NEWS - Message from J. Allen Brack (Blizzard President) & Investor's Call Transcript

Jim, you shouldn’t have ordered that $1 burger from mcdonalds. I don’t care if you bought it for your kid, shoulda just given them noodles. Gotta save no matter what Jim.


Forget it, he won’t stop defending them. Let the blind be blind, as they chose to be.

Game devs and HR reps are not the ones getting fired.

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I vote we turn Jim into a meme, so we can all remember how effing unfair it is that 800 people just like him got fired in a year that ActiBlizz made a killer profit.


I am defending that they own the company and it is their right to do with it as they please as long as they stay within the law

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All i read was blah blah blah new ips blah blah blah overwatch leauge blah blah blah carol in human resources lost her job because i wanted a 4th yacht


Easy to say after the CEO gets a nice $15m check and yet 800 employees are laid off…

Surrre seems like you wanna advance

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Hate to burst your bubble life is unfair


"Jim, there’s no doubt in our minds that you’ve got everything needed to succeed. You’ve at least four spare pints of blood and a spare kidney. Plus you’ve got two legs and two arms that you can use to be a landscaper, unless you sell that one kidney and then you’re probably not going to want to strain yourself too much.

“Well Jim, got to go. I’ve got a 4 o’clock at Mar-a-Lago, and the President is only there 180 days a year. We’re not validating your parking today, so don’t even ask.”


Feels bad you have to keep reminding people that :confused:

It’s amazing so many people here buy into this disingenuous PR talk

I guess that’s why companies still have these public announcments, its because the masses always buy into it, eating it up and never learning from the lies.

The jist of the post boils down to “quantity over quality”. More games with less content and less time put into developing them for more, quick profits. See: EA games.

RIP Blizzard. You got killed by corporate greed and are going the way of EA.


Hate to burst YOUR bubble: it doesn’t have to be, and shilling for big corporations when they act like self-satisfied fat-cats isn’t going to make the lives of people like Jim any better.


I figured I would get it out of the way now. I too have opinions about the events of today (however I will withhold them). Nevertheless, this post was intended to present information that Blizzard has given here on the forums. How each of you interpret the information is at your discretion.

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Life will never be fair, because it is life

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“Bad things happen, so we should never grow or improve”.

Don’t worry Wyoming, I for one don’t hold it against you for conveying what these greedy blighters may have to say. You’re doing good work, I just wish that Activision-Blizzard was more worthy of ya.

I’ve never seen “we gotta cut costs even though we already make a sh*tload of money” said with so many words before. Talk about beating around the bush.

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My relationship with the community and with Blizzard is right where it want it to be.

Quite an ominous statement.


So many things are legal, that doesn’t mean they’re all right and should be defended.

It’s their company, sure. Was it an effed up, greedy move? Yes, yes it was.

They ruined many lives, but because it’s legal and their company it’s all fine guys.
They’re not bad guys, they can’t help but not feel empathy because the money is too loud. It’s not their fault.


Did you know the term “writing on the wall” refers to Chapter 5 of the Book of Daniel in the Bible when King Belshazzar sees the words Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upsharin written on a wall . Belshazzar summons Daniel to interpret the writing , which Daniel translates as "Numbered, numbered, weighed, divided.

The more you know.