Next week big update, what can it be?

Or like: We are going to have a “No-report, no avoid Monday”. So on the first Monday of the month, nobody can be reported or avoided. :laughing:

Or OW2 Beta?!

i dont think that is spicy or good news.

My bet is for tournament system. Promotes grouping up and teamplay. Different sizes of teams: Team of 4, team of 6, team of 3. If tournament host decides he can remove some heroes from the roster. That would fit with what Jeff said about meta. Bridge or poker sites have that kind of tournaments well thought and its working great. Called it first :slight_smile:

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I believe they said it would be a new system/feature for hero diversity. Which sounds to me like they dont just mean patching more often.

What that system would be, I have no idea.

Removal of 2CP for OWL season 3.

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It has to be something playable or they would not bring in and pay top streamers. You don’t drop $$$ so that xQc can drop into a new PRT and check out a new random vote system or whatever.

but it can’t be a monster update or anything that would require outside 3rd party marketing or it would have leaked by now.

Sooooo maybe mini in game weekend tournament system by SR after the test run of the shield breaker one? Sounds cool but also too much of a time sink for players who leave games now.

Maybe Push is being dropped early to act as a tie breaker for OWL? So just one map?
I want to say it’s just a commitment to faster updates or PTR rolled into main client but you don’t bring in streamers to go oh look it’s PTR.
It’s going to be interesting. .

only thing I know for sure is people will still complain.

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Every match now has at least one player AFK in spawn till they cycle back to their one trick

Judging by streamers hyped and pros too i don’t think crossplay would have what it takes to get them hyped so its unlikely that its this for now.

Hence why we need more interesting heroes. :grin::grin:

??? Assault maps are fine for OWL, it’s playing them on ladder that people hate.

All these theories, XQC is feeding I should add.

Never ever ever ever expect the devs to bring something “spicy”.

I just want to clarify that “big changes” and “huge announcements” are usually nothingburgers or negative towards the game (awful reworks, “features”, “balances”, and a whole lotta nothin)

Devs are too busy with OW2, if there is anything to be excited for its news on that, until then dont get any hopes up for OW1

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