No 3rd beta HAHAHAHA

What we got in beta 2 doesn’t need another public test apparently. So what we played is almost alpha ready? No it isn’t and it’s hilarious they got you guys to buy the watch point pack for immediate beta access only to pull a fast one on you guys again. YOU GUYS BOUGHT EARLY ACCESS TO A FREE GAME HAHAHAHA. Blizzard you always surprise with how you can get fan boys to pay you whenever you say.


Aand you are telling us this cuz?


You doing ok today bud?


almost alpha ready? why do I keep coming back here


No lies detected. I gotta give Bobby Kotick props for duping these fanboys out of $40 for beta access. He’s a smart businessman for sure.


The value of the WP pack didn’t change one iota on whether or not a third beta occurred.

Fact is if you plan on buying the WP cosmetics, icon, Battle-pass, and v-currency you will almost certainly pay more… esp. if you want the old OW1 skin pack on a new account.

Why are you so bitter about the Watchpoint pack mate? Did you not get enough beta time in or picked?


actually he tells the truth

they wanted people to buy the wathpoint for beta 2 and ( 3)
and in the end there isnt even a beta 3
its actually a joke

i mean i dont care i bought it bcs of the skins

but its really manipulation to get money and in the end its for nothing only for 1 beta and 2 skins XDDD
and that 40 €


This is the third red flag indicator of how OW2 will operate.

It only goes downhill from here and they only further tap your wallets.


the same with the battle pass
they want to make a battle pass for money
and in the end there is only trash in the battlepass but who cares they bought it for 20 €



I’d never purchase a BP without knowing exactly what I’m getting, yet OW players did that.

It signals to Kotick and Co. that it doesn’t matter what they put in the BP, players will blindly buy it.

I’ve seen folks on here think they’ll get 10-20 skins per BP, which is beyond laughable.

They’re going to get 1-3, and then some in store credit that will purchase 1/8 of a skin or something.


I am honestly curious how the people who bought the beta access are feeling about it being such a money sink, but maybe they just really, really like the game and don’t care? Either way… $40 for one entrance to a beta is really steep. Then again, $45 for skins is insane also.


Even if you add everything up individually in the WP it’s a bad deal.

The battle pass is probably worth $10. 2000 VC is probably $20. That means you paid $10 for a beta code and a couple of mid skins. And why would anyone buy a battle pass without knowing what content it has in it or buy 2000 VC when they don’t know the in-game store pricing yet?

OW fanboys got duped. Then they come on here and cry about how much they hate Bobby Kotick because of the workplace allegations. All while they hand him $40 for mystery content :joy:


I didn’t buy beta access either, but it’s not really that crazy. I’ll spend $40 to go golfing for a few hours without blinking, spending $40 for something that gives you dozens of hours of entertainment is a pretty good deal.


The watchpoint pack was offering access only for the 2nd beta anyway.


If you’re paying attention to pricing in the industry right now, I think we’re actually going to see a more expensive Battle Pass for OW.

While it should be priced at $10, I actually think we’re going to see a BP somewhere in the ballpark of $15-$18 for OW2.

And that simply won’t be worth it. I do believe the first BP they release will be a healthy amount of content (as they want to stir up the playerbase), but I don’t expect much beyond the first BP.

This team has shown they aren’t dedicated to content in the least bit. After their first loaded BP, they’ll use the excuse "We’ve been putting our efforts into PVE which is why these subsequent BPs have lackluster and limited content.


They actually cost more than $10? That’s pathetic. I don’t keep up with them because I’ve never purchased a BP in any game. I couldn’t imagine paying a company for the privilege of leveling up a BP like a zombie to unlock a bunch of cosmetics that aren’t even worth it.

I thought loot boxes were fine. It only took like 4 comp matches to earn one and I got more than enough coins from them to buy the few skins I wanted for my main heroes.

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Yet another post thinking you paid 40 dollars just for beta access as though it came with absolutely nothing else.
Man, that sucks that reading isn’t as popular as it used to be. Especially since you’re on the forums. This must be really awkward for you.


It’s the same with the Sombra hunter skin in the Blizzcon pack. Folks made it out to be like they were paying 40 bucks just for the skin, when that’s… not what they were paying for.


A combination of inflation and greed are hitting the industry hard right now.

We’re seeing small cost increases in many franchises’ seasonal content, only it’s increasing in cost every season.

Most franchises’ have priced right around $10 USD, but we’re seeing more of them increase to $12-$13, which may seem insignificant, yet they’d sat at $10 for the past 3-5 years. I am expecting more jumps in the industry headed into 2023 as inflation persists as problematic.

I say this to say I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised at a $15 OW BP. It’d be slightly on the higher side of BPs yet most BPs are headed there.

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You really need to value your time more if this is actually what you think. Five loot boxes cost what? $5? If your goal is to get new skins, you can work an hour IRL and make a lot more than $5 and buy the loot box, instead of spending hours upon hours grinding in game for those same loot boxes.

Have more respect for the value of your time.