Nintendo Switch crashes playing Season 9

how do i clear the cache?

In the settings of the console. Were it says “data managment” scroll down. There’s an option that says “delete save data” I won’t recommend that for games that save the progress in the catridge. But overwatch saves it in their servers so there’s no problem. (You can do your research if you don’t feel safe)


How do we get refunded on switch battle pass?? I uninstalled and i dont want to play anymore and i want my money back.

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Turning off kill cam seemed to help, but didn’t fully fix the issue. Trying clearing cache now to see if that makes a difference.


Turned off kill cam and cleared cache. Booted second game. That’s the third time this morning I have had he game crash, so I’m done again until I see a fix I guess.


It does not fix it sadly. Still crashing. Blizzard needs to fix this.


The game keeps crashing which is really frustrating because it counts it as me leaving the match early and is threatening to give me a penalty.

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Same with me unfortunately

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I decided not to play until the error is solved, I don’t want to continue being banned because of them and I really hope that they give us at least some exp multipliers for the battle pass, although perhaps this will be solved at the end of the season


does anybody know if this was fixed yet? i really would like to play overwatch, but getting kicked every match is exhausting T. T

Not fixed, but there has been a temporary solution found by some users. They mentioned to turn off your kill cam and it has worked for me. I’ve been able to complete half of my comp games and the only time I’ve disconnected is in a custom game. I try it out in AI first to make sure this feature is still working.

“Always skip kill cam” option?

No, this is still an ongoing issue. Once we’re confident it has been fixed we’ll make sure the Known Issues topic I linked to earlier will be updated.

The latest update I have is that they believe they have it fixed and are working to get a patch ready for Switch users. This isn’t something Blizzard has full control over, so I’m not able to offer a specific time when that patch will become available for download but I did want to confirm there has been progress.


Any idea of an ETA or is that still completely unknown. Both comp and quickplay have become unplayable with crashing and receiving system error.

Yep! Turn that off but always make sure it works, don’t go straight in a qp or comp game.

This is ridiculous the is literally unplayable

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Personally for me, it always kicks me out after 10 deaths. Idk why that specific amount but it’s really annoying

[quote=“zColdzDeathz-1466, post:51, topic:879598”]
th cams in general. Information like what you provided will actually get sh*t moving and fans not pisse [/quote] it works for me but my friends turned off the kill cam and they can’t play, maybe u should stop whining and if it was that simple blizzard would’ve already fixed it

Fix your broken game please

Popular streamer ML7 did an interview with lead hero designer Alec Dawson yesterday, who said that a hotfix patch is being released today but the Switch issues were not mentioned specifically as one of the things being fixed. I missed the live Q&A myself so I was unable to ask them directly but would you be able to confirm or deny whether this patch will address the Switch crashes?