No. I did not hide and let my teammates die

Most just means the majority. It doesn’t mean that the minority is small. If the split of apple pie eaters to non-apple pie eaters was 60/40, then most people eat apple pie and they are the majority. However, that would not be a small minority that do not.

I have considered swapping that out but I don’t want to make any claim about the ratio because that would be impossible to glean with the info I have.

Well every guide about mercy around that time says otherwise
Every gameplay of mercy around that time shows otherwise
Dev comments and pro player comments say otherwise from that time.
Video evidence of people making fun of mercy players for doing it exist from that time.

And your argument is none of that means anything because you say the majority of players did not hide and res.

Even if I wasn’t playing Overwatch around that time, which I was still playing Ana then, I would believe the mass amount of evidence over your anecdotal evidence.


However, you are not factoring in the times she is not healing during her new Rez mechanic of 2 second cast which would also effect the healing numbers. The fact that it comes up every 30 seconds as well would also diminish her numbers afterwards.

Taking the average competitive number of rez’s that occur (24) and not even considering failed ones we can surmise that at least 48 seconds of healing does not occur during a match. Keep in mind it is likely higher then this due to FAILED attempts at rez as well.

2,880 healing missing. Seems like cooldown rez may be causing the number to be lower. As a result covering up most of the healing that her valk does. Leaving a gap still in the averages.

I very much doubt every guide made statistical claims about the prevalence of the strategy.

No, it does not. A lot of them show Huge rezzes, but huge rezes are more flashy. Taking cover is not the same thing as hide and rez, fyi. If annouced “Nerf this!” and you went behind a pillar, that would not be an example.

Winston’s lab actually showed it to not be a particular effective ult. Mercy was therefore not used much at all on the pro scene. Dev comments also did not say that most Mercy players rezzed. In fact, the only comment they made about statistics was a vague comment that the game was statistically balanced and the thing that wasn’t was not what everyone thought. They also said it didn’t mean they were happy.

My argument is that the healing numbers and Huge Rez trophy achievement percentage shows that this was likely not a strategy used by the majority of the playerbase overall.

Rez was instant at rework though, so her standing still was not a factor in that intial bump.

The only things that would have impacted it were chain healing and not hiding.

Incorrect. Rez was instant DURING valk. Not during normal play. Unless you have evidence to point to her only rezzing during valk? I will be glad to cede this point to you if you do.

However, remember we are not factoring in failed rez’s so the number would remain relatively unchanged.

Ah you are right. That’s my bad. So the standing still probably does conceal those numbers a bit.

I still don’t think the healing went up by enough to really show hide and rez as the dominant strategy but I do concede that it is not as strong a piece of evidence as I initially believed.

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They did not hide the ENTIRE game. For whatever reason there is this fallacy that has gone around that claim Mercys hid for the game’s entirety. The players you mention, Top 500, GPS, and the like, hid everyone once in a while in the same way a McCree hides behind an enemy team to ult, or a Pharah hides behind a pillar to surprise everyone wit her ult, or a Genji… etc etc. you get it. Hiding is a strategy EVERY player utilizes at one time or another but it is NOT a play style used by GMs, Top 500s, and other great Mercys.

“Subject shows signs of … Reasonable discussion? But Captain! How is this possible?!”

" I am not certain number one but I think this is an avenue worth pursuing. Commander Data, resume communications."

All joking aside this is big of you and gives me hope that perhaps more people can be convinced with logical arguments.

On the point of her healing not going up enough what other factors are you considering that still make you hesitant to see what the numbers may be telling both you and I?

I really want to hear what interpretation you are seeing.

I don’t think anyone really considers taking cover to avoid dying to an ult the same thing as Hide and Rez.

There were people that would tell others to “go die on the point” and they would wait around in a hiding spot until they had died.

You’d be surprised. I surmised my argument to this point for the very reason that I’ve had many discussions with various people who see a Mercy hiding as simply hiding. They rarely if at all make the distinction between a Mercy who is not actively engaging in the game with a Mercy who is simply being smart about their positioning. I would love to meet more people like that.

Yeah. I don’t have a problem with being wrong if the arguments are logical and engage with what I am actually saying.

I’m actually glad for it because it helps me learn.

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Believe me, that “they hid the entire game” argument is quite the fallacy, and not one I’m referring to.

There’s a difference between taking cover and actively trying to hide so no one finds you while you have resurrect.

A D.Va bomb incoming, predicting a Zarya’s Graviton Surge, hiding from sight from a Junkrat tire - that’s taking cover. That’s just smart.

But the issue was when people would hide from the beginning, before any ults came out, because they anticipated it. Either telling their team to die on point, or waiting until they did, and then popping out - that’s hiding. That’s kind of where the “hide and res” stems from and the problem people have.


you’re free to look them up yourself. You said it yourself, reddit and youtube don’t delete old content.

it’s a good thing that wasn’t what I was talking about.

that’s… now how that works at all. Winston labs doesn’t dictate what the pro’s play. The pro’s play what they play and Winston labs analyzes it.

I’m pretty sure it’s already been stated to you a few times in this thread how even Jeff called it out for what it was. Hide and Res. Not healing your team and letting them die. But here’s a link anyway.

http s://

The majority of the player base don’t play Mercy. We’re talking what is it now, 28? other hero’s mains compared to mercy players.

Also not sure what healing numbers have to do with anything. Mercy waits for her team to die, res’ them, and when they introduced the invulnerability buff she could continue to heal them during the 2nd… technically still the same, team fight. Not to mention Mercy has no other utility at the time aside from healing when she wasn’t damage boosting a phara or a widow.

Viewable version


Thanks, i left the forums for little my level 3 isn’t back yet. It’s actually really annoying not being able to directly link this stuff.

I understand. To those people I would say were horrible Mercys, which I’ve also bickered about in an external post. It’s unfortunate that those who know how to play her well are summed up with the players who are awful and abuse the system. Not saying particularly that you have suggested that, but, all these changes and discussion over Mercy are quite tiring and had those people not abused Mercys capabilities with being heal bots etc and mildly climbing up the ladder we wouldn’t be here. I’m not a “revert Mercy” supporter nor am I on the side of “she’s unfun”. I’d like for the devs to raise her skill potential even more so that the bad Mercys in the world can go elsewhere.

I’ve never seen anyone say that Mercy players liked doing that and others wanting them to stop. It was a viable strategy and the teammates were usually the ones saying “Mercy hide”. It was the strategy that is the issue and “I didn’t do it” doesn’t change anything.

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That’s sort of where I’m at. And I mean, I’ve gotten lumped into the “You’re a bad Mercy player” in this very thread because I don’t hate Mercy, I don’t want mass resurrect back, etc.

It’s a sad two-way street, unfortunately. :man_shrugging: I totally think her kit right now is balance-able and can be made to be engaging and fun, so that she not only can require more skill (while still remaining accessible to everyone) but can allow for a higher-skilled playstyle.

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You made the claim, show me where even the most popular two made a statistical claim and I will watch it.

I mean you said every gameplay video. So the existence of ones not doing it contradicts that point.

I didn’t say that Winston’s lab told the pros what to play. I said their site showed it was an ineffective ult and therefore not used much on the pro scene. The pro scene is therefore largely irrelevant to the conversation.

It has. And I pointed out that the video does not make a statistical argument for why it was changing. They talk about why they don’t like it from a game design standpoint not a statisical standpoint. The only relevant statistical argument they made around the time of the rework was a vague statement that the game was balanced and that the things that weren’t statistically balanced was not the things everyone thought.

It was one of the rarest ultimate trophies on one of the most played heroes. Heroes that were known to be played less than her had higher completion ratios than Huge Rez. And that playstyle was the best way to obtain the trophy. It should have been obtained more often than the harder trophies from lesser played heroes if it was the majority strategy, but that is not the case.

Hide and Rez deliberately missed the initial poke/ult phase of the teamfight, so that is quite some healing missing from her stats. This healing should be reflected in her increase. I don’t think that it is but its possible, given she has to slow down to rez now. Make of the small increase what you will.