrated on the forums are the ones who are upset, I wouldn’t worry about it too much.

That’s literally not possible since they voice line was added months after rez was gone

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You need to change this from “terrible” to “not what you want it to do” because this is really what it is about. Mercy’s kit is quite powerful. It has the highest versatility of all the supports in the game outside of perhaps Lucio.

Mercy can give a damage boost to a key damage role player on your team at ANY point. She prevents death in an even and consistent matter that no other healer really can. 50 hp a second coupled with easy to place healing is a huge advantage.

She has the best mobility in the support category outside of perhaps Lucio. Which enables her to look after herself more independently of her team while also enabling her to more consistently reach and support her team then the other supports can.


This is all dependent on situation. I will not claim it ALWAYS swings a fight but I will deny any attempt to claim that it RARELY swings a fight as well.

Rez can undo early picks made by the enemy team. Rez can be used to bring back allies midfight while the enemy is being occupied by the rest of your team. I was just rez’d last night as reaper which resulted in me using my ult and clearing four people of the cart. This is not a rare occurrence either.

Are you kidding me here? A 30% damage boost RARELY makes a difference? A 30% damage boost to ALL your teammates during valk? A damage boost on a McCree headshot brings it from 140 to 182. Any base health hero who has taken almost ANY other source of damage would die to a SINGLE shot of a damage boosted McCree.

If it has this kind of impact on ONE ally how can you seriously say that it has little effect when FIVE friendly targets benefit from it?

I don’t really expect any objective view points from you at this point if you are going to say obvious fabrications.


The OP used the word literally lots of times, this obviously means their argument is irrefutable.


Correct. It just literally is not fun. Most Mercy mains hold the opinion it is not fun. Is the concept others aren’t having fun with something that alien?


requiring positioning and timing is called skill.
u want her to require no skill whatsoever? (like moira)


Spoken like someone with obviously no time on her or any healer if I had to guess


There was a period where I played a ton of mercy, and in that time I can only think of one time where I actively sat out an entire fight to get a huge res, and that was only because my team told me to. Sure, I’d play more conservatively if I had ult, staying behind cover and peeking around corners to heal, but I never stopped healing unless it got to the point that no amount of healing would help, at which point yeah I’d duck behind a ledge for like 4 seconds until the teamwiping ult combo finished. But hide and Rez wasn’t ever a problem in my experience.

The biggest issue with old Rez in my view, was that killing the mercy wasn’t even guaranteed to prevent it. You could do everything right and kill the mercy first, but take too long to kill the rest of the team and she could still respawn and swoop in at the last second for that big Rez. Most of the time people felt like mercy was hiding, but in reality, the reason she wasn’t in the fight was that she was on her way back from spawn.


I’ve only experienced Mercy post rework, base healing nerf, and the recent Valk. hps change. My Mercy was never able to mass res and I’ve only ever known Valk. That being said, I find the ultimate to be pretty lackluster. There are so many things the devs could do to make it interesting and engaging, starting with removing res from e (but res seems to be their lovechild and they’ll never give it up).
As much as I find Valk. to be pretty dull, it can be useful in certain situations, one being hunting down snipers (that’s not even its purpose, lmao), but most of the time it isn’t even doing anything. I have very little impact.
Valk. aside, what I really have a problem with is the hps now. It’s “unfun” to have a beam on a hero and just watch them slowly die anyway. I feel useless not being able to keep my team alive and instead prolong an inevitable death.


whats fun about being a spectating camera, whats fun about 14 nerfs 1 buff and whats fun about a 1.75 rez cast time?