Need more hot male heroes

Not really a realistic dad bod.

Here, this is what I want

Lifeweaver…Wdym since OW 2???

Ew. I prefer my men to look manly, thanks

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Roadhog is all i’ll ever need. Lifeweaver and Bap are pretty hot though too

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a sauve italian hero with a suit and rose? or is that that omnic dude maxmillian or whatever his name is. he has a suit and a rose in his pocket

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most of these ‘players’ are poor, so why would blizzard listen to individuals who could never afford their new product?

the echo-chambers people live in are extremely small, and do not represent the views/opinions of the masses

I’m sorry, but what in the actual gorgonzola are you talking about right now

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the poor ‘thirsty’ players…it was clearly stated.

You feel better now champ?

does stating facts change my feelings?



But thirsty people aren’t necessarily poor… There’s a common phrase for this lol

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Yes you made it clear that you seem to have an is with your ego.

if you read what i actually wrote, i responded to a specific claim about forum users

I don’t really see that specific claim there but whatever I really don’t feel like arguing.

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you are the one trying to argue, i am not. interesting

Good Lifeweaver skins sell idk why we’re acting like male hero skins don’t sell ITT… 60-70% of Lifeweavers I see have Harbinger or Cleric :sob: I see a lot of that reaper skin too.

We have a han (Cass), now we need a lando.

So you would prefer a rectangle?

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I think it’s time to have a hero who is a sexy bear, someone big, with a beard and a hairy body.
And no, Mauga or Winston are not what I’m thinking of.

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Excuse me!? You are dee-stare-bing some serious dirt, monsieur! I’ll be applying for a Venture card as soon as they go live for the whack-a-mole fun alone! Rock n’ stone, lads, it’s Venture time!

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