Nerf McRightclick already!

Please nerf fan the hammer.

McCree should be good at mid to long range, thats what he is made for anyway. But not destroy tanks, shields, spam damage, be as good in close range, etc.

For the love of god nerf that right click cheapness.

The stun lasts too long, long enough to fire 2 headshots in someone.
And the damage on the rightclick is just stupidly unreal if it can burst down tanks and is better at breaking shields than Reaper (somebody posted video proof here somewhere)

Oh… and dead-eye? Able to break even Sym shield if enough people are behind it? What is this crap?

All of you McCree mains got no right to claim that your hero takes skill. He doesn’t, not anymore at least. Anyone can flank, roll and fan the hammer


I think the range of his stun is the problematic thing.


Y’all heard OP
Step it up mccree mains

Edit: Op edited it with a comma, no longer funny


While I’d be perfectly fine with a FTH nerf, I don’t think it’s the real problem. The real problem is that extra 25 health he gets.

McCree’s weakness is supposed to be his lack of mobility and his larger hitbox. He’s supposed to be the responsible, stay-at-home DPS. However, an extra amount of HP makes him less punishing to wander and flank with. It helps cover what are supposed to be his weaknesses. So, his important peel ability (easy to confirm damage is a key part of peeling) suddenly becomes a flank-and-ambush ability.

This is kind of how powercreep works though. I’m not saying I support it (I’m very much against it) but it’s true. More BS, stiffer metas, and more power in abilities (vs aim).


FTH imo should be an ability with a cooldown, not something he can just keep doing by spamming his secondary fire.

  1. Give him 2 rolls
  2. And put FTH as an ability with a 4-6 cooldown

McCree serves the roll as a duelist and antiflanker, he should stay that way.

Ryom, in another thread, made a suggestion to fix this. Make it so that roll no longer reloads his gun, but gives him some invincibility via I-frames, or potentially something else. To generally help his survivability (because he has a high death rate), but lower his burst on shields and tanks. Of course with some tweaks this would make him a lot more balanced.

His ultimate should use a buff though. More speed.

This might work too. Make it slightly more risky to use on a tank without reworking another ability, but either might work.

I’m not gonna put anything in stone because I don’t play him often enough.


Did you delete his comma just to make that post?

I think the high mobility heroes which make stuns needed are the problematic thing.

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Yes because we all know a 10 meter stun is fair for everyone.

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You can have stun with a shorter range though. Especially since many of the high mobility divers need to get in close anyways

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Any actual McCree player wouldn’t care about Fan getting gutted. I understand Shield break, but all of the Shields have been gutted insanely, not to mention that several Shield-break heroes have gotten buffed or are in a strong state… Hanzo, Torb, Echo, Junk for example

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Yet he has at least two abilities that require him to be close to the enemy
Yeah, definitely made for long range :thinking:

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I would still not nerf one without the other.

I dont see anywhere that he was meant for long ranges. Mcree has always been a short to mid range except for that small period where you had sniper mcree with mercy and no fall off

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Let’s just take away the HP buff and decrease the flash radius by like .5m

He edited that comma it wasn’t there smh

I think the issue is that McCree just has too many areas that he’s good in. He’s an anti-flanker, he’s a fantastic frontline hitscan, he’s a tankbuster, he’s a shieldbreaker, he’s a duelist, he’s a good backline hitscan, and that means that he can feel oppressive to way too many heroes at once that fighting him is often a battle in frustration. Sure, he’s got mostly bad mobility, but he just does way too much for one hero with downsides that aren’t exploitable enough.


That’d be interesting :thinking: FtH is definitely the least interesting part of his kit and he doesn’t really need (or perhaps shouldn’t have) shield spam and tank burst :thinking: putting it on cooldown could help with this too, make it more of a finisher rather than spam the hammer :confused:

Nah. His ult isn’t great and easy to shut down (a shield, some cover, shoot the stationary glowing man in the face), but it’s situationally useful. Personally, this is what I think an ultimate should be :man_shrugging:t2:

Mmmm that’d seriously hurt his ability to peel and deal with flankers :thinking: also without fan spam/reloads he ain’t gonna be doing too much to tanks.


The best dps doesn’t need compensation buffs. He needs a straight nerf.


EXACTLY THIS. I actually made an entire post about how much mccree just completely shuts down Doom in particular.