Even thought his pellet randomization was reduced by 50 percent and lifesteal increased by 50%, it is still a nerf. Because the pellet randomization was reduced, reaper is actually taking more shots to kill enemies at a certain range. On PTR, go to the practice range and stand 10m away from a bot. On the live servers Reaper will consistently kill the bot in 3 body shots. On the PTR it takes 4 shots. And this is all consistent. This means he takes more time to kill the enemy and does less DPS making his lifesteal buff completely ineffective. Killing squishy targets will be much harder now.
I have two solutions for this. Either reduce the shotgun spread a little (so you need to be more accurate and have better aim), or increase the damage fall off of every pellet so he does 7 dmg per pellet more consistently.
Please, consider this. On paper this is a buff, but practically a nerf.
He needs to get his spread pattern adjusted like Hog and Torb. All of Reaper’s pellets are evenly-spaced, while other shotgun heroes have a cluster in the middle of their crosshair.
no this is still a buff
his short range justifies his high damage
Missed the point completely. The claim is that his effective range has been reduced.
yes but it makes his damage more consistent while in close range
its like you guys want to play reaper as a hecking sniper
Not at all? Reaper’s effective range is already really short. Now they’ve reduced it to make his damage more consistent. At best, this is a side-grade.
Reapers effective range is 0-11 meters. That’s less than Tracer… Now on the PTR is effective range might as well be 0-4 meters.
I recommend everyone to watch this video:
It’s the best explanation that I have found about why his buff is also a nerf.
Yeah, I would be surprised if they didn’t either cancel this change on Reaper, or redo his spread pattern.
Easiest way I figure it’s just shrinking the radius of the outside ring to be closer to the middle ring.
Or just use the old pattern, but tighten the spread.
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Might want to check in with the plethora of videos demonstrating this. His short range damage remains unchanged from 0-3 meters with pretty much anything from 4-10 meters taking longer to kill. Also, 3-10 meters is not “playing like a sniper”.
Why would you try to shoot at that far distance with him anyways?
Its a buff if you can aim,
Shotguns are close range.
Get close range and blast them in the face
If Reaper isn’t making his target eat his guns, he’s not close enough.
Yeah, apperently effective range for Reaper means “closer than melee” range.
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Good. He’s got freaking shotguns. You’re supposed be close enough to see up your target’s nose.
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Stylosa himself said that you need some good aiming to get maximum value from him.
Which is good I suppose, Reaper can tear chunks of hp pretty fast at close ranges. Its also not like he can do weak damage from body-shotting at that distances as well.
Reaper shoots like a hotel shower head now, it’s super weird. It makes one-shotting small heroes harder while not changing his damage to tanks (and other large targets).
It does make him more consistent, just that it makes him consistently worse.
It’s not so much about aiming. Even if you aim dead on, the spread is worse 10m to 4m. That’s basically Reaper’s ideal range: 7m inward. Even shotgun heroes should be able to consistently 2 to 3 shot people in those ranges if they can aim well.
People want more consistent spread to more consistently kill squishy characters. This hurts that. He already can easily kill tanks, even with bad aim
Please learn to read. Or learn to comprehend. One of the two
But Blizzard thinks he FiGhtS aT eXtremLey cLosE RanGe.
Fighting at extremely close range with reaper’s mobility tools is situational at best, and situational things never work.
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