Genji rework idea

It is a problem, he can RMB, dash then RMB again and despite the large movement distance of dash… still hit them with all shuriken both times.

Within the 15m that Genji’s dash covers, the shurikens have dispersed way more than a normal squishy’s amplitude. The maximum distance to hit a hog with 3 shurikens from the RMB is like 8 meters, and Hog’s hitbox is busted.

Think about this, why would you need to be 0m away from them for the second shot?

The second right-click could be the same distance as the FIRST right-click. Which would be the middle point between 15m.

More like 11m.

I just tested it on the practice range I could consistently frag Roadhog in 24 total shuriken at a range that was hard to measure but I shot the ground to mark my position and after a lot of hero swapping found that the TOTAL WIDTH of Winston’s barrier extended from the point where I was standing as Genji to just in front of Roadhog.

Winston’s bubble barrier has a known diameter of 10m.

I had a redacting mistake, wanted to write squishy instead of hog.
I am trying it now with a McCree hitbox (standard 225hp one) and by 7.5 meters (calculated that distance with a Tracer blink) shooting at the middle of his body only hit him with 1 shuriken. Your Hog tries are true, but anyways what are those 2 damage useful against a hog if the blade is nerfed? You said that it was a bit too much DMG with the shuriken spread, and you’ve got to be at less than 7.5m if you want to hit by more than 1 shuriken a McCree (a little bit big hitbox). If we try to hit Ana or Sombra you’ve got to be at 5 meters, which doesn’t make maintain shuriken spread and buff an issue. The spread change is also made to make Genji’s weapon more consistent with combos, since with the pre-buffed Genji if you were 3 meters away from your enemy you couldn’t hit all hs.

A mistake I’ve genuinely made myself, I understand. Thank you for being so upfront about it.

The problem I have is that Genji can land the full spread of Shuriken on Recon Bastion at the same range as Roadhog!

If Genji’s shuriken did 30 damage each (90 per “burst”) then recon Bastion dies in only 3 right-clicks with dash damage in between any of the bursts. Trying to use self-repair would be futile, not only can Genji shoot for 2x as long as self-repair lasts but even if Bastion was somehow already healing Genji with 30 damage shuriken and 0.75sec recovery time damages Bastion faster than self-repair heals.

Can’t depend on ironclad, that means staying in sentry trying to deal with Genji leaves you too vulnerable to Genji’s allies who you have to ignore while dealing with Genji.

If Bastion had a faster self-repair and more armour, then 30 damage shuriken would be more plateable.

This reminds me of my healer genji re-work

Don’t talk about hypothetical specific examples, Bastion’s hitbox is massive but anyways, but that’s no reason to not rework Genji like this, since the problem is Bastion’s. It’s like if Tracer can hit all her shots just because his hitbox, they’re supposed to counter Bastion.
Appart of that, if the Bastion is well picked, he’s got a Bap or/and Mercy to heal him and help him dealing with the Genji. If Bastion’s get healed by 1hp he doesn’t die from 3 shurikens + dash, that means that he’s not got to get healed for 2.25 seconds to get killed by Genji with that combo.

Tbh, i rather have 29 damage shurikens and get firerate back.

Don’t think thats necessary.

Maybe, but idk.

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I also thought that 29 damage would be good, but there are some combos in which you leave your enemy at 1hp and you’re just deleting the most broken combo in the game, and firerate makes the character better at just spamming right click and killing.
I’ve thought that, since reflect isn’t a “out of jail pass” and can be countered/canceled by some abilities, a lower CD would help Genji in some cases and not be OP. For example, you’re getting your dash CD (5 secs left) and you used reflect because you were getting shot. If that happens you’ve got to wait another 8 seconds to flank or dive because it’s such a high CD.
The last change is to make the blade a powerful ability and with more opportunities to kill, but without having the instakill combo nanoblade had or the 50% damage reduction, so if you use a bad blade you feed.
Those are my reasons and I respect you don’t agree with me, that’s basically the reason why I created the post :smiley:

29 damage is so that we can insta kill with triple headshot melee the targets and it does 6 less damage than 30 damage shurikens thus reducing ult charge by default a bit. There are heroes in the game who kill with much less effort than hitting a triple headshot melee so might aswell reward the Genji.

Yeah but i don’t think having 6 seconds deflect owuld be fair with its current iteration having 2

Yes i understand, i’m just not certain, cause i rather have a strong kit and weak ult than the opposite.


I’d put the 30dmg so you don’t get that countered by armor
With 29dmg you can’t kill a Torb with dash+3hs+melee.
You couldn’t kill prepatch Brigitte with 3hs+melee.

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Genji is a hypothetical specific example.

I’m not saying it’s not a reason to rework Genji, I’m saying it’s a reason to not ONLY change Genji.

Genji ALREADY counters Bastion, you want something MORE than that, even BETTER than it currently is.

There’s no reason Bastion would be any more likely to have a healer.

When anyone picks Bastion a 7th slot doesn’t appear on your team to get an extra healer.

I assure you because Bastion utterly depends on ambushing with sentry then Bastion cannot afford to hang around with healers. These supposed bunker comps are gimmicks, it’s not how good players play Bastion, look at all the plays by Kolorblind and Basti0nMain.

Too bad that’s simply NOT going to happen as Mercy cannot afford to ignore the other 4 people on her team who are continually taking damage just to give 1HP of healing to Bastion.

People talk out of both sides of their mouth saying “Bastion sucks because of pocket healing” then out of the other side of their mouth say the hero is fine they can just always have a pocket.

Any time you have to resort to special pleading like pocket healing just t

No, Bastion would be dead within 1.5 sec.

Right click +dash
wait 0.75sec for 2nd right click
wait another 0.75sec 3rd right click

But this doesn’t matter as what you’re talking about is like saying Brig’s old 150 damage combo didn’t matter against Tracer because “all tracer needs is a little bit of healing”.

Bastion is a lot like Tracer, sentry depends on surprise.

Sentry cannot depend on barriers, barriers are easily destroyed from angles where Sentry cannot effectively shoot back.

Please, so many people have given be terrible advice as Bastion to just play in the same positions that everyone else plays in and they just don’t want to hear how that doesn’t work in practice. They all are perfectly fine playing 16-20m from Roadhog, they know they can reliably dodge hook just by walking backwards.

Sentry cannot do that.

And I’m not going to go through all the reasons.

Bastion DOES have to fight Genji alone. And being able to reliably frag him in only 1.5sec is more than “countering” it would be far too powerful.

I want Genji to feel rewarding, I don’t mind if it counters bastion on not. There are not a lot of bastions on that SR and I find easy with almost every character to kill Bastion just by using VoiceChat. And I created this post to rework Genji, not EVERY character. If you want a Bastion rework create a post. If you pick Bastion (a niche character) without your team picking good synergyes then it’s your problem. When I get countered by Genji or my team synergy with Genji is bad I swap.
Then, If a Mercy is playing with a Bastion one of her priorities is keeping you alive. If you flank with Bastion it’s YOUR mistake, and thats why you don’t get healed. Bastion isn’t a heroe to flank/off angle, since he can be killed due to his mobility.
If you’re alone on a Bastion/Genji 1v1 is that your’e doing sth wrong.

But Mercy couldn’t keep me alive if I don’t do something like flanking, she couldn’t even rez me because I hung out with everyone else about 16m from the roadhog who easily hooks me in sentry mode.

And don’t tell me I should ALSO depend on barriers when you know I can’t depend on them.

You’re acting as if positioning is a total non-factor, that positioning wouldn’t be different for different heroes.

What would you know?

Then why don’t people who main bastion do what you suggest?

You seem to think because you’ve seen someone who know nothing about Bastion just randomly flex to the hero and demand barriers + pockets… it usually fails and they say "well I’m just going to pretend I’m a genius who found the most optimal strategy in 30 seconds and if that doesn’t work then nothing works.

Okay, if you think flankstion is the best idea just keep flanking. Maybe that’s the reason you get flamed and are in low sr, because you don’t know your hero’s weaknesses and you get misspositioned.

That’s already excessively hard and you’d make it even harder with what you propose for Genji.

FYI 30 damage shuriken also means you don’t need to land all 3 shuriken.

If you are so far away you land only 2/3 shuriken (60 damage) + interrupt with Dash (50 damage) then only 0.75sec after the first shuriken a quick follow up right click (90 damage) at close range.

60 + 50 + 90 = 200 damage

So 30 damage shuriken isn’t ONLY a problem for Bastion.

Because the range where you can reliably hit a squishy with only 2/3 of Shuriken is much further than 5m.

Are you just going to AGAIN ignore how those who successfully use Bastion in the highest SR do what you say shouldn’t be done?

You don’t know the weaknesses of Bastion.

Which are those then? Actually if I have a flanking Bastion on the enemy team I can shut him down, I think that that talks by itself. Just because Bastionmain flanks sometimes it doesn’t mean he always is flanking. Create your own forum if you want to talk about Bastion but Genji deserves the adjustment. Just because Bastion is already a bad character it doesn’t mean that Genji shouldn’t have it
And yeah, 30dmg is quite a big buff but you’re DELETING NANOBLADE. Like wtf Nanoblade is a 2-3k consistently if you don’t get countered

No. Genji is balanced

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He’s always doing things LIKE that. So not just clustering around his teammates, definitely always getting angles to ambush enemies by flanking or by other means.

Can’t ambush and do what you say of sticking close with the rest of the team.

So what?

Dragonblade isn’t even deleted, NANOBLADE is deleted. You actually want to make dragonblade better with a 33% increase in duration.

And nanoblade isn’t even deleted, the boost would stilly apply to the damage of dash (195 damage combo), the 50% damage resistance would still apply and nanoboost would have synced duration with dragonblade.

If you want to play like Bastionmain, check this. He’s just 2m away from his team without protection and he says “I’m pretty much dead”. If Bastion had mobility he wouldn’t have said that. Link. Minute 14:08. In the whole game he doesn’t flank a single time, the most risky play he does is off-angling with ult. You’re saying that Bastion is played by flanking just because you see noobhunter/freshnuts clips. That’s why you’re low sr.
And the problem with nanoblade is that it’s a strong and resistant combo. If you take out the strenght it is not as valuable, you can get countered more easily (you don’t move around that much and you are most likely to get hooked, bashed, stunned, slept…). You’re investing 2 ults in a combo that can get more countered. Not worth when you can use nano on other dps or tank who would take more profit about it, as charging blade, getting more picks, another more powerful ult combos… And if you complain about that DMG resistance, complain about Ana not Genji. Believe dude I may don’t have much idea about Bastion (I can’t play him, just can counter him) but I know perfectly the strenghts and weaknesses about Genji, and I can tell you that nanoblade would be deleted that way.