Next week big update, what can it be?

Well there is the waiting in line for enough tanks part, that doesn’t change, but otherwise the other chunk of the queue time could go down to almost zero.

Also they could end up matching tanks that are ranked as Diamond, but performing like GMs into GM games. And then crank up their SR.

Heck, just equalizing the population histograms of tank/dps/healer would take a ton of CPU power.

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But just that? Faster queues? I don’t see that as spicy… I mean that’s great as well, but I guess there will be something spicy about the gameplay too…

Well faster queue times by about half, and add in “doing simple balance changes every 2-3 weeks”.

That’s spicy.

“Dev Update”
I haven’t heard those words in years…

Seems interesting, I’m not gonna lie, I kind of was hoping for an in game feature, but That is great news as well, It’s just that my personal expectations were on something else, but I’m happy with this too.

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Well, Google has to be giving something really valuable for Blizzard to take all their Esports hopes and dreams, and take it away from Twitch and gamble it with Google.

And if Google is doing the heavy lifting for this work, that means devs can work on OW2.

Define “Big update”
Game overhaul to fix major and everything?
Release something nobody asked for and declare it “big update” and “much needed”

If it is not a multiple-hero-pack i’ll be disappointed :wink:
Probably Echo-ARG :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I speculate,
Some sort of Voting feature. This will be huge. For what? No idea. Maybe maps, player role (player not doing great at a role? Team can vote for an override), player kick or maybe choose your gamemode with all options available?

Leaver fill: Faster refilling an empty slot from a leaver.

Player Tag: New data will be tracked on a player like times left an active game, times reported/falsely reported, times kicked/falsely kicked (so if a person plays Symmetra alot, they won’t be banned because they were reported falsely or if they have a high kick ratio that data will be paired with what character they played to get some feedback on community behavior) maybe even an indicator visible to other players that a specific player is highly toxic.

New hero. I won’t dismiss the possibility but not likely, IMO.

All heroes get an HP buff (Mcree an indicator of new direction?)

Skill equip menu? Much like the story mode abilities but not as game breaking?

That’s all my speculation.

Will this be a huge update like the vote system to stop people from being toxic that makes absolutely no different to the game or the way you play at all.

It could be a map voting system where you tick what maps you don’t like to play and then it puts all maps on rotation as normal.

I just realized.

If OWL is on YouTube, then YouTube could FrontPage that stuff.

And bring in a metric ton of traffic to OWL.

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Well now that i’ve heard these ideas, yeah it will be probably:

  • Crossplay with console
  • Solving Queue times
  • Maybe some sort of Guild system that everyone has talked about

But i want hero 32 as Echo :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:
Why can’t it be both? :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

Imagine what releasing a DPS (maybe Echo) hero could do to queue times…

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But but but… Echo is a… support right? :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

We don’t know what role she plays, but I guess it’s not tank…

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I was hoping for mirrored maps xD
Probably a scoreboard and something else

If this last patch note is anything to go by, I’m terrified with how the game will look.

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I can’t wait to see another support added to the list of witch-hunting! <3 :clown_face:

I need hero 32 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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That is about the only thing that would convert me to being a tank main for a few weeks. I would hate that.

“You can now get the full refund no matter when you bought the game.”

Sorry. Just joking. Wouldn’t refund it even if I could :joy: