Next Experimental's Hopes and Dreams

What I want to see in the next experimental:

  • Cree HP revert.
  • Buffs to winston,, and orisa.
  • These doom changes…
  • Lucio and Moira buffs.
  • Actual AGGRESSIVE changes like they promised experimental would be… and not just pretty much “guaranteed to go live” changes.

ayyy count me in. i’d like to see this for my genji as well here: A condensed Genji Change Patch (1/24/2021)


Something to deal with Tank desirability with Sigma/Orisa/Winston/

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imagine a meta with orisa, the most boring hero ever made, and doomfist, the worst designed hero that makes you wanna leave games. next stop, brig buffs.


No one is asking for either of them to be meta?


Widowmaker, cree, ashe, brigitte, sigma, and sombra have worse designs then doomfist.

But okay.

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why do i have a feeling you might get falsely reported for this?

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Wouldn’t be the first time my friend. Forum goers are very fragile.


I want a single hero buffed, that being Lucio with his speed, everyone else gets the nerfed or remains untouched.

I reckon mainly we need to take a pass at hitscan fall off ranges for most of those heroes.

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There’s a lot of heroes who needs buffs and nerfs to hitscans won’t really change much for said heroes.

If only the game had a counter-play path of mechanisms, like a meta, anti-meta and off-meta, but no, the game ends up being about mirror matches.

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Oh, I should’ve guessed lol


Ah yes.

Me wanting cree nerfs.

GOTTA be cause ima doom main and not because he’s single handidly the number 1 dps in literally EVERY SINGLE RANK, except for bronze.

Yep, it’s cause I’m a doomfist main.

If It was from doom bias I would’ve gone after his stun that nearly lasts an entire second dontcha think?

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I wanna worry about that 3 months from now after the scorched earth approach settles.

Yes to the tank buffs, yes to the Cree nerf, no to the Doomfist buffs.

They need to first and foremost fix his bugs. All of 'em.

Then figure out what to do, cause that design + viable = not good for anyone else.

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His bugs won’t fix his core issues.

Are his bugs a problem? Yes.

That doesn’t solve his ACTUAL problems though. Even IF you fix his bugs he will STILL be a sub 1% pickrate hero. His kit just sucks and bug fixes won’t solve that.

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maybe it should be stickied to the top. no1 sticky thread by jeff himself

His kit is poorly designed, they gave him too much. He needs a rework, not buffs.

Doomfist’s core issue is having mobility, sustain, cc, and burst damage all in one kit. None of his abilities are hard to land and he bypasses both barriers and the incentive to take out the supports first. He would have to give up more than the impact damage to justify those other changes you suggest.

Lucio also does not need significant buffs if any, at all. People often overlook how easily Lucio can become busted.

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Sounds awful

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Give up like what??

Give up more to become even worse than he already is???

Mobility is all straight, predictable, telegraphed lines.

His sustain (if you’re talking about his shield passive) is a complete joke and he’s STILL the only hero to average double digit deaths.

And his CC is simple knock arounds and aren’t even hard stuns EXCEPT for punch.

This powershift makes punch more for mobility and makes his combo the main playstyle for doom which IT SHOULD’VE ALWAYS BEEN.

You could at least explain why instead of just saying “sounds awful” with zero context.

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