NEWS - Message from J. Allen Brack (Blizzard President) & Investor's Call Transcript

The diplomatic response, as somebody once said to me. :wink:

Fair enough.

It takes time to come to terms with what’s being said and your initial reaction might not always be the best.

Bad things will always happen, as long as there are jobs in the world there will be people losing them, that is life and other then making all jobs done by robots it will always be unfair

That doesn’t mean that we can’t change things to be more equitable. Complacency is a harmful thing.

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Unless you force companies to give up ownership of their company (which would be completely wrong) it thier business to do as they wish

Some turkeys are a little too eager to vote for Christmas

Which is fitting, given what a bastardisation these corporations have made of Christmas.

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All I got from this was:
We know we are dying so we are doing what we can to stop dying , we are going to continue not listening to the community in the process.

Way of saying we have nothing planned but will rush to get it done in two months

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How does record profits and reaffirming commitment to game development get twisted into that? :joy::joy::joy:

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The only thing Activision is dying from is suffocation under mountainous stacks of cash - and the fact it’s somehow still greedy for more.

They are going to try and get every last cent out of this game before it dies down.

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it proves they weren’t even trying before. 7 is min. hands down

I’m certain the dismissed workers care less about the words and more about the severance, benefit support, and career help that comes along with it. And that says more than the words.

Forcing companies to do things is exactly how we got them to stop employing children, give ready access to fire escapes, pay a minimum wage, abolish company stores, make the air in Pittsburgh breathable and stop dumping toxic sludge into rivers that then proceeded to catch fire.

Business has never acted in the interest of the public or its employees unless legally compelled to do so. And so further reform will be compulsory.


And that’s what I said, where you quoted me.

Y’know, I love it when people say ‘Life’s not fair’ because people all over essentially answer one of two ways.

You can either accept it, and dolly your life away and be forgotten like the 8 billion people that lived and died. This way requires almost no effort because you ride the tides of life and survive, maybe thrive.

You can try to force it to be fair, and change lives for everyone after you for better or worse, and be remembered for better or worse. You take huge risks choosing this way and people either falter or succeed highly.

And responses to posts like this shows both people equally and I think that’s beautiful.

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This is what I was thinking. I’m sorry for all those who are losing their jobs. It never feels good to be laid off.


I mean, I have to ask, who would want to get a job at a company under the ActiBlizz umbrella any more, knowing you could be fired at a moment’s notice just for being surplus to requirements, because the company decides that this year’s record profit just wasn’t good enough? I know working in the game industry is notoriously poor on job security, but hot damn.

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Glances over at the glacial pace of updates that not only come slowly but are also polarizing for the community

Ok sure if you say so


So how you fix this, force companiesto never lay anyone off? Not allow the owners to make profit? One thing conservatives and i agree on is the free market and capitalism

Unfortunately, the unemployed type.
But I assume they’ll run away as soon as they get an opportunity somewhere better.