New hero teased on petra

by the tent on the new petra map, there is a tablet with a message written on it addressing research on petra, illios, and in thailand. normally tablets like this have text that is made non-readable, however this one is plain text which leads me to believe it is a tease intentionally placed.

the symbol shown around the map and on the tent the tablet was placed next to seems to point to a new organization…perhaps even a new hero

edit: did more digging so thought id update the findings here

first the letter reads:

"Started excavation of the hidden treasure chamber from our recent imaging survey. If there was another method of access in the past, we have not yet discovered it.

Thank you for your continued funding of our Petra explorations, ongoing work in Illios, and the new project in Thailand. Dr. Nachareon is eager to begin! With so many sites under threat, your contributions make it possible for us to continue this important work.

-H. Faisal"

and the findings on the maps mentioned in the letter:

On Illios ruins if you go to the front end of the ship you spawn in from, athena will inform you that talon has been operating in Illios looking for a treasure.

On the thailand map (I would butcher the spelling if I tried lol) there are a ton of scanning robots that were familiar to me.

which brings me to Oasis University…Where the same scanning bots are analyzing the black blob in one of the spawns.

(You can also find the bots in petra btw in the darker area they are out in the distance)


You might be on to something Blue👍



I’m gonna do some more digging but do you know if we’ve heard or seen any of these names before?

Dr. Nachareon
H. Faisal


One of those seems to ring a bell🤔

I’m going to do some digging as well👍


Some screenshots would be nice.


It could be Liao, probably he quits Overwatch and make his own scientist/geologist team?

But i really hope Maximillian be the next hero tho :frowning:


im not level 3 sorry

I can type out the letter

"Started excavation of the hidden treasure chamber from our recent imaging survey. If there was another method of access in the past, we have not yet discovered it.

Thank you for your continued funding of our Petra explorations, ongoing work in Illios, and the new project in Thailand. Dr. Nachareon is eager to begin! With so many sites under threat, your contributions make it possible for us to continue this important work.

-H. Faisal"


Hmmm, judging by (excavation) sites, it might be fair to assume the new hero might be a bore, or drilling character. It can alter the environment, so it could be a new defense hero.


Please let that be heavy assault’s real name


ok so I did more digging on the maps in which the letter is referring:

On Illios ruins if you go to the front end of the ship you spawn in from, athena will inform you that talon has been operating in Illios looking for a treasure.

On the thailand map (I would butcher the spelling if I tried lol) there are a ton of scanning robots that were familiar to me.

which brings me to Oasis University…Where the same scanning bots are analyzing the black blob in one of the spawns.

(You can also find the bots in petra btw in the darker area they are out in the distance)


If Blue ends up dead. We’ll know… He dug too deep.


I’m for Max as well tbh. Go Talon!

If not Max a Talon tank would be great too.


Noooo no random Talon tanks :frowning: Just Max pleasee :frowning:

signs seem to point to an Oasis researcher to me…perhaps funded by talon as they are working in the Illios ruins, which the letter implies this “H. Faisal” is also working.

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Yeah Max already seems really cool for an Omnic lorewise I’d be okay with him first then a Talon tank.

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That’s awesome, insane how fast you found a possible lead.

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Thanks! I just need help on the names! lol

I know I’ve seen the name H. Faisal before, I just cant remember where.

As for Dr. Nachareon I’m not sure

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I’m going to post some screen shots from the Petra map. The H in H.Faisal is Hamid based on a login. And there’s a bag that says Blaise on it. Maybe a new organization based on the insignia. And a suitcase with a Russia sticker.
The plot thickens


this is awesome! Thanks for the finds!

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In the second letter, they talk about already finding Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite statues but the lower level might have another even more significant find.

I wonder if there’s another God program down there, maybe named after another Greek God like Ares or something.