New hero teased on petra

Noooo no random Talon tanks :frowning: Just Max pleasee :frowning:

signs seem to point to an Oasis researcher to me…perhaps funded by talon as they are working in the Illios ruins, which the letter implies this “H. Faisal” is also working.

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Yeah Max already seems really cool for an Omnic lorewise I’d be okay with him first then a Talon tank.

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That’s awesome, insane how fast you found a possible lead.

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Thanks! I just need help on the names! lol

I know I’ve seen the name H. Faisal before, I just cant remember where.

As for Dr. Nachareon I’m not sure

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I’m going to post some screen shots from the Petra map. The H in H.Faisal is Hamid based on a login. And there’s a bag that says Blaise on it. Maybe a new organization based on the insignia. And a suitcase with a Russia sticker.
The plot thickens


this is awesome! Thanks for the finds!

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In the second letter, they talk about already finding Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite statues but the lower level might have another even more significant find.

I wonder if there’s another God program down there, maybe named after another Greek God like Ares or something.


I also kinda wonder if this ties into Zarya and Sombra’s story line in any way because of the Russia sticker. How does this new symbol fit into Sombra’s web? It wasn’t on the original.


The man on the left of Ms. Volskaya? He is connected to something below him on one of the strings.

Can you zoom on that? everything else that is connected by strings has meaning, but we’ve never seen him before

Yeah, I can’t really make out much about him.

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Yeah it might be a dead end there. Maybe going back to Oasis or even Rialto (to the talon base) will give more clues

Someone on Reddit was saying there’s a similar looking tablet on Ayutthaya, but it didn’t have anything written on it. I am wondering if there are clues on any other maps that have changed since this update.

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thats why I’m suspecting Rialto would be a good place to look…I have a hunch talon is the one funding these excavations

Cool . Rock on, you guys that take the time to find this stuff.


I don’t like to complain but how about they stop creating new characters and put the ones in the game we already know. This way the story can never move forward in a big way.


Sometimes the devs get clever with names so I looked up meanings for “Hamid” and “Faisal”, they’re Arabic words, and Hamid is a common turkish name, so a character either related to Oasis or the Operation: White Dome are both on the table.
As for their meaning’s it’s nothing special, Hamid means “laudable” or “praiseworthy” so could be that he’s a well known/famous researcher, and Faisal seems to mean “decisive” or “Arbitrator”, so if they were going really hard with name meanings, could be some kind of council member, someone well known and a decision maker, could relate them to any number of things in universe (Talon council member, Head of one of the Oasis ministries, some kind of official formerly related to overwatch, or just one of the heads of this new organisation, Blaise).


we dont know who the hero teased is. it could be faisal, Blaise, Nachareon, or even the recipient of the letter who is unnamed (who could very well be a character we know).

I looked up the other name mentioned Ioannidis because of your post. I couldn’t find much. It’s just a Greek name that means “Son of Ioannis” which apparently is just Greek for John which is derived from Herbrew meaning “God is gracious”.

I don’t know if any of that is relevant other than perhaps being another connection back to Illios along with the mention of the statues.

Yay, maybe another sombra rng?

ha just kidding