New Experimental Card – June 23

When one dies another takes it’s place and then in the time it takes to focus one down the other is back up.

Brigitte isn’t being brought in line with other supports in this patch — she’s being made objectively and subjectively worse.

That is…unless the changes are supposed to make her roll over and die a little easier.


Double shield is a biproduct of the powercreep thats been going on. Theres just too much dmg for any single tank to deal with and you solution will only make double shield more needed.

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Funny thing about the map design and amount of range damage in this game, you need to get from point A to point B without dying among the scattered sniper perches the devs keep putting in every map and tight chokepoints with very little options (because the enemy will always know what chokepoint you are moving towards).

I’m screaming, literally in hysterics. Another dps enabling support deleted. If you guys want to know why zen and dps stay the weakest it’s because yall keep whining till the dps enabling supports and those responsible for peeling for zen keep being gutted. Enjoy being impactful with yet another year of Ana lucio, the supports with near zero synergy with dps and max synergy with tanks


Let Brig keep Pre-heals mechanic someway else at least:

Let her give a pack to a full health target who can ”carry” it unused for 4 or 5 secs or until first damage taken triggers its healing effect.

Pre-heals was a unique feature for Brig.
Please don’t make her more neutral.

For example: Brig gives a full health Tracer one pack, she “carries” it unused (because no damage was taken still) for 4 or 5 secs or until her first damage taken during her flanking, which triggers the healing effect for her.

I mean, you can still pre-heal with the packs, but it’s just for 2 secs, so it seems a waste, this idea of mine it’s like a “delay“ for it to start healing, less of a potencial wasted pack, you know?

50 Damage is not nothing. it enables characters like Genji to almost never die. Players at higher tiers are using her a lot.

I thought Moira was being used, not Lucio?

Please explain how a giant slow moving rectangle is equal to the jumping , flash dashing ninja.

Oh, I thought you were talking about repair pack since it gave 50 armor.

But regardless, that health amount does make a difference, for Brigitte herself I’ve always wanted at least 250 Shield health when she initially got it nerfed from the 500. Reason is since it could survive 2 widow shots, 2 Junkrat bombs or mines, 3 hanzo storm arrows (4 before), and various attacks before breaking. I think that will improve her self survivability before breaking.

Downsides, it leads her to be more vulnerable after it breaks, but if you ever tried to purposely break her shield, it sometimes felt like there wasn’t enough window of opportunity to re-attack after putting time into shooting it (always depends on the situation and if you’re with a team). I’m trying to view it in the perspective of having her on my team, playing her, and playing against her.

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The shield is overall worse on experimental… longer cd, less regen… 50 hp are nothing when you compare ot to the nerfs.

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But that would make Lucio braindead too.

50 armor is also not HP, armor is a whole 'nother animal but removing her armor capability was a huge nerf in the first place.

Honestly as a Brig player and knowing how easy it is to destroy the shield (even now) , when I play DPS I know I can just load damage into her, shield or not and then she’s helpless.

So nothing done about genjis massive pack/win rate spike accross the borad.

I dont even play this game for comp anymore.

I just play it with a group of friends in QP and we are sick on seeing the dude running around in the other team checking for LOS with his anna before he blades no matter how obivous it is he gets the one reset and its all over. IT wins fights it wins games, its not hard to take off.

I see the few discords that I am of people of all ranks just saying spam genji for freelo.

Tanks are already gone for the most part and healers have had enough. Its not enjoyable.

Cut down his hp to make his less forgiving or flat out get rid of the ability to amp his damage on his ult and buff the duration of it.


Brig’s repair pack nerf is pretty huge but understandable. Could they at least compensate by reverting the hps back to 60 from 55?

The shield change is a straight up nerf. Questionable but okay will manage as it will lower her survivability significantly.

Overall, I just wish that they could compensate a bit instead of going for straight up nerfs for Brig. Hopefully, Rally’s not next on the chopping block.

It’s 250 HP – not Symmetra’s wall

My feedback would be that you should stop listening to whoever said this, because best case scenario they’ve got no idea what they’re talking about. Worst case scenario, they’re bad faith actors who just want anybody who counters their main nerfed into oblivion.


Don’t put Brig nerfs to live, she is fine as she is right now. There is no need to nerf her. She is balance and easy to kill.

As a support main since 2016, who also enjoys playing both other roles, I’m very happy and thankful about the Brig changes. I know some of you guys are gonna resent me for this, but I do think Brig is too strong in and out of her niche (remember when she was supposed to counter dive, but then she ended up also countering Reinhardt immensely, among others non-dive heroes?) and I agree with the attempt to make her slightly more situational.

The nerf to the extra armor is fine. The packs are still strong burst healing with huge range and low commitment (you can still attack, shield, move freely while throwing them, you just have the charges to manage). With how strong armor is against certain weapons, keeping the ability to give it to allies on her Ultimate is an interesting move and I’m curious to see how it will affect her peel potential overall (spoiler alert: it’s still gonna be strong).

The changes to the barrier are very good. It will have a bit more hp but using it will now be more of a commitment because of the longer recharge. It will give enemies a bigger window to punish that commitment when she expanded her shield. It will mean that getting into 1v1s with an enemy dps will be more dangerous for her, instead of soaking all of their damage with the shield, smacking them around with M1s while they reload, stun/boop them away for tempo and have the shield entirely replenished for more soaking). It feels to me that most people who complain about the shield changes take the protection for granted, instead of seeing it as a precious resource they have to manage and use wisely. With the extra hp, Brig will get more of that resource to make a difference in crucial situations (Should you move in and support your frontline with the shield, or keep it for when you need it for yourself or your squishies?). Due to the extra cooldown and slower recharge, Brig players who use that resource too agressively will be punished for it. The hero will remain viable, she will still be strong against flankers, especially when playing around her other healer or a ranged damage dealer, but she will have more room for mistakes and thus a slightly higher skill ceiling. This feels right.

I’m convinced she will still see play and be viable like this. That’s why I wanna go against the wave of entitled mains who cry wolf whenever their hero is touched, and give those changes (they’re not even that huge) a chance.

Yeah, without the major nerfs to basically everything else, maybe.