NEWS - Message from J. Allen Brack (Blizzard President) & Investor's Call Transcript

From the Blizzard News Feed: Message from J. Allen Brack — All News — Blizzard News

Click here for the 2018 Q4 Results ATVI Investor Call Transcript (

Key Quotes:

This has been posted as a reference for discussion related to the events of today. As a reminder, I am a forum MVP (which this post has nothing to do with that role), but I DO NOT represent Blizzard Entertainment. Please keep discussion civil everyone. Thanks.


And you don’t want that. You think you do but you don’t.


I’m glad they’re confident because I can see the writing on the wall.

If you work for Blizzard, I hope you start working on your resume and start stealing the post it’s and pens from the supply closet, because this company is going to be dead in 5 years.


Hell yeah. So instead of 6 skins per event we’ll be getting 7. FeelsGoodMan.


This could be good, they are moving resources from non-development areas and putting them into development of games. this could mean more frequent and impactive changes.


Yes, we don’t. At least not at the expense of everything else.
And their selfishness isn’t just affecting players, but also the hundreds of those that lost their jobs.

They (those that were fired) don’t care about this empty acknowledgement. This is to make the masses think they made the correct decisions, they’re trying to convince others into thinking they made the right decision.


They make 7.5b in profits in a record 2018 and couldnt afford game development? Give me a break.


I would like to extend my sympathies to the 800 staff who just got laid off through no fault of their own. What a nice way for them to be told they’re suddenly surplus to requirements…


It is the right decision if it makes the company money and makes games better, game companies are businesses if there is a way for it to make more money they will do it, businesses are suppose to make profit people

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I doubt that reinvestment is part of the plan. This is about profit at the top, regardless of Mr. Brack’s damage control statement.


Activision Blizzard just made their largest ever yearly profit. Don’t give me that nonsense. XD According to their own figures they are FAR from going broke.


All I read was that they were going to be focusing more on new games and esports which is not really what I am into… however, it is the Activision way.


Almost makes it seem like they’re lying about their profits. That or Blizzard games weren’t close to the majority of the profit, making them a liability. We gotta remember, Activision Blizzard makes more games than just the ones with the Blizzard logo. Either way, not a good look.


its best to stay optimistic. based on how far the stock has fallen over the past couple of months, I would assume we have scared the higher ups enough to actually put any sort of decent content out. im not saying what they are doing is right or wrong, im just saying that this could be a good thing in the long run.

This sounds like a basic PR response


Of course! Wouldn’t want to frighten those all important investors…


Some people will never stop defending them. They will cover their eyes and ears, yet open their mouths when someone brings up their mistakes.


Never said they were, they prolly think that doing this move will make the company more profit, that is the function of a business., to make as much profit as possible

Isn’t that depressing? I find it depressing. Hey Jim you’re out of a job because paying you a wage means we make less profit. It’s just business you see. Bye Jim.

Never mind the giant pile of cash we JUST gave our new CFO. Don’t look at that.


Be layed of sucks (has happened to me) but guess what thats life, crappy stuff happens, you just pick yourself up and move on