New PTR patch nerfed Reaper, not buffed him

fair points, lets hope they address those issues also, hopefully for good.


This is a Reaper thread. C’mon.

The guy has literally been out of commission for longer than Mercy ever was. Let him have a moment.

Also good to hear about the changes. I didn’t think the problem was that drastic, but still a nice fix regardless.


It’s Spam
This post is an advertisement, or vandalism. It is not useful or relevant to the current topic.

Derailing a Reaper thread with “but what about Mercy tho” is, as the forums define it, spam, and people generally don’t take kindly to it.

Not the time or place.


Huh, could be that it’s been too long since I’ve played Hog, but I haven’t really felt much of a difference between the PTR and Live.

I mean it’s not like Reaper where I was was all “this feels…off”.

O come on.

Have some decency dude. Don’t hijack threads. That’s just rude.

This is about Reaper and not Mercy. You know, that edgy guy who is in a way worse spot than Mercy.


Then don’t draw attention to it. No offense, but you’re adding fuel to a fire here.

Maybe now I can be a Reaper one-trick. :thinking:

Ah, I spent like a couple of hours the first night of the PTR just hooking and shooting especially problematic bots. (Reaper, Mei, Sombra, Ana, Lucio, Zarya) It’s not quite Oldhog but I do think it’s a pretty significant improvement. The only nontank out of those that consistently took the full combo to die was Ana, and Zarya gets knocked to 100 HP or so.

Not like Reaper where I could instantly tell that things were taking way more shots to die. I do think they might just make the two spread patterns the same.


its not, already its a little teeny better… only a little, but… doing the traditional combo (hook-shoot-punch) its a great buff, ana can still surviving with 10-20 hp due her slim hitbox but basically a do a punch and its over, hardly a 200 hp hero survive now, its a lot more consistent.

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I’m not the one who started the fire.
I will support Mercy mains and vow for a buff but this is not the right way.
He (or she) needs to know that it’s rude to try hijacking threads, and if that results in adding fire to the fuel, then so be it.

But let’s not derail the thread, shall we?

Jeff, Thank you for the feedback on this. It’s great to see that it will get fixed.


I guess is for the mods to judge if its spam or not hum?

Did you miss the part where the purpose of the thread was already achieved? Jeff replied saying they will review the problem in the next PTR patch. Huray, you did it. Go celebrate.

Its not a competition of who has it worse, everyone wants their heroes to be a good place. People are just bitter because its someone asking about Mercy. Had I asked about Symm or another hero, these people wouldn’t be complaining.

And if you want to talk rudeness, try hanging on a Mercy thread to see the kind of flak we get. And have been gatting. These guys can @ me all they want, I’m unbothered.

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This is off topic. You’re already getting flagged for spamming. Stop digging that hole.


A nano boosted Hog will be scary.

Probably Reaper too.

Im not sure if falsely reporting people is gonna work.

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What’s false about it? I already outlined how it’s spam.


It’s Spam
This post is an advertisement, or vandalism. It is not useful or relevant to the current topic.

The second part being relevant.


Its relevant to the ptr changes of which mercy was part of.


Nano reaper will be scary as heck. insta-full health. 30% life steal. 50% damage boost meaning more life will be stolen, plus 50% DR.

Actually, nano-reaper can already be scary.

I know who I’ll be nano-boosting in critical moments, then. :eyes:

Listen, I’m in support of Mercy Mains too, but I have to agree-

This is a Reaper thread. This was addressing the issue with the “buff” Reaper had.

I get it that it’s frustrating that Kaplan won’t give Mercy Mains the time of day, but please…you complain with other heroes are brought up in your threads, so please don’t do this here.