No Aim =/= No Skill (revived)

People complained about mercys rez and beeing a must pick

that made people angry and made them think bringing the “No skill” argument is a good idea

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Of course ,but nobody with good aim does that.

When you develop aim, other skill just naturally develop with it (Besides maybe things like shot-calling, that’d require communication)

Well yeah but that just proves the point that aim isnt everything

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Everything in the game comes down to aiming your cursor in the vague direction of the enemy and pressing buttons

Refer to my example above


id honestly have to disagree

You can be a god widow that never misses a shot but if you are standing in the ground in front of the enemy winston that aint gonna do you much good

Personally I divide ‘skill’ into ‘marksmanship’ and ‘tactical insight’. Reaper is low on marksmanship, high on tactical insight. S76 is moderately high on marksmanship, very low on tactical insight.

This does make certain characters stand out like sore thumbs, like Moira and Junkrat, neither of which have high tactical requirements, nor high marksmanship requirements.

Zen needs to be good at aiming to be any good. Ana needs to be good at aiming to be any good. I guess Lucio aiming isn’t too essential but helps alot. Then you have to consider that all healers have to fight their way to survive after getting hacked by sombra, so being good at aiming is pretty much necessary.

The skills you listed apply to ALL HEROES. not just moira, not just symmetra, not just Winston. Everyone. So heroes who need all these skills AND aiming consider aimless heroes much easier to play. And rightfully so. OF COURSE if you’re bad at aiming you’re going to be completely in love with this concept of not having to aim, but the rest of us have to apply much more effort and practice to compete and it feels unfair.

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You didnt read what i said multiple times

I didnt say that the skills i listed arent important for everyone

i said that their required in different degrees in order to master a hero

Of course if your a god at aiming you can use that on Torbjorn

or if your a god at Predicting you can use that as tracer

But, In order to for example be effective as tracer Predicing is not necesary, it can help if you know how to do that but its not, Its more important to know how to predict the enemy as Junkrat, Since, his primary fire is a slow projectile and it requires you to predict the enemy movement in order to land it, While tracer doesnt really need to do this since her gun is a hitscan, maybe she needs this on her ult but really not as much

So we can say, that junkrat Requires more “Projectile leading” and “Movement Predction” Than tracer does, While she requires more “Tracking” as another example

Projectile leading is just an advanced form of tracking. Movement prediction is part of tracking. I don’t understand why you’re hairsplitting the concept of “aiming” into so many categories and then saying that heroes who don’t have to worry about it at all still have other skills. Yea, I agree with you. They have to be living human beings for one. Can’t be a dolphin. They have to not be completely blind or in a coma. What else? I guess it helps a lot if they have both arms and all their fingers. Like I said, the skills that aimless heroes have are not unique to them, they apply to everyone. Yes, each hero has their own playstyle, and their weapon works differently from others, so you have to practice on each hero (if the hero requires aim). But “that symmetra waited for a good time to engage you and it worked” so she’s skilled? Really? How does that not apply to ANY/ALL other heroes?

Edit: i don’t want to be toxic or mean but it seems like you are grasping to find something that isn’t there so now I don’t even know what we’re talking about

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im a mccree main and i will tell you this right now, this applies to every single hero in the game EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.

Gamesense > Mechanical skill

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It applies…But in different ways…as ive explained before…

also im splitting it because its not the same

Tracking means you have to keep your cursor on the target and follow them,

Leading means you have to aim slightly ahead of the, predicting their movement,

i find it important to make sure they are two different ways of aiming and its important to know it,

For the symmetra example, i said that because symmetra lacks any kind of mobility or escape mechanisms, So, she needs to pick her engaments well or she dies, While that is true for any other hero, its more important for heroes like sym who DONT have mobility, or stuff like that, Sure its important for sombra and tracer to pick good engagments but if stuff gets bad they can really easily escape, Some heroes dont have this


Some heroes requires less of x skill, and more of x skill

your a mcree main right

Tell me, How many projectiles does mccree have to lead? 1 every 10 seconds that travels like 5m

Now think, how many projectiles does junk have to lead? 5 from primary fire, 2 from shift,

In that case we can say its more important to lead projectiles as junk,

But on the mcree flipside, he has to “TRACK” targets, and land headshots, Meaning mccrees tracking is more important than junks, Or mccrees engagment picking is more important that junk since junkrat clearly has more mobility than mccree

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I agreed your opinion, OP. Even real Aimbotter are having problem to climb and they were easy to be killed because they suck at position and awareness.
(You can see the stream-videos, Pros vs real Hacker its very interesting to watch).

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Reviving this thread

This topic is still relevant due to the 40 trillion “Brig needs no skill, she neds nerfs” so this necro isnt breaking the rules

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lol, i thought i recognized your name from somewhere. I quite enjoyed this post.

I am everywhere, you cant escape from me

Winston’s kit requires a player who is good at Winston, anyone can pick sym and help the team.

No, they cant

I challenge you

go play a few comp matches as sym and actually be useful to your team, using your support abilities and protecting your tp while putting sentries etc´

It aint easy,

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Lol I have played her in comp and done well because she’s easy. Maybe you should try a hero that’s actually difficult to play like McCree or Zarya…

I saw someone think like that during comp we bulldozed the enemy team during attack on Lunar Colony. They picked Sym during the second (defense) round saying “I’m gonna go cancer” or something noticed that they put the turrets in odd positions, tbh i thought it was bad as a sym player but didn’t say anything cause i assumed they new what they were doing). They didn’t. We lost cause the turrets weren’t any help they didn’t even know who to target first.

Sym is an easy hero sure but your statement is hardly true.

Lol you lost because the turrets weren’t in the right spots in an anecdote that you may or may not have come up with on the spot to prove someone you don’t agree with wrong.