"NO BRAIN NO AIM." - The Mechanical Skill Fallacy

“No one wants that” fallacy. Already debunked by this thread.

And there’s top 500 players who play Rein/Orisa. Several will tell you game senee is the most important.

My friend, I didn’t say aim is more important than game sense or anything like that. I said it’s kind of naive to say that aim based heroes somehow get by without requiring or benefiting from that kind of game sense. All heroes do.

And debunked what? There are people that want mandatory picks because they provide tremendous value easily? I find that hard to believe. I apologize though, I haven’t read the thread in it’s entirety. Maybe I missed something.

Again, there’s a YouTube video, people tested it on ruins. It didnt/barely hit anyone. The only time it was truly effective was when people were right next to eachother, dude.

People sayingg that are usually Mercy/Moira/Brigitte mains they don’t even know that Winston and Reinhardt are in the most difficults heroes to play.

But in general if we except those two all heroes that don’t require aim are really pretty easy to play.

Winston and Rein mechanically are very difficult to play to a high standard, they don’t require “aim” but they require mechanics.
There are some heroes who are just neither mechanically or aim intensive. D.Va, Moira, Junkrat, Mercy etc and they just so happen to be some of the most rewarding/played in the game.

Simply because a hero doesn’t require aim doesn’t mean they aren’t extremely difficult to master to full potential. Look at when Fissure joined LAG. There is an entire way of viewing the game, specific to that hero (Winston in this case) that is also dependent on team, etc. The same applies for Tracer, who really benefits the most when you’re always headshotting.

There is unique considerations to all heroes, downplaying the skill involved in aim though does not benefit either side. First person shooter aim skill, reaction time, flick vs track, etc, etc, is a VERY demanding skill set. Similar to say an artist and the control of the brush strokes etc. The depth of it as a skillset is very impressive and worth acknowledgement.

It shouldn’t be used as a way to diminish say the skill sets, the situational manipulation and such that comes with Winston, simply because he doesn’t require aim. At the same time, aim should be acknowledged as the skill it is, and on heroes designed around it (McCree is the best example imo, Widow is also good but not so much. Soldier ofc good choice) should be rewarded.

Too many caught up in an “us vs them” mentality. Both sides can be represected.

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A good Zen should actually do better than Moira. Zen out-ranges Moira by a long shot and get those sweet sweet assists. These heroes are accessed differently, unless smurfing no one will expect a zen to have as many elims as Moira.

Dva is not so easy to play.
You dive like yolo you’re demeched and you die.
And her guns still requires tracking and her rockets are hard to land projectiles if you’re just poking to charge your ult

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Go look at the in game description and read it dude

Someone had to say it.

My Winston Rein part and people already have proved my point.

You can see some people calling them easy due to lack of traditional mechanics.

I mean, aim can’t be the most important, as the game has lots of easy heroes that are meta definingly strong.

It’s not because 2 no aim heroes are hard than other are you know.

Genn Paladin is hard to play but Baku Paladin isn’t .

If you see what I mean

That’s why this game is so triggering, my friend.

Because you can’t just simply hard carry 100%. Mechanical aim can’t just carry you through. You have to understand the grand scheme of things in a sense. You have to outplay your opponent not just mechanically, but tactically in order to truly carry. Otherwise, you can be off in the backline fragging as Tracer and your team never even touches the point.

There is no benefit outside of catharsis and emotion to downplaying a type of skill in this game. Be it mechanical click on head aim skill, or teamplay positional tactic etc play. In this game, tbh, mechanical aim skill is secondary to game sense. That’s not to say you don’t have an advantage being mechanically skilled. You definitely do.


I think the fallacy the “no aim = no skill” people make is assuming that the degree to which low-to-no aim characters depend on the other metrics of skill (i.e. positioning, timing, etc) is the same as those characters who do have aim. For instance, Winston has much greater dependence on proper timing than Soldier: 76 does, though Soldier has to also account for aim.


That’s exactly true. In a way, I can rely on some headshot burst with some heroes to get me out of situations. As Winston, with a clearly regulated damage output, I don’t have that luxury, and as such I have to approach things differently.

This game is VERYYYYY complex. Also, the FPS nature of it puts it on a different level than MOBAs in a way, as aim skillsets and such come into play. Subtle hero movements like ADAD crouch spam, can make or break engagements.


The Pirate Ship Bastion Comp on Junketown also destroys the mechanical skill argument. With mechanics you CANNOT break it.

You need Mei to wall him up or a Sombra to hack him. That’s why a pro team got washed by it, because they didn’t think about Sombra or Mei and thought they could just dive the payload and stop it.

Imagine in a game of basketball where when one particular player can travel without penalty. And when you tell him that’s BS and no skill he says “huehue swatting ball repeated on the ground isn’t the only skillz in this game…there’s movement skill, reading defense skill, watch the clock skill and of course putting the ball in the basket skill. Your argument of dribble skill is a fallacy.”

And when he steals your ball, he’s all “lmao git gud at controlling your ball nub.”

Overwatch Support Mains :man_shrugging:

I don’t think people take into account the kits of each character as well. Soldier has a rather beefy AoE heal, movement ability and a auto-aim ultimate. McCree has a reload skill, flashbang and also has an auto-aim ultimate. Widow has an escape, alert trap and an ultimate that sees through walls. Most of these characters has abilities that lessens the need for mechanical skill that people seem to forget and think that they only have LMB and RMB.


-And when your Moira kills a pharamercy with her ult
-When your Sombra/Mei + Orisa breaks a Pirate ship comp
-When your rein back shatters the enemy team
-When your Winston/Lucio knocks 3 people off the map

What won the game? Who created space? Who blocked a damage ult? Etc.