"NO BRAIN NO AIM." - The Mechanical Skill Fallacy

my Problem with no aim heroes is that they should not be getting as much reward from a hit than a hero that requires aim such as Winston which I play myself where no aim,low damage multiple targets, pretty good balance then there is junkrat or sym that can do huge amounts of damage and even more so than some chatacters

Yeah no. People say that because its true. You however say its a lie because its convenient to you. Anyone can literally get in the game and see it for themselves.

Yeah no. Once again you are wrong.
If you are able to blast people in the face from 40mt just constantly getting in and out of a corner with mcree, you dont need to think CONSTANTLY about your positioning to be effective, get kills and survive. Yes aiming is harder but thats because the WEIGHT of your impact relies mostly on that.

Try to get the same kills with Winston and dont care about your positioning … you die instantly and your survability is next to zero.

If you truly believe that Mcree/Soldier/Junk require the SAME positioning, gamesense and awareness than a Winston/Dva, you really have no knowledge or close to zero experience with those characters.

Lets put it clear for all viewers : “pew pew is hard but its mostly all you need to do. If you cant pew pew, you need to compensate with better awareness, positioning and gamesense than the pew pew characters”.
And that is a fact.


Why are you mentioning Zarya? Nobody’s thinking of Zarya when they think of unskilled heroes, my dude. She has always been the highest skill ceiling tank.

Based on my experience, people tend to look at Junk, Mercy, Moira, Bridge, and Winston in these mechanical skill threads. Rein barely needs any aiming at all yet somehow nimbly avoids the ever-so-undeserved salt and slander. Ever wonder why that is?

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That can only get a person so far though.

Some heroes are more dependent and centered around their abilities whilst others are centered around their weapon.

McCree & Widowmaker are heroes that are completely centered around their weapons as their kits don’t actually do much in terms of the heroes designated purpose.

Widowmaker is exceedingly dependent on hitting headshots in order to have any conceivable worth and everything in her kit is geared towards her doing it efficiently.

McCree doesn’t even have a kit as 90% of his power comes from him using his gun. Combat Roll & Flash Bang are on too long a cooldown to be relied upon (not to mention too inconsistent) and Deadeye is a mediocre ultimate that is better off used as a reload or zoning tool instead of a killing ultimate.

With heroes like Ana, McCree, Soldier: 76 & Widowmaker, you can have all the positioning & game sense in the world, but if you can’t aim with them then you’re better off using another character.

However, this is because a majority of their strength is tied to the ability to hit targets.

This isn’t applicable to every character and I feel like people keep ignoring that fact.

Honestly, the importance of mechanical skill heavily depends on the hero that you’re playing and trying to downplay it in a general sense is very ignorant.

That said, trying to make mechanical skill the end all be all of the important skills is also ignorant, as not all heroes are mechanically demanding.

I wish everyone would stop debating this and realize that we can’t look at positioning, game sense and mechanical skill on the same platform for each hero.

Imagine a game of football where throwing good passes was the ultimate and only important skill, and so everyone assumed that every person on the team minus the quarterback didn’t really deserve to be on the field.

Doesn’t matter if you’re amazing at defending against people trying to sack your quarterback, or if you’re amazing at sacking the enemy quarterback. You’re not throwing passes, so you’re a no-skill linebacker who doesn’t belong in the NFL. It’s no fair that an offensive lineman who doesn’t even throw the ball gets to sack the one guy on the team who’s really good at throwing the ball, etc. And let’s not even TALK about the dudes whose only job is to kick.

We all know why that would be a bit ludicrous, yeah?

Overwatch is more like a football team than a basketball team in that the team members have wildly different jobs. Even though there are formations and strategies and roles for basketball players, everyone has to be somewhat on the same page in terms of ability to throw/pass/catch/shoot/dunk. In a football game, some guys need to be huge and beefy and know how to stop another huge beefy guy. One guy needs to be able to nail perfect spirals downfield to waiting receivers, who need to be able to reliably catch while evading the people guarding them. Everyone needs to have basic abilities to throw/catch/juke/run the ball towards the correct end zone, but there are some folks who need to do that a LOT, and some who barely, if ever, are expected to do one or more of those things, because they have a different job. If they’re good at their job, they get to play football at a high level, even if they can’t do what the quarterback does, and it doesn’t make sense to insist that that’s unfair.


This is just so laughably wrong I don’t know where to start.
The fact you think Soldier and McCree are not some of the most difficult to position with says it all. They are two of the hardest hit against a good dive side. D.Va in particular can storm in and rinse them with next to no risk.

In the words of Dafran (known to be probably the best Soldier in the game) when asked why he doesn’t play Soldier or McCree.
“Why would I go Soldier when I’m just going to get dived by D.Va the entire game and feed?”

You are the one who is just making inaccurate claims to fit your argument.

I also said Winston was a hard hero, so what is your point? Learn to read posts please before making yourself look silly, I play both Winston and D.Va. Winston is difficult, D.Va is not at least at Masters level.

You want to explode the bubble tryhards live in? Let them keep complaining, one day they will have enough aim to kill a symmetra before she fries them.


You mean “low skill floor”. Low skill floor means ease of accessibility, low barrier for entry.

Low skill “ceiling” means that the maximum impact you can have is relatively low.

Which is not the case for low skill floor heroes like Winston. Winston is super easy to pick up and play, but the maximum impact for a hero like Winston, is massively high.

Well you can start by saying something wrong or calling a truth a lie like you did on the other post

Dive is one comp in OW and is played correctly by a very low population of the game so yeah, dont take a 5% example and say its applicable to 100% of the game, thats a fallacy.

And then he plays tracer because mobility is the best skill ingame and he oneclips people. Wrong argument again. That sentence is not because aim is worse or have less impact than characters that dont have to aim, its because mobility is way better than not having it.

My claims can be verified by anyone logging into the game, unlike your perception, my post takes literally minutes to verify.

No you dont mister level 52 with zero exp in competitive and dont come saying now that you are a smurf and magically your account, that “totally exists” and no one can see has all the experience in the world.

Cmon dude, you are making this too easy, anyone can see you are trolling from a mile away.


I mentioned Zarya for a different reason. That’s an Easter Egg for reference. Some people will understand why.

Minutes to verify?
Well the combined millions of hours players have who majority will say those heroes are harder, proves you wrong then.

The only people you see say otherwise are a few lower support mains on a forum that has a fraction of the user base on.

Also this is clearly a smurf(alt account). The account is level 52 FFS :joy: I’ll post you some proof in an hour or so when I’m home.

say it louder for the egotistic stubborn defected people at the back

i agree with that you saying and i’m a mccree main , i dont want this game to become cs go even tho i came from cs go

but my problem with what you saying is that it’s almost always the other way , the mech player getting blame not matter what , i had many games where i was doing my job and killing enemy supports enemy team dps and because our healers decided to play the “hug the tank” game i died and died alot and i got flamed af even by our team solider who didnt anything and played like sheet

  1. Winston isnt as easy as people claim. He has a very unforgiving hitbox, especially for his head and his shield only has 600hp. People try to use it to block chokes all the time and fail, that’s not really it’s purpose.

  2. I meant ceiling , trust me, not floor. And people have been proving my point.

Did I say anything that was wrong?

  1. even tho i dont think winston is an easy hero to play but he isnt a hard one either
    he have a forgiving leep ability that letting him be where he wants - jump deal damage jump away , same thing goes to dva btw and that why dive so popular nowdays

The thing is, just because you don’t need mechanical skill doesn’t mean you need game sense anymore than heroes that need mechanical skill.

Moira and Reinhardt have a decent skillcurve, but their skillcaps and ceilings are very obviously lower than Zenyatta or Winston’s. They are fundamentally easy heroes, and I say this as someone who utilised them both heavily in high ranks.

There’s nothing wrong with playing low skill, easy heroes though. This game would be a stressful nightmare if there were only heroes like Tracer or McCree to play. Sometimes you need to relax with some nice brainless Mercy play. It’s what I do.

These heros are anti fun because they dont require skill in general,not just mechanical aim
Its kinda blizzs fault for having the worst LOS detection in the history of video games

I love you for saying this!!

tracer dont have that huge of mechanical skill she’s more about how well you utilize your kit