🛡 New Brig is confusing, here’s why:

I’ve already talked about this in other posts, but I decided to make a thread:

What Is the role of close range damage dealers in overwatch? If they have sustain or mobility they go chase the enemy. If they are Tanky they can do the initial engagement to get space for their team cause they can afford to soak up damage. They are naturally going to be in the front line because the enemy will be ahead of them on their screen.
Main healers, on the other hand, puts their teammates ahead of them on their screen so they can monitor their health bar. They are naturally going to be in the back line.

The fact that Brig has a close range melee damage on her LMB and a Shield on demand on her RMB while AoE healing when she does damage or healing with a Square-Lock ability on a cooldown is conflicting with the main healer role. Her kit doesn’t need her to put her allies ahead of her, but actually her enemies. With her kit she is encouraged to chase enemies while healing, it’s like an off-healer concept. She was advertised as a backline defender, yes she can do it, but other characters like off-tanks and DPS also can do it too (mainly when the team have communication), they alternate between chasing the enemy on the front line or flanking/diving them and chasing the enemy on their own back-line that was flanking/diving their team. Brig is no different than this because of her design.

So people just have to forget about her being exclusively a back line defender cause she won’t do it exclusively due to her design. She was advertised that she could do it, but they didn’t mention that she did not necessarily have to stick to it.

If they wanted a backline hero that stayed in the backline while being able to defend it, they should have designed her differently (maybe a main healer [stays back healing on demand on mouse buttons] with some close range damage and tank reactivate abilities [i.e. CC, Zarya’s bubbles, repair packs…]).

The way they changed her on PTR is confusing because it’s risky for her to chase enemies and if she doesn’t, she just get back to low healing through packs and idle waiting its cooldowns. She is being punished for something she was designed for.


Maybe it’s because Blizzard is altering her to be a support first and foremost.

It’s NOT her job to hunt down low-HP enemies or duel the DPS. It’s her job to aid her tanks when they are getting attacked.

Her barrier now is a defensive ability, and not her crutch to lead the battle in the frontline.

It’s not that she’s being punished by these changes, it’s to kill the W+M1 Brig that was an abomination to kill because you had to go though her ally supports, ally tanks, her self-regen, her 600 500 HP barrier, and her 250HP with 50 if it being Armor.

Now she’s a support and not a pocket tank with DPS capabilities.


Her survivability got ruined. Her damage got ruined. God forbid a support be anything but a pure heal bot


I agree with you in some way, but why risk go trigger inspire if she is low sustain and low damage just to get extra AoE? You almost kill yourself and risk losing a team fight just to extra heal and even if you tell me that Inspire should be situational, they better improve the packs then.


They already have improved armor packs? Doesn’t she now get 3 packs that heal for slightly lower?

Either way, her main goal is to be a support who is more defensive, whereas every other support is not, unless they have mobility.

Her inspire is still good, you just have to be in a decent range, plus being behind ally tanks who can lead the focus of the enemy while Brig gets hits in.

The way I see it, she’s like a discount Lucio who is more focused on benefiting the tanks, since she has more heal potential with her packs now.

Blizzard gutted the toxic parts of her kit because of how radically her kit was built.

As for her self-inspire heal being nerfed, it’s called her healing from the 2nd support.


They heal 40 per second on an 8 second cooldown. Worse than mercy

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The packs are not burst healing anymore (a nerf), they heal 60 hps for 2 secs (120 instead of 150 - another nerf) and you just got the opportunity to use extra 2 in a fight, then you go back to use 1 every 6 secs just like before. It’s not like you can use 1 pack every 2 secs. I gotta check if the extra armor still lasts 5 secs though, or they might have nerfed that too.

Anyways I agree with you that they should make her towards Lucio, a middle line hero, that needs to be between her allies (surrounded) to heal. But I just think that they should revert back some of her sustain since she doesn’t have the range fire Lucio has.
Or let Whip Shots go through barriers to keep her that way, cause Lucio can keep up the AoE healing, but she doesn’t because she needs to damage.
Or let Inspire on whenever she is with the shield up, sounds better, she doesn’t need to damage to trigger it.


honestly it doesn’t matter, the ones not being able to kill brig and whines about her will still die to the same type of brig anyways.

it’s like they think this will change that.


40 per second with 8 secs cooldown? Explain it to me.

Problem is that Inspire is triggered only by damage, which she lacks range of fire, mobility and sustain to do so. Why not let something else not damage related trigger it, like her own shield?


From what i heard they heal 120 which equals to 60 HPS. That’s more than Mercy.

You can throw 3 packs on an ally and the 4th pack will be ready when 6 sec of healing them will end.

and repair pack is on 6 sec cd.

(Unless they changed numbers on PTR, cause I thought the changes were: 3 packs and total healing lowered from 150 to 120 and Heals over 2 seconds)

To OP:

I think she’ll be alright if they allow her to trigger inspire by something else than just primary and whipshot.

Also, they could revert some nerfs they’ve done to Rally.


If by confusing you mean “bad”, sure.
You simply cant make a melee hero with no mobility also have almost NO sustain and survivability.

Her heal is not even good so you have barely any utility (her stun doesnt go through shields and does 5 stupid damage) and the pushback is single target.

TLDR for New Brig: Everything she can do, any healer does better.


She’s always been a support…


The problem is she cant trigger inspire against a shield comp without dying bcz she isnt tanky anymore

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She can’t defend her self against a long range DPS like Widow, Ashe, Soldier, Bastion, Hanzo… her shield melts, she doesn’t have mobility to run away quickly and she doesn’t have range of fire to shoot back, your only option is to hide in cover (which is bad because she can’t heal on demand, all her healing have cooldowns so you just get idle) and wait to your team deal with them or better swap to any other support that can shoot back or run away and keep healing on demand… So yes she can’t trigger inspire against a shield comp without risking to be killed.
Whip Shot is your best weapon, but it knocks back enemies to a safe range and has a cooldown.
Also Repair Pack is not life saving anymore, but its use continues to be situational, which is weird…


Three packs with the same cooldown as the old one which heal less and over time instead of burst is literally nothing but nerfs. Using them as soon as they come off cooldown, they put out less healing than the old ones did, have less chance to overheal into armor, and have less ability to keep people alive.

Numerically and practically, Armor Pack was hard-nerfed. Sure, it’s cool to be able to save three cooldowns, but it’s objectively less impactful in every way. Like, how do people look at that and see buffs? Is it just the fact that there are three of them and everyone forgets that doesn’t mean the cooldown is 1/3 of what it was?


This rework feels like a year too late. Or would be fine for goats, but now we have 2-2-2 and it makes little sense.

Shield needs to be 500, period. Then take a look at Rally ult charge as well.


Then pick one, she can’t be good at tanking, dpsing and healing at the same time.


You better pray that their flankers are stupid enough to get into melee range with Brig. I mean, sure they could just stay out of range and pick her off easily, but let’s disregard that due to some people’s bias against the hero.



that’s why we need a 40m minimap that only shows allies. it doesn’t even have to show the map itself, just a 40m radius circle with five dots on it and you in the center.

It’s going to let front line heroes know when they don’t have their 5 friends close by. This would be very easy to accomplish if we had guilds, cuz everyone would know everyone. But that’s not the case. So we need QoL that creates a “fake” team environment. One of these QoL features is a minimap.

She lacks mobility, sustain, range of fire and all her healings are on cooldowns. Better pick other support for sure, unfortunately…