New Experimental Card – June 23

What does one thing have to do to the other? Just because I dont want the tanks role to be some how even worst than it is doesnt mean I want them to be unkillable.

It would’ve been great except for the stab in the back immediately after

It’s already so SLOW. It already deploys slower than Reinhardt’s shield for no reason. Now it’s gonna be even slower and clunkier. Good job devs

From who? People she counters? I bet.

… like buffs?

50 Damage is NOTHING. You’ve removed her one good quality (armor) and given her an even larger window to be absolutely demolished. She’s pitiful now.

Here’s some “feels” feedback. Brigitte FEELS like a healthpack dispenser and FEELS like you’re absolutely helpless unless the entire team is watching your back. You have no recourse when pounced as your shield is paper and your damage is laughable. She FEELS like playing a juicy target for everyone with little to no combat impact.

This update FEELS like you don’t want people playing her.


not slower and clunkier.
You are more punished if you mismanage and break something that wasn’t supposed to break in a first place and that is now even harder to break. Being punished for doing mistakes is a cool things in video games.

Because ana=Skiiiiillllllllzzzzzzzzzzzzzz so OWL can go brrrrrrr.

I figured out why devs want brigitte gutted so hard.

They’re trying to bring OG dive back. Genji and tracer and Dva buffs.

Brigitte was the one obstacle left. When brig is removed, dva is buffed, tracer buffed and genji is a god, dive can run over people and bring them $$$ with OWL.

Even nanoblade spam is completely intentional. It’s flashy. It brings cash.

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if those brig changes will soon be followed up with some kind of buffs (like decreasing CD on repair pack a bit, or increasing shield health even more) then i can get behind it. while yes, brigs armor pack was good peel against flankers, it also enables them at the same time, so its pretty much a moot point.

its weird to see her lose armor on regular packs, sure, but i mean she has her ult still, so its not like theyre just stripping it away completely.

i personally like it when my favorite heroes are nerfed, its a new challenge and i dont play competitive so im not worried about that personally. sucks for others though.

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Thanks for these changes specially Dva’s and brig’s!

Brig might end up a bit weaker than intended but I’m pretty sure you guys can buff her healing in a different way at a later date, for example if you take down 1 second from repair pack’s regeneration then she would have infinite uptime with it as long as she keeps track of her targets

anyway, thanks again!


Yup, that’s the best part of Blizzard’s balancing plan. Remove all the interesting aspects of a support and replace it with MORE HEALING YAY. Oh wait, everyone says healing is too high and nothing dies so better nerf that as well.

you’re clearly fed up with this game so, just move on dude

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This is tone deaf af. Brig is fine and easy to counter.

Nerf genji

I’m not willing to let it die just yet, I gave them too much money.

get that wallet ready because when OW2 drops you’ll be right there with those of us who understand the direction of these changes

I’m not asking for tanks to be worse. I’m asking for shields to have a weakness. Stronger shields with longer cooldowns when destroyed. Mismanagement would be punished and tanking would requires some semblance of skill beyond hitting w m1.

Do you really think that if tanking becomes more than just holding a shield that people will stop playing tank?

shield have a weakness they are big and slow and if focus die in seconds… how is that not a weakness to you?

buff zenyatta buff bastion then we’ll talk

Too harsh on Brig. Hope you guys land on some of those changes, but not all at once.

Amen she’s too squishy rn

How would anyone actually know when Blizzard doesn’t tell us. We can guess and a lot of guessing I hear is because of OWL money.

Yes - he “understands” the changes :roll_eyes:

This is Blizzard we are talking about…