No Aim =/= No Skill (revived)

And none of that does any good if you forget the main objective of the present game to go out and spawnkill.


If people don’t get it know after a year into this game, then they’re being delusional. Simple as that.

I have to disagree. There’s a lot more to aiming than you initially realize. Aiming is not just about ‘point and click’.

When you aim, there’s a lot of mental factors in play that take a demanding amount of skill - and those factors are;

Leading your target

Tracking your target

Predicting your target’s movement

Using movement to aim

Positioning, callouts, tactics are all extremely important, but aim is what wins gunfights. Aim DOES = skill.


Aim is not skill

aim is one of many things that all together form “skill”

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That’s like saying swinging a baseball bat isn’t skill. It forms all of the things to help score a home run.

No matter how you deflect, and twist the reasoning, there is skill in aim. I guarantee it.


I know, thats not what im trying to say

what im trying to say is

aim is ONE of MULTIPLE skills

and its not the only skill ever


Oh, my bad man. And yeah i agree.

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This is the exact reason why I think mccree has the highest skill ceiling and skill floor. No mobility, no forgiveness in his kit
… you either pop heads or die.

Try playing Tracer, Soldier or Widow without anything but aim. Stand in any random position and don’t pick your targets correctly but just whatever is in front of you, and see how quickly you get absolutely destroyed.
Aim is not the be all and end of. But for mechanically demanding hero’s, all of those things are essential as well as very good aim, which is not really something you can learn. If you have atrocious aim now, you aren’t going to get world class aim with some practice.

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Thats true, But remember that, what im trying to point out isnt that x hero requires x skill and z hero doesnt, im trying to say that X hero requires more of x skill than z hero

Why the hell is this still being discussed. Literally no point.

You think this is going to stop people complaining about heroes that dont aim? Do you really think that?

i think i replied to this old post actually so ill say the same here.

false equivalency.

mercy/junkrat require skill.

widow/tracer require everything mercy and junk require and 1000 times more.

its a very simple concept and i dont get why people keep bringing it up and ignoring simple logic.

banging your head against a keyboard requires skill ( some form of head to eye coordination)

this does not mean you are equal to beethoven playing the piano…

both require skill… one requires a bit more than the other i believe.

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I’ve been practising fade jumps lately and its real disheartening to see someone like Andygmb post videos of these mad low to high ground fades. I think “cool, this looks useful and easy”. Then I go into a custom Dorado game to practice it. 2 hours later…I have done nothing except try to skim off a parked van with 0% cooldown fade and I have maybe got the jump consistency down to 1 in 25 attempts.

Its heartbreaking stuff.

Oh yeah? i can prove you wrong

Tracer requires very little to no projectile leading nor does widow,
Thats a skill junkrat requires that the others dont, or not as much

For mercy, 90% of her kit is tied to her teammates, While widow and tracer can do stuff on their own, Teamworks helps them, But its not a necesity like with mercy

so we can say you require more teamwork with mercy than with the others

B-But guys. This goes against Mercy requiring more skill, that’s why she needed the nerf!

Or some vapid drivel like that.

makes sense :slight_smile: u need all those things listed to be good at this game :stuck_out_tongue: :+1:

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Of course you do!

Some people dont get it though

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Yeah but if you got aim, you just have the 70% of the skill required to play this game at a higher rank:slight_smile:


id honestly have to disagree

You can be a god widow but if you are standing in the ground in front of the enemy winston that aint gonna do you much good

But then nobody would’ve talked sh1t about mercy when she was a must pick, I think there’s more to it than that