when is said update is gonna drop? tomorrow? i hope it’s not friday
is it official that its “big” update? or do we just think its big?
they usually patch stuff on tuesdays, sometimes thursdays but that’s rare.
Jeff said feature…”feature” sounds like major addition to me
I was thinking tha tmaybe they’ll remove them entirely to make DPS queue just a bit faster LOL
could be big for some and not for others.
we really have no idea, it’s just people having fun speculating at this point.
Idk what they’ll say, my hopes are up to:
Echo release
Ow2 beta
Probably none of those will happen but it’s a nice dream of mine
Well, xQc signed an NDA to find out what it is, and he thinks it’s “Spicy”.
Crossplay is one I had not thought of…that would be interesting (assuming o course they don’t somehow inexcusably add pc in there)
What about crossplay AND Stadia crossplay AND Overwatch is a default game with Stadia.
Isn’t stadia like already dead…we don’t need more dead game memes
For me it could be:
Maps reworks
Ult rework (not to lose all the ult progress when switching)
Hero 32
OW2 news hopefully
EDIT: i forgot 2-3-2 xd
I figure it’s dead in the same way that Android and Chrome used to be dead.
But yeah, Google is going to be hosting a bunch of low latency Overwatch servers.
So there’s possibly some “Google magic” at play here.
Who knows, maybe they are using Rollback Netcode, which was open sourced by the EVO tournament founders.
- Hotfix balance feature that allows simple variable changes to be adjusted on the fly and without patches, no more PTR, balance changes go straight to live.
- Map avoid feature, pick one from each mode to never play.
I wish people would stop asking for this one…see it way too many times this week (once would already be too many)
What about a “you have to flex” feature?
You won a match? Your most played hero will be banned for you to play for the next 2 matches.
People would have to learn more than one hero.
Oh snap!
I got it. If Google hosts all the Overwatch servers, then they have all the server/player data.
You know what you can do with server/player data, with a company that has some of the best AI software in the world?
Calculating matchmaking a lot faster.
Like i said in another thread, no ult compensation makes people reclutant to switch, that is the opposite of their basic game design for this game.
So if we are talking of game changing features, i’ll include that one in the possibilities. I’m not pro or against it myself.
My guess is some kind of tournament mode.
And the google thing is probably for help with AI enemies for OW2 PVE mode more likely.
Well, how much the matchmaking would be improved you think?