No. I did not hide and let my teammates die

It does indicate it was popular. It does not indicate it was the majority. And that they are still there only shows that these sites don’t erase content, it tells us literally nothing about the ratio.

Also none of the videos I saw had a ton of views compared to even the size of more popular Overwatch content.

show me where tempo res was encouraged. Show me the Guides to playing Mercy that look down on hide and res or even encourage tempo ressing. Show me some game play where the mercy player doesn’t say die on point from that time.

You’re sitting here saying the majority of the content that came out about mercy around that time doesn’t indicate how mercy was played around that time. So prove it.

I did not say the majority of content creation at the time told you to tempo rez. I said that the majority of players weren’t doing it, which is not the same thing at all.

http s://

I’m just going to leave this here.

In fact i’ll leave this here too.

http s://

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I didn’t state it was fair strategy nor did I say it was unpopular. I also did not state hiding was not a problem. I said the opposite of those things several times in this thread.

No. What you were saying and now are trying to back pedal from is the only guides and footage of mercy players from that time that all involved or encouraged mass res, isn’t indication that mas res wasn’t the most popular way to play Mercy. You’re literally ignoring the huge amount of evidence that contradicts this to say it’s not true when it was so true that it got really bad players into masters+ as shown clearly in that video I linked.

The only saving grace you really have in this is that it was a bad tactic and mercy in pro play was better off tempo ressing rather than mass res, which is entirely true. It’s also why Mercy was nearly unheard of in pro play since res was ultimately the least impactful ult in the game at the time, statistically proven by winston labs.

You obviously didn’t understand what i said. The whole point is that Jeff would not say mercy players are doing this ill behaviour of stop healing, hiding and then rezzing if only a few players were doing this. He brought it up because it was a behaviour what was being used by the majority of players picking Mercy. So you saying ‘‘neither did most mercy players’’ is false. It would make 0 sense for Jeff to say this if only a small minority of players were doing this stop healing, hiding and then rezzing.

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You are correct. Her healing went up after the rework. You may argue that it did not go up by much but it did go up. Enough to show thatfor instances of at least 5 seconds she was NOT healing at all.

300hp is the amount she could heal in five seconds. Five seconds is all a team would need to go and die on the point without healing.

Case and point. The numbers don’t lie.

I am not backpedaling anything. Those videos do not tell us anything about the breakdown in ratio of which tactic was used more either. If you went by which guides YouTube is putting out there, you would think Dive was more prevalent than it was as well. It tells you only that a strategy was considered optimal by YouTubers and that it maybe was popular, it cannot tell you if it the majority of the playerbase was using it.

And that wasn’t even your initial argument. Your argument initally was just a statement that those videos had not been deleted, which literally says nothing about anything except that those sites don’t remove videos.

Her healing went up by about as much you would expect with the addition of chain healing. This would be an excellent point if chain healing had not been added.

And at this point you’re just in denial.

across every single elo up until gold, the top 6 hero’s were winston, d,va, mercy, zenyatta, tracer, genji. The actual tactic of diving wasn’t being utilzied properly just like every other meta that’s ever exisisted. that isn’t to say the dive team comp wasn’t popular enough to be the top 6 most played hero’s, only changing out rein for winston in low elo.

It was literally the meta for mercy players on ladder, which is why it’s the only tactic in every guide about mercy from that time.

No this was my entire argument all along. Those guides and videos from that time exist for a reason.

I don’t think that is true, I’m pretty sure it was up until plat. Regardless, the majority of the playerbase is gold and below. And my argument was never about how optimized that it was, again. It is not one of balance or anything like that.

Chain healing would not have the impact you think it would. It typically is more used for offensive push’s and damage boosting. Which means it would not be used for healing all that often.

No, The increase in healing was due to her actually being involved in the fight more often.

Before we continue our discussion I do want to let you know I believe you on that she did often use rez as temp. The only point of contention for me is that you believe that hide n Rez was a small minority. Which it was not.

Most games had a mixture of both. With at least one attempt at mass rez. Most typically as either an opening play for second point or a closer for a last push.

Temple of Anubis Second point is a primary example of where that play occurred. It was the main means of both defending and attacking that point.

It is used for both and the number it went up wasn’t large.

By the way, I do not think it was a small minority. I said that several times.

eh, i’ll give you this. maybe. It kind of fluctuated back and forth between rein and winston.

no, what you were doing is moving the goalposts with a false equivalence completely removed from the actual topic.

Mass res was the most popular way to play Mercy during that time. It was encouraged, it was rewarded, and it was exemplified everywhere.

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But it was enough to indicate a lack of involvement in fights on Mercy’s part.

I have not read the entire string of posts. I have however read this:

Which indicates a small minority. Might want to change this if that is not what you intended.

No I am not. Literally. I feel like i am taking crazy pills right now.

My argument has remained the same this entire time. The majority of the players did not hide and rez. Just because it was popular does not mean that the majority did it.

not necessarily hide, but disengage in team fights

Not really. In order for that to be true, it would mean she didn’t heal at all during Valk. And we know that is not the case.

It’s been years. It’s time to move on.