Nerf Doomfist's Charge Punch

I understand that, which is why that post was for the guy that had no clue where he was

I feel like doom is not a problem to most of the dps heroes but a huge threat to most of the healer class.

Zen super scared of him even he’s heard doom’s charging; Ana only has one chance to land her sleep dart; Baptiste’s field can’t save him cuz doom can knock him out; Lucio’s wall climb is very easy to predict his direction and brig is a dead meat now.

I guess that’s why devs buff moira, to up to the level that she actually doesn’t give a sh_t about doom, combined with mercy’s high mobility to dodge every punch, eventually forcing doom to switch to Pharah or Ashe.

People get tilted by doom is not because he’s not counterable, it’s because in order to counter him, ppl have to switch to sombra, roadhog or mccree and babysit the healers whole game.

I guess you’re playing with sound turned off. :smile:

But to be fair… I also experienced quite a few weird deaths even when hearing him… thinking I am in a safe position and getting slammed anyways. I mean it is fairly loud and usually it’s easy to avoid unless you’re already in a big messy fight.

What I do encounter more often than being slammed however, is that while knowing where he is and being aware of his position, you can’t really avoid being ganked at times just because of the sheer distance he can travel in a very short time.

Usually it’s the punch to get into position, seismic slam and uppercut, pew pew and punch away. It’s rarely the punch that kills me.

I don’t think he needs a nerf but… it can be annoying, I agree on that.

OR you could just hack him until he switches out of frustration like they always do.

I’m ok with Doom because I can say the exact same thing about Hanzo spamming corners / doors and getting randoms headshots which means an easy kill without any stress or effort.

Reduce the minimum movement/damage he does when he quick tap punches, it should barely knock anyone back and should barely cause him to move, while doing very low damage.

Doesn’t affect players that actually charge their rocket punch, but punishes those who just quick tap it for a quick kill.

most human beings are naturally capable of distinguishing multiple sounds at a time. Otherwise we wouldn’t have developed the ability to communicate through speech.

The only legit excuse this argument has is if you are physically hearing impaired in some way which the subtitle mode can hopefully help you out there.

Or mobility to setup Slam/Uppercut combo kills

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He should not be able to punch me through my Rein shield, also his uppercut goes through my shield. If they have a doom and I am on Rein I have to switch or I am just running back from spawn all game. At the minimum change him like they did Brig and not allow it to go through Reins shield.

Off topic, but what’s it like maining Rein in the current bunker meta?

I’m proof of that!
1k hours 1 tricking Rat, yet I want Pharah buffs!

I think it’s fine. It has a really, really loud voice line while he charges it and he can be heavily punished after using it.

I think Doom is a bit strong, but with snipers are broken as they are, I’m not even that worried about Doom atm, because snipers destroy him from a distance.

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I bet plenty of those kills were on Dooms charging up around that corner :rofl:

in a control environment yes maybe here we are talking about a game where everyone talks and scream and there is explosions and shooting sound everywhere every second and where your attention is always split , your argument make no sense + i didnt say hearing him was a prob i said managing to locate him in half a second so in time if you are squisish to try and do something before ya get 1 shot was a prob , try to read what i write before answering idiocy

Complain all you want.
Unlike some heros, Doom actual gives warning before he can use his highly situational 1,wait, sorry, 2 shot.

Oh what patch did they take out the charge up sound? I have not played for awhile.

Definitely harder, and sometimes you have to bite the bullet and go Orisa, but not all the time, you can find ways to take incredibly short range engages on lots of map spots, but for long range engages like junkertowns first and last point you will probably want to go Orisa still.

Usable not not very optimal would be the short answer c:

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“Nerf Rocket Punch” lmao nice bait but no. His still plagued with bugs around 40 something( some have been fixed but going to take a while to fix all of them, Check out GetQuakedOn Youtube channel for more Details on his bugs). Revert Slam distance and bring back his uppercut lock but make it last for a 1 sec than 3 secs, real annoying when you uppercut but they appear above your head and can’t followup due to the knock back changes.

Idc if he gives warning OP is OP end of discussion

Aight. Therefore, he’s not OP because rocket punch isn’t OP.

Come back when you have an actual agrument that isn’t just you whining about being bad at the game.