Need more hot male heroes

isn’t weaver what you are looking for?


looking forward that one actually

Yesss and make him shirtless by default

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No, I want a twink type. Lifeweaver and Junkrat don’t count.


How can anyone think Weaver is hot, dude is DEAD CENTER of uncanny valley :sob:

Slapping a giant flower on someone’s back doesn’t automatically make them cute

I do.

Horny police, this guy here, he’s the furry. Lock him up in horny jail.

We already have beige incarnate, mister mayo himself, THE Joe Everyman, Soldier 76.


We already have hog so that’s a plus.

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Manliness is subjective.

I agree. More men like Roadhog in the game please. Or at least give Hog his speedo/ swimshorts skin.

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I mean, I don’t but when ppl say “hot male” it usually resolves around some femboy fetish.

Reyes is all we need

(p.s pls give Reaper more Reyes hottie skins)

Hot and masculine… Need more Reaper Cass energy :face_holding_back_tears:

Mauga would’ve been it but Blizzard gave him a square abnormally shaped body for some reason, we must try again.

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Finding werewolves hot doesn’t necessarily make you a furry

And Soldier/Ramattra

need him expediently

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No we need more waifus, nobody likes guys

Except for the people that do

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yeah except for them, but they might shift if they see how cute the waifus are? :wink:

Waifus are gross and they try too hard.

Coming from someone that literally mains Dva, Tracer, AND Kiriko. Guys are way hotter. And cuter.