No hero should be able to oneshot with primary

You still need the same skill set

Not really…

She is scoped in, you could expect her to fire…

One shotting isn’t the end of all things.
Higher fire rate and unrestricted mobility are big advantages.

So? Instagib isn’t Overwatch, its irrelevant.

Widow silently getting a gun out half a map a way isnt telegraphing. Telegraphing is Mcree shouting “ITS HIGH NOON EVERYONE HIDE”.

1 shotting is literally the end of that life for that player. 2 shotting people means the other player can potentially hide between shots - it means there’s counterplay. 1 shots do not have counterplay, because there is no second shot.

But there are important things to learn there.

The first shot is instant, after that everyone knows where she is.

Just because you can one shot, doesn’t mean you will win everything…
There are trade offa.

Widow needs to zoom in with her right click, and then charge her shot, with her left click, and then she can 1shot ONLY if she hits a head shot and ONLY on a hero that has 300 health or below.

That is nothing similar to what you are talking about.

What important things can i learn from instagib that are relevant to Overwatch?

Exactly, there is NO TELEGRAPHING before that first shot. Doomfist sounds like a motorbike and starts going Super Saiyan.

You’re not listening - 2 shots mean you can hide and heal between shots. 1 shots mean you cant. Its easier to be successful with 1 shots.

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No, that’s pretty much what he said - left click kills without ability use. Scope isnt an ability - it doesnt disappear when hacked.

Every action a hero does is an ability for that character.
Look up a hero profile on any website even the official Blizzard OverWatch website, and heroes primary fire is listed under abilities.

hog usually has to hook before he one shoots anyway so its not exactly one shoot you dont often see a hog one shooting a lot of people at once

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Scope is not an ability with cooldown.

Here I’ll make it easy for you.

Now tell me the first thing it says and describes under the abilities section.

Df doesn’t get 0 value if you put up a shield?

Ppl should play more tracer and see that one shots aren’t as bad as the forums make it look like.

Its still not an ability with cooldown.

Widow can move.

What you think is or isn’t an ability based on your own personal definition doesn’t matter.
That’s what blizzard calls it , that’s what it , and that’s what it should go by.

True, but we’re talking about abilities with cooldowns.

Nowhere did the person that started this thread say anything about cooldowns.
The person was talking about the heroes primary fire.
Which I then corrected them ,that it’s not just click primary fire to 1 shot with Widow.
There is much more to it than that.
They were also talking about abilities and primary fire like if they were two different things.
Which I then explained how they were also mistaken in thinking that. Even posted proof.

How to play against

And yet it has less counter play anyway.

No, it’s not.
There are a bunch of other factors.

And only widow can do this.

If reinhardt could move, cheez that would be way too op.

Discussion closed, thanks for participating. :sweat_smile:

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Primary fire generally means the main way you fire, not the other way they fire through use of abilities with cooldowns.

Instagib is irrelevant - you play against in completely different ways.

There’s much more counterplay to fist - please, show me your reasoning.

“no its not” isn’t a reason why i’m wrong. Give me a reason why i’m wrong.