New Brigitte is dead

Patch is on the live servers. Brigitte’s nerf is terrible. Let me explain why. Brigitte positioning as a second healer that can support tanks in the frontline. But with new changes Brigitte lose literally ALL! of her survival abilities . Her shield now is only 200 hp, even mercy or baby with pistol can demolish her shield. Selfhealing is halved, that means that now Brigitte can’t be in the frontline, because in close teamfights she just dies, because her selfhealing is useless and Brigitte has no other survival abilities or escape. She transformed into Zen, but with melee attack.
Brigitte’s “Inspire” was buffed but the main problem is that her ability depends on hitting enemies with your melee weapon, but because of low survival, she just can’t hit enemies and give the inspire to your teammates, and this moment makes this ability pretty weak, if you’ll try to push, you will be dead.
Her New health pack is so controversial. Her healing ability can’t compete with other supports. Blizzard wanted to make Brigitte a main healer, but accidentally made it worse. Brigitte is a hero that support on the frontline, and if they want to heal someone and at the same time keep her aura, she needs to turn 180° and throw health pack, that in teamfights means death, because you lose control of the field and makes you a perfect target for dps and tanks.
My suggestions to return brigitte her selfhealing, or increase her mobility(movement speed) while she is inspired. And in conclusion i want ask players of Overwatch to respect each other. I know that many of you hate this character, but let’s balance this game together, because only we know all problems of this game, and only we can fix it. #SaveBrigitte #BrigitteIsNotAnEvil
Sry for bad english btw


This just in:

If you pick Brig on the current live server you will just see a corpse in the spawn room.


And that’s a good thing!


i had a bug where it appeared slightly outside of the spawn

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Literally unplayable

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The worst is that the role she was designed to fill, she can’t really do anymore. Any flanker just has to break her shield from range, if it hasn’t already been broken in the team fight, and Brigitte becomes an easy kill because now she can’t stun you. Next to this, Moira’s damage orb does more damage per second then Brigitte’s left click. So why exactly would you play Brigitte over any other support?


Um… no? She’s still an off healer.


Yeah, she is still off healer, but read the Developer Comment in patchnote, they wanted to make her a main healer with this patch


I quoted the whole patch note for brig along with a little before and after just so I don’t miss anything. There isn’t a developer comment. Am I looking at the wrong patch note?

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Blizzard say a lot of things. They also thought Dive meta was extremely varied.

She even looses 1 vs 1 against Winstons now xD

People like you are why this community is so toxic. It is never a good thing to see a character get nerfed in the wrong way. What if it were your favorite character? Some people have brig has their favorite. Have some damn sympathy


Developer Comment: The goal of these changes is to make Brigitte more of a primary healer for your team, at the cost of weakening her survivability. Since Brigitte will now be only one of two support heroes for your team, it is important that she can provide enough healing to be valuable in that role. So ironic

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Is it ok if i throw her corpse in the illios well before she starts emitting an odor?

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New Brigitte is not dead :man_facepalming: I think I literally have like a 70-90% winrate with her right now lol. I could tell you if the stat wasn’t gone. 4 games won with only 46 minutes played.

If you’re trying to 1 trick her yea she isn’t going to perform well all the time. If you pick her when you should she shines.


Thanks. Nobody needs to smell that.

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So please explain your opinion, why you think so? I think i expained my position pretty well.


Kicks the obvious corpse in spawn and reads the recent patch notes Looks pretty dead to me :man_shrugging:

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