Nerf Doomfist's Charge Punch

Yep, although im not sure if it will show the enemy player name. For Doomfist rising uppercut, it only shows 2 of his voicelines “Rising uppercut” and “Rising fist”. As for his other yells, it will just say “(DOOMFIST) (Rising Uppercut)”

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I am a Reinhardt main, and I kinda agree with every point he made.

He is actually well balanced for the first time in his history right now to the point he only needs QoL and bugfixes.

Some things I understand being frustrating while you are still learning the game, and some heroes can feel unfair to play against, but the game needs to be balanced from the top down (which it is) so it makes sense at low ranks all the way through to high ranks, instead of making sense ONLY in low ranks and NO sense in high ranks. But you’ll find all the skills you needed to beat him, are skills you will NEED to have mastered for the next tier upwards anyways.

I promise you this much, instead of asking for nerfs to whatever tilts you into oblivion, do what I did. I told myself every time I died that I was stupid that was avoidable and I could have done more.

Now I’m a 4100 Reinhardt main. I had humble beginnings in plat, was hardstuck there till season 9 where I hit diamond, and in season 14, I shot up to GM. But I wouldn’t have made it there without refining my gameplay and always thinking I could have done something different.

It’s a really good mindset to have, even if sometimes your ego feels like a deflated dog toy mid chew session.


I have as much say as anyone here kiddo.

You can have a main- And not be biased. Mindblowing info- I know.

ive been for nerfing doomfist in the past.

Im also openly against buffing doomfist (And am against the melee reload interaction buff hes got on the ptr).

Ive commented on the strength for the rest of his kit- giving credibility to critiquing that.

Just because I main him and am saying something you dont like, doesnt mean im extremely biased.

Congratulations on looking at my profile (Seriously man, you should buy a drink before you get so personal).

Did you ALSO notice i generally flex? And have MORE overall time off doomfist, than on him?

Sure hes my “go to”, But most of my time is spent filling on other heroes than is spent on him.

Omg, I do? I never noticed

Qp vs Comp is absolutely irrelevant to the majority of what has been said to you.

Its not “my opinion” from QP experience that doomfist is a 50% win rate hero in your ranks- Its a fact.

Its not my “opinion” that rocket punch is one of the loudest abilities in the game- Its a fact.

Its not my bias concluding that RP is one of the most telegraphed and limited abilities in the game (With its inability to be aimed up or down, glowing effect, sound effect, slow, auto-release, charge time, 2-stage damage delivery requiring a finite angled hit into a wall). Its a fact.

Well also ignore the fact that you have the vast majority of your time spent in Qp yourself for all of this- with only a small portion logged in competitive.

Last QP match I had was 2 6 stack teams comprised largely of master level players. MOST of my matches are comprised of master level players. Kudos to you and your 6 dps matches though.

So I can make a high silver / low gold player happy?


Absolutely one of the lowest in the game. LOL

Doomfist has one of the lowest elims per life of any hero in the game- And is statistically the most killed hero in the game.


But its pretty hard to argue that a hero who wins 50% of their games is over performing- No matter what the remaining context is.

At the end of the day- Not a single complaint of yours about rocket punch holds a drop of water.

If youre getting hit with it “unexpectedly” from a doomfist charging it around a corner-

Thats on you

Because it is telegraphed, from AROUND the corner.

If YOU cant hear where its coming from- The issue is with you. Youre either hard of hearing, or youre using a bad head set, or no headset at all. Neither is a fault of doomfist.

Again- If you want to complain about doomfist, complain about his ability to land a 125 damage slam over an obscure roof top from 30+ meters away before landing a 66 damage shotgun blast into your torso prior to uppercutting the both of you into the air before using another RP to attempt to escape after killing you.

But complaining about RP? “Come on”. LOL

You want some of the best advice youll ever get? (Rhetorical question: We know you dont).

Go log some time on doomfist- instead of the zilch you have now.

Do it because you lack some obviously essential experience on a hero youre having trouble with.

Youll find 1 of 2 things: One, youll do AMAZING because of how disgustingly OP he is

Or 2- Youll see youre blowing hot air and it isnt as easy as you insist it is.

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wait what, doomfist is hard to counter but widow is easy xd ?

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"where it’s not possible to know he’s there, "

Immediately stopped taking you seriously after this part. How can you not hear the loud charge noise. It’s one of the loudest abilities in the game. you can also turn subtitles on and it will let you know whenever DF is charging his punch


i think this thread can be summarized as “i don’t wanna have to pay attention to survive”


If you nerf every hero that’s good at destroying bad players, what reason is there to try and get better or improve and no longer be a bad player.


Widow easy compared to other overwatch hero’s no. Widow easy compared to other sniper characters in other shooters, definite yes .

Punch isnt either as it requires a wall.

McCree secures more kills with his FB around corner than RP

What i meant was, this guy said Doomfist is hard to counter but countering widow is easy.

Which is … a weird opinion.

For those who say “you can just hear him” yeah try to pay attention and locate 1 moaning in the middle of a teamfight + rocket punch take not even half a sec of charge time to 1 shot 200 hp heroes so unless you expect everyone to be a korean on drugs i don’t see the balance there , its not because something have “counters” and downsides like noises that it means its balance , it is not , doomfist need a nerf to his punch even GM and top 500 struggles againts him

Punch isn’t guaranteed either, the person has to hit a wall, under strict 45 degree rules. Otherwise the most damage they take is 100.

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I understand that, which is why that post was for the guy that had no clue where he was

I feel like doom is not a problem to most of the dps heroes but a huge threat to most of the healer class.

Zen super scared of him even he’s heard doom’s charging; Ana only has one chance to land her sleep dart; Baptiste’s field can’t save him cuz doom can knock him out; Lucio’s wall climb is very easy to predict his direction and brig is a dead meat now.

I guess that’s why devs buff moira, to up to the level that she actually doesn’t give a sh_t about doom, combined with mercy’s high mobility to dodge every punch, eventually forcing doom to switch to Pharah or Ashe.

People get tilted by doom is not because he’s not counterable, it’s because in order to counter him, ppl have to switch to sombra, roadhog or mccree and babysit the healers whole game.

I guess you’re playing with sound turned off. :smile:

But to be fair… I also experienced quite a few weird deaths even when hearing him… thinking I am in a safe position and getting slammed anyways. I mean it is fairly loud and usually it’s easy to avoid unless you’re already in a big messy fight.

What I do encounter more often than being slammed however, is that while knowing where he is and being aware of his position, you can’t really avoid being ganked at times just because of the sheer distance he can travel in a very short time.

Usually it’s the punch to get into position, seismic slam and uppercut, pew pew and punch away. It’s rarely the punch that kills me.

I don’t think he needs a nerf but… it can be annoying, I agree on that.

OR you could just hack him until he switches out of frustration like they always do.

I’m ok with Doom because I can say the exact same thing about Hanzo spamming corners / doors and getting randoms headshots which means an easy kill without any stress or effort.

Reduce the minimum movement/damage he does when he quick tap punches, it should barely knock anyone back and should barely cause him to move, while doing very low damage.

Doesn’t affect players that actually charge their rocket punch, but punishes those who just quick tap it for a quick kill.

most human beings are naturally capable of distinguishing multiple sounds at a time. Otherwise we wouldn’t have developed the ability to communicate through speech.

The only legit excuse this argument has is if you are physically hearing impaired in some way which the subtitle mode can hopefully help you out there.

Or mobility to setup Slam/Uppercut combo kills

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