New dev update is just salt in the wounds

Wait, you speak for all of us?
You speak for me?

I love Valkyrie and I’m glad it is getting buffed.

They don’t care. Why should the pander to the vocal minority?
Please continue getting bored of begging. Maybe then these forums will be less cluttered with “revert Mercy” posts.

This is not insulting. You’re just entitled.

Aren’t you supposed to be fighting against toxicity? Love it.
I see it as toxic for you to try and speak for me.


I don’t think I saw a single person saying that the healing nerf should just be fixed for her ult. but who knows some people may have asked for that. just never seen it.

Look, here’s the thing that I think everyone can agree on: For the devs to make a statement on why they think Mercy is good the way she is, why she doesn’t need a base healing buff to her main kit, why Valk is fine as a ult despite concern that it’s not fun, and more reasoning other then a small statement on why they changed that specific thing.

The thing that has driven this Mercy/anti-mercy/everything is the fact that the devs and blizzard have been very unclear about what they want with Mercy. They’ve stated at times she should have the most healing compared to others in the last nerfs for example. Except she doesn’t have that no, and Valk changes won’t seem to change that. They say they want other healers to flourish, and yet there’s weird changes like Moira’s barrier change.

The reason why we’re in this position is the fact that Blizzard and the team have not been clear on their decision making, and a LOT of people are confused on the state of Mercy, and why she’s not getting certain buffs or certain nerfs. Same with Bastion. Same with everything else.



Are you really trying to tell me that when comparing mass rez with Valkyrie the result you came up with is that Valkyrie is more impactful and therefore also contributes more to the fun factor of playing Mercy than mass rez? Am I correct here?
Apart from that: Your sarcasm has been noted. I didn’t laugh. It wasn’t even good to begin with, the whole “Mercy cult” insult is getting old (I know of a quick solution to that, it only involves a single button press). Also it seemed to serve no other purpose than to provoke/ridicule. I am not falling for it.
Have a nice day.

honestly this would solve so many issues. if blizzard could come out and just have a discussion with people, it would help out a lot.

Let’s not label upset Mercy mains as ‘victims’. They have every right to voice their opinions, and they are with the many threads popping up about her.

It doesn’t really help the discussion by belittling them.

With that being said, I feel for all the Mercy mains. I was one for a few seasons.

I agree that Valk is a boring ultimate. It just makes Mercy’s kit better in every way. But I don’t think she needs a revert, and I don’t think she needs a rework though. I think we should accept her current state, while still maintaining a polite voice to the developers.

The problem right now is that many upset Mercy mains aren’t being polite. They are acting immature when they don’t get their way. If they really want change, they need to learn how to have a discussion.

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Dude it’s buffs for MERCY! MERCY PEOPLE!

Be god damn grateful they aren’t ignoring her and are trying to make Valkyrie more enjoyable, it’s such a bratty and spoilt thing to complain on the forums because they aren’t not changing her to the way you want her to be.

Grow up or leave because I am sick and tired of this stuff. I tried to be a bette member of the Mercy community and I’ve tried so hard to connect with Mercy players but i ( a mercy main) am finding very hard to connect with people with such bratish and ungrateful attitudes.

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I agree with you. Another point: Developers arent entitled to do what players want. If a developer has a vision for something in their game and they want it that way, it is their decision. If they don’t want Mercy to have mass res ever again, than this community should stop begging for it and respect the developers decisions. Im sure they heard that a good amount of players want mass res back, but this doesnt mean that they will revert mercy if “enough” people express their concerns with current mercy.

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There will of course be some people who will always complain. But my god, every successful game right now: R6 Siege, Fortnite, etc, they are succeeding because they are having communication with their community on a regular basis. I don’t get why Blizzard hasn’t figured out that they need to get involved in the community more if OW is going to work as an esport.

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I understand that it’s not the change you want, and after so many nerfs it’s probably very frustrating.

But please don’t make these hyperbolic statements. While this might not address what you might feel is the right remedy for her, I think it’s a great step because it shows that she’s still on their radar and are willing to revisit.

Give it time. Give it a chance. And understand that this might be a step in a good direction.

There was an awful lot of strategy and decision making involved in deciding when to use Rez, if you mistimed it, it was a huge deal. With Valk the timing is way more simple and even if you mistime it, it’s not a big deal since it’s nowhere near that impactful. And Mass Rez wasn’t a 15 seconds long spectator mode.

I honestly wasn’t expecting them to revert her healing back to 60 HP/sec so soon. I wasn’t expecting a further buff from that in regards to her ultimate cost being 15% less. This still isn’t right but it’s better than nothing or more nerfs. At least the ultimate cost being a bit cheaper should help bring it in line with the low potential game changing impact it currently offers.

EDIT: Nevermind, I’m tired. Apparently they didn’t revert her 60 HP/sec healing. It only happens during Valkyrie now. Effectively her ultimate is still expensive for what little impact it potentially offers.

Please don’t act like you speak for all Mercy players. As a very avid fan of hers, I can tell you I love valk and absolutely in no way want a revert. You’re totally fine and welcome to your opinion, but please stop thinking you speak for everyone.

Saying that the very buff you’ve been asking for is nothing but an insult does just as little to help. You’re right, I don’t mean to imply that all Mercy mains play the victim card, but ones like OP do and I’ve frankly had enough of them. To show my sincerity, I edited that post to make it clear I’m talking about the toxic Mercy players.


If you actually play Mercy you might have noticed that damage boosting in Valk is usually more impactful than healing. 50 or 60 makes very little difference for saving your team from DPS ults, so if you use Valk for healing you end up using a very poor substitute of Zen’s ult which is much more of a game-changer.

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Honestly though, that’s the thing that blizzard has mistakenly done with these forums. Go look at what they respond to. It’s the over the top statements. It’s the ones that go way too far at times. That’s the only time they seem to respond lately when it comes to complaints/issues.

It’s not a good thing for the community as a whole, but the funny thing is, Blizzard reinforces it by not responding to some of the bigger insightful posts with good discussion in it. I don’t want to say that they’ve created the monster…but no, they’ve created a bit of the monster.

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If it please the militia, and does not mark me for death, I should indicate that Mass Resurrect was, like Valkyrie and many, many other ults, a case of ‘set and forget’. I know this reality is uncomfortable, and may result in my untimely demise, but I feel it is important to keep the conversation grounded in reality.

It will never, ever be enough. They’ve (the mercy community) have made that abundantly clear. They will never be happy with Mercy.

Is bringing people back from the dead, boosting damage, and by relaltion augmenting ult charge of team mates not utility :thinking:


It shows they dont agree wih you.


And any time they try to rectify their mistakes, the community immediately jumps to assuming the devs are trying to burn their crops and slaughter their children. Monsters aren’t made from innocent sheep.