No hero should be able to oneshot with primary

Not really… As a Widow main Im amazing at that game mode.

I already did.
But he has more health, more mobility, and bigger hitboxes.

Fire rate and movement speed for example.
If you get more chances to fire while being harder to hit, you can have pretty big advantages.

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I take much more offence to doomfist then any of the snipers.

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You are ignoring facts just to try to prove your point.
Widow needs to use her primary fire AND alternate fire and a combination of other things in order to one shot certain Heroes.
She cannot one shot with only her primary fire.
You trying to move the goalposts won’t make your argument any more correct.

The only hero that can one shot with their primary fire I think is Reaper on a tracer if he is right next to Tracer and most of the shotgun bullets hit her head.
That is the only situation where what is being discussed in the opening post applies.

And in that case I don’t think Reaper deserves a Nerf. I think he actually needs buffs.

3 years now. 3 years this has been a mechanic. It’s perfectly acceptable.

Yes he is, 100%

Sure, you could get some minor knowledge about how to hide behind walls, but the rest is irrelevant. World of Warcraft is FAR more relevant. Overwatch has DPS, shields and healers. They removed all the 1 shots from WOW because they were oppressive and annoying.

If I have more chances to fire and I need to hit 2 shots in a row, but the widow needs to hit 1, I need to be more skillful to win. If the widow hides after my first shot, i cant kill her. If i hide after the first shot, it’ll be in respawn.

Again, ask your team to switch to dive if the widow is making you lose. or ask the tank if he can switch to winston to counter the widow. In this game you need to switch to different hero’s allot in 1 round. But people are just not doing this at all. Most of the time.

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One shots are somewhat hard to balance. They bypass healing so are inherently stronger than any other form of damage in the game.

Also its particularly unenjoyable to walk back from spawn and immediately be sniped. Stand in cover? Sure, but I still need to walk to the objective or catch up with my team.

I’m actually not so fussed but can fully understand why people hate them. I don’t play him so may be wrong but feel Hanzo at least has too much. Mobility moves, close combat burst with storm arrow and one shot from afar? Whats his weakness meant to be? A widow player far better than him?

Regardless I’d take Widow and Hanzo any day of the week over doomfist. But will admit to being biased as an Ana player. Without sleep dart youre almost 100% dead unless they are actually awful. Landing sleep dart just buys a small amount of time. At least Widow and Hanzo have to click the head…

Overwatch is an fps.

So? Saying 1<2 doesn’t tell the whole story, and i already told you why.

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Why is WoW a mmorpg being compared to an FPS game? WoW isn’t even a MOBA which is what overwatch borrows from.


“Overwatch is an fps.” So? That doesnt mean its like every other FPS. Its more like WOW.

So if 2 shots are the same as 1 shots, then you’d be ok with nerfing widow’s damage, right?

Tanks/healers/dps. Wow has PVP.

Is it a priority though?

nor secondary with 4 sec CD


Overwatch is a FPS first and foremost with moba elements sprinkled in.

  • played in an FPS perspective
  • hero classes have been another first person shooters like Battlefield 3 (healer, attack, etc)
  • domination , control, Capture the flag, deathmatch, team deathmatch, free-for-all, capture the point, have all been in first person shooter games before.
  • Heroes having abilities have been in first person shooters before
  • in order to win a match you have to kill your opponent in order to capture points, move the payload, etc.
  • there are only a few things that are borrowed from mobas.

Anyhow OW is not WOW, it’s not DOTA, it’s not LOL,ect.
It’s a first-person shooter with a few moba elements sprinkled in.

I am pretty certain that 90% of all the complainers about Widow come from non FPS backgrounds, and the little by little want to turn OW into a MOBA. Which is ridiculous.

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No it’s not. You need the full skillset of fps games to be really good at OW.

NO! Widow is fine, and if you nerfed her damage you’d have to give her massive buffs.

Which would more or less turn her into Ashe…
Ashe already exists, and at mid range she can duel Widow pretty effectively.
Close range is a stomp, because dynamite is a thing…7

Yeah, its an Esport.

You’re right, Wow isnt Overwatch. None of the games you mentioned are Overwatch either. Snipers might work in those games, but not Overwatch.

You’re kinda being very judgmental about anyone who things Widow is OP. You’re saying their opinions don’t count because you assume they don’t have the same experience as you.

Even if that’s not true, of course their opinions matter, they play the game. Your opinion matters to me, because i make games (that’s why we’re talking BTW). A superiority complex over others is not a good basis for your argument.

Either way. WoW isn’t overwatch. It’s an FPS. One shots have existed in these games. Some may find it unfair. But their is counter play to it.

Widow was one of the earliest heroes to be made.
Snipers were always part of OW.