New dev update is just salt in the wounds

So you have never played Ana, Brigitte, Lucio or Zenyatta and seen people die around you while ulting? Zen got more power then the rest, but several people can outdamage even his healing and kill people through it.

Don’t forget they said wouldn’t focus on events in order to do more balance changes. Also no new map at blizzcon slow clap.

This is nothing.
NO NEW MAP? In favor for a OWL feature again?

That is THE salt in the wound. You, the average player, does not matter. Only the pros do.

I would rather they buff her healing instead of the charge rate.

I swear to god this is why people just don’t take Mercy mains seriously. Mercy has got to have the only player-base in this game that will actually have a fit about their main getting buffed. All this post says is that you guys will literally find anything you can to scream about. Mercy is probably never gonna get reverted so why don’t you just be happy about the fact that shes actually getting buffed and move along you child.


We’re having a fit because this buff does nothing for us. it breaks our nerf streak yeah. but it’s a buff to counteract a nerf that wasnt needed.

Are you kidding me? “Insulting”? They addressed her and buffed her that her ult does more. Maybe I agree that they could’ve made the healing a bit stronger, but calling them insulting, if it were me i’d take rez out of the game completely.

I really, really hope you’re joking. Please for the love of god

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The depressing part is that your right, they dont care about balancing anymore, as long as they can get more income from OWL and get a bigger paycheck

I can’t take it. They’ve brought her so far down, that making her even slightly less bad than she was before the last nerf is still a slap to the face.

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I would rather have Rez out of the game than a character whose primary role is to heal not being able to heal.

Yeah same here. V1 Mercy may not have been a super strong pick, but at least she was fun.

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jesus stop whining and nagging every time you dont get your way. she was buffed, and if you dont like it then you may as well just quit the game, cause who the hell hates buffs for underpowered characters?

If they were going to try fix mass rez I’d be interested in seeing a mechanic similar to Hammond’s shield: Mercy has to be in LOS for a certain amount of time before she can rez but if she moves out of LOS too long she has to wait before she can rez again.

Not sure if that makes sense or if it’d work but it’s an idea. Would be nice if they actually did more testing on PTR rather than just making it feel like early access to patches.

If you actually had more than two braincells, you’d realize its not even a buff, its a partial nerf revert. They nerfed her heals from 60 to 50, increasing the time it takes to charge her ultimate. And all they did was increase her valk healing back to her previous numbers and correct the charge rate that they screwed up. Its not a buff. Its a net nerf still.

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I guess it means that the Mercy Nerf Train has finally ended its run.

Dunno how much this will help her abysmal pickrate at GM, though.

Her winrate is also below 50% in all tiers atm so I wonder if this will do anything to that.

I am just happy that they are doing something. If they are making small adjustments towards making her a bit more balanced, at least they’re moving in the right direction!

Yay now to have decent healing I need to activate my ultimate! So amazing and not insulting at all! Plus I can have my easymode even faster! Which is good because I am a very simple zombie unable to think. /s

I hate it rework/revert her already ffs.

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Except when players actually group up to maximize it’s effectiveness, it is just a big old “HEY WE ARE ALL TOGETHER ULT US NOW” and Valk can’t do anything about that.
If anything, it just makes it so people who can’t get a grip on her base kit have a nice little crutch to help them not learn anything.