Nerf Doomfist's Charge Punch

He should not be able to punch me through my Rein shield, also his uppercut goes through my shield. If they have a doom and I am on Rein I have to switch or I am just running back from spawn all game. At the minimum change him like they did Brig and not allow it to go through Reins shield.

Off topic, but what’s it like maining Rein in the current bunker meta?

I’m proof of that!
1k hours 1 tricking Rat, yet I want Pharah buffs!

I think it’s fine. It has a really, really loud voice line while he charges it and he can be heavily punished after using it.

I think Doom is a bit strong, but with snipers are broken as they are, I’m not even that worried about Doom atm, because snipers destroy him from a distance.

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I bet plenty of those kills were on Dooms charging up around that corner :rofl:

in a control environment yes maybe here we are talking about a game where everyone talks and scream and there is explosions and shooting sound everywhere every second and where your attention is always split , your argument make no sense + i didnt say hearing him was a prob i said managing to locate him in half a second so in time if you are squisish to try and do something before ya get 1 shot was a prob , try to read what i write before answering idiocy

Complain all you want.
Unlike some heros, Doom actual gives warning before he can use his highly situational 1,wait, sorry, 2 shot.

Oh what patch did they take out the charge up sound? I have not played for awhile.

Definitely harder, and sometimes you have to bite the bullet and go Orisa, but not all the time, you can find ways to take incredibly short range engages on lots of map spots, but for long range engages like junkertowns first and last point you will probably want to go Orisa still.

Usable not not very optimal would be the short answer c:

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“Nerf Rocket Punch” lmao nice bait but no. His still plagued with bugs around 40 something( some have been fixed but going to take a while to fix all of them, Check out GetQuakedOn Youtube channel for more Details on his bugs). Revert Slam distance and bring back his uppercut lock but make it last for a 1 sec than 3 secs, real annoying when you uppercut but they appear above your head and can’t followup due to the knock back changes.

Idc if he gives warning OP is OP end of discussion

Aight. Therefore, he’s not OP because rocket punch isn’t OP.

Come back when you have an actual agrument that isn’t just you whining about being bad at the game.

how is it not OP ? tell me i said why its op your only argument is just “have korean on drugs reflexes and have a dog hearing + only focus this dog hearing to only doomfist moaning”

and even rocket punch isnt the only OP thing about him its just the most blatant one

I never said it was overpowered. The conversation was that this is one of the only abilities in the game that isn’t an ultimate that can one-shot almost anybody, and that having such an ability in the game can make for the feeling that the game is not fair.

Getting one-shot does not give you the ability to react. A few people here are arguing that you can react before the ability happens, but that’s not good enough. The punch charges to full power in one second. That means that you have one second to react, if you are even in a situation where you can react (almost anybody with a skill that let’s them avoid this, if said skill is down, is likely to get one shot).

Virtually all skills in the game give some kind of leniency to error. That allows players to disperse errors and recover. If you make 4 errors in a row, you might die to being attacked by most heroes, but if you sporadically make errors, it’s much more likely that you can pull out of it if in between those errors you make exceptional plays that recoup the loss.

But a one-shot gives no forgiveness. It’s demanding perfection without room for a single error, with the punishment being the worst possible punishment. Virtually no other skill in the game is this punishing.

The closest things I can think of would be Roadhog’s hook, but at least there you can try to bait it out, and his mobility is so lacking that you an typically just stay away from him, even on another hero with low mobility, or Widowmaker/Hanzo’s headshots, which I would still argue aren’t as frustrating because a Winston alone is an almost guarantee in completely negating either hero, and I’ve done it with literally no experience on Winston.

If you have a good Doomfist on the enemy team, it’s possible nobody will be able to successfully counter him. All of his other abilities aren’t necessarily overpowered–his punch isn’t even necessarily overpowered–it’s just that it deals all of its damage per second UP FRONT.

I think that’s the REAL issue here.

Imagine you were to note the potential damage of various DPS heroes. According to OverwatchUniversity, these are sustained DPS metrics across some heroes:

Reaper: 203
Junkrat: 147
Hanzo: 125
Tracer: 120
Widowmaker: 86 (sniper)

Headshots increase damage by x2.

Reaper: Reaper’s shots have spread, so you are unlikely to ever land a full pellet spread without being almost on top of the enemy, so sustained DPS is unreliable, though Reaper’s sheer DPS is so high that it leaves the player little room for error. Granted, the second you get shot by Reaper, you will then have at least a single opportunity to react (you began taking damage, which was an error. This lets you now react to that error and survive).

Junkrat: Junkrat’s attacks are erratic as they have to be gauged carefully and have a slow travel time. It would take 3 properly placed shots to kill a 250 health hero. That leaves room for 2 errors for reaction.

Hanzo: Hanzo would require two fully-charged shots to kill a 250 health hero, again allowing the opponent at least one error to compensate.

Tracer: Tracer’s weapons deal small, incremental damage and thus, every potential shot is an opportunity for a miss and degradation of damage. Even if the Tracer is 100% accurate, this still leaves 2 seconds for the opponent to compensate (2 error allowance).

Widowmaker: Same as Hanzo, and while a headshot will double both of their damage, thus resulting in a kill on most heroes, that in itself is exceedingly more complicated to land, so the accuracy of the player playing the sniper must be very high. Doomfist’s punsh requires no headshot to deal full damage.

Doomfist is in fact a complicated hero to parse out, even. Technically, his sustained DPS is calculated at 198 for his first 4 shots, but his DPS is 250 with a charged punch. This is higher than any of the top DPS heroes in the game, save for headshots on the snipers, and does not account for his other abilities.

But then the punch can basically be ignored in terms of DPS. The charge up is not an attack, it’s a pre-attack. It can’t be considered the same as sustained dps from say, Soldier’s weapon.

Doom’s fist just kills you if it lands. It’s basically instant. There is a one second charge, but like I said, that predates the actual attack. You can only really think of it at the point of release–however long it takes him to get from where he is to where he shoots out to in order to land the punch. What could that be? Fraction of a second? Maybe a full second? So there’s no room for error. You have one chance to react, and in that moment of error, it’s unforgiveable.

Basically no other ability is like that that’s not an ultimate.