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Tank buffs and swapping out Sigma’s latest nerf with one that doesn’t decapitate him.

Hitscan drop off reverts would help tanks.
Moira buffs wouldn’t do anything but make people complain, specifically the ones that watch streamers.

So we leave moira as she is??

Hot garbage?

Lucio is the 2nd to last played support in GM and has the lowest winrate…

I want to see all of Doom’s c/ds dropped 50%.

Mei’s freeze lasts for 10 seconds on each target. 1 point of damage destroys you from being brittle.

McCree finally learns to shoot with both hands and now does Guns Akimbo as his ultimate, slaughtering friend and foe alike.

That is all.

I thought you were serious.

When I tell you my heart dropped from fear…

Like… “Damn someone is trynna get my main hero slaughtered”

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Yah, because knowing Blizzard they’ll end up nerfing her even worse after the buff as appeasement. Rather have her as “hot garbage” then “worse then hot garbage”.

Pharah buffs.

To anything.

Also an ult rework. Her ult is hot garbage and it’s needed a rework since the first year of the game.

Also hitscan nerfs across the board. What used to be a niche subset of ways to do damage has become the dominant and basically only viable playstyle outside of a couple outliers.


I mean I could, but don’t really want to. Just wanted to throw in my opinion.

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I love people who just say things is bad but aren’t up for discussion.

I can’t wait to improve the things I listed with such meaningful feedback.

I can still consistently win games in gold/plat with Orisa. Dva/Winston is suicide though. Winston you press the jump pack and then go back to spawn.

I don’t even know how the devs can play him on a public game server and not feel like something is horribly wrong.

This is because of all the hitscan damage creep. Poke is way too strong and his bubble way too weak. But if you make the bubble stronger, you force more hitscan.

would be awesome if they did buff pharah i play her quite a bit. even tho i would love it maybe she would be too strong in the low ranks and consoles. she might even become like rein and ana… strong in every rank cept masters and gm. maybe

With how many strong and hard counters she has, I doubt it. You can field two full team comps of pharah counters.

Then how about we reduce the damage across the board? And tune back the burst healing while we are at it?

Winston was the first tank I got good at. Even before they changed his barrier to start cooldown on deployment, rather than breaking. Now, I feel like I’m more of a detriment.

You just dive in and get hit with a sleep dart, anti nade, and have to fight your way through immortality field.

It’s because these discussions are often highly hypothetical with lots of bias and opinions from people of too broad of a skill range to bother. I’ve learned that already in the past.

But without a detailed writeup my opinion is no less valid. There is still value to the discussion to informing you, other forum-goers, and the devs that there are people who do not like those balance ideas. I see quite often many forum users trying to paint broad pictures of “everyone likes/dislikes X” simply because they those who oppose the opinion aren’t going out of their way to post.

I’m good with that. TTK is way too low for most heroes and chip damage is way too deadly because of the burst. But you need the burst because of the healing. But you need the healing because of the high chip opening you up to burst!

Vicious cycle. Best thing to do is knock everything back down. Don’t need to buff pharah that way, tbh.

She has one of the weakest slow rate of fire projectiles in the game and she’s the only hero that self-damages with her primary (and only) fire as well as being 1 of 2 that self damage with her ulti.

Design around Pharah’s power level imo.

Well then you GOTTA know that he single handedly has a negative winrate in every rank below GM, and in GM he has the lowest winrate of any hero with a +2% pickrate :woman_shrugging:

Yeah he’s picked, but he doesnt really win lol…

He’s always had a bad winrate.

Are you really going to look at me with a straight face and tell me that cree isn’t strong and people just play him for no reason?

That is illogical ESPECIALLY in GM where they LITERALLY play what’s best.

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It’s clear you don’t care about Doomfist being balanced and your bias towards him clouds any objective reasoning. He needs a rework, not a buff. His “combo playstyle” would never be able to exist in a balanced state because his kit has too much in it. You can downplay the character however much you want, he isn’t as weak as you’re so desperately trying to make him seem.

Common sense. Just like you don’t have to explain why dropping a heavy object on your bare foot would be a bad idea.

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I stated objective facts about his kit. It isn’t downplaying, it’s LITERALLY the state of the character atm.

If he wasn’t weak, why does he have a sub 1% pickrate… why is everyone that plays him and can get value out of him a doom one trick… why has he been garbage for nearly 4 years??? Why is it that he’s been meta once, and that ONE time was because every other hero was useless???

You’re trying to make doomfist out to be a good and strong hero when he just simply isn’t. AT ALL.

Something that will obviously cause you pain is a lot different from a balance change. The fact you can’t realize that and you just tried to compare the two, is really telling…

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